Kimahri overdrives

I like the way he had so many different types of overdrives. It was unique. I only used a few, but they did come in handy at some points.
It was kewl but i didn't have the patience to learn them all. LOOONG! Kimahri's cuddly just the way he is. :P
It was not that long. You got most of them from Biran and Yanke. o_O...

The final one you get from Omega Weapon. Nice overdrive that he has.
Heh, you do get most of them from Biran and Yenke, so I've only used those.
But I liked them overall, even his jump thing even.
It helped me out a few spots, gotta tell ya.
His overdrives, well they were ok but my favorite one was probably Nova. Probably the only good one that Kimarhi had, but I wish he would've had more better overdrives.
Stone breath was nice, want to finish a fight fast ==> stone breath! Also very effective in nsg ^^, but yeah Nova is best overall.

Occasional Bad Breath and Thrust Kick can be good as well.
Heh, you do get most of them from Biran and Yenke, so I've only used those.
But I liked them overall, even his jump thing even.
It helped me out a few spots, gotta tell ya.
See, I keep on hearing this but I fought them twice and tried to learn loads, but I only got about three. I wouldn't exactly call that loads.

I wasn't a big fan of Kinhari's, because they weren't terribly powerful really. I can't speak for them all, because I didn't get round to fighting Omega, and therefore getting Nova but there weren't any that would pretty gurantee a win in battle. I just Mighty Guard all the time when I got his...
See, I keep on hearing this but I fought them twice and tried to learn loads, but I only got about three. I wouldn't exactly call that loads.

I wasn't a big fan of Kinhari's, because they weren't terribly powerful really. I can't speak for them all, because I didn't get round to fighting Omega, and therefore getting Nova but there weren't any that would pretty gurantee a win in battle. I just Mighty Guard all the time when I got his...

I forget the exact number, but it's certainly over 3. You get around that amount from each individual. :P

I quite liked Kimahri's overdrives. Some were a pain to obtain, but the majority of which were worth the effort. I found most to be usefully strong, so I didn't have much to complain about when it came to use him.
Well for the main quests his overdrives are pretty good but once you want to do the sidequests, his overdrives fail cause they don't hit multiple times
I actually found Kimahri's overdrives to prove quite useful. White Wind, Mighty Guard, Nova, Jump, Stone Breath.

Yeah, they were really good abilities to have and use.
Yeah I liked Kimahri's overdrives, mainly due to the fact they were unique in a way that learning them came from stealing the Blue Magic from other enemies' arsenal. Some were pretty awesome to watch him do, and others were, "meh". Not the beset of overdrives, but cool none-the-less.
Kimahri's overdrives were good but I mostly relied on Wakka's to take off enemy hit points.