King Bomb


Nov 14, 2007
I heard it was an optional boss, King Bomb in the Salikawood. So what is it for after you've beated it. I remember it was for some kind of side quest to get this weapon or some sort. I'm just strolling around, going my way back to Fran's Jungle to go to the Feywoods, so i was just wondering.
I don't remember what you get for beating it but you have to fight it in order to get to the Necrohol of Nabudis and the Nabreus Deadlands. There are hunts in both of these places, an esper in the Necrohol and the Zodiac Spear is in the Necrohol.
You get entrance to another section of the Salikawood... No purpose really but you need to go there for some reason or other.
I don't remember what you get for beating it but you have to fight it in order to get to the Necrohol of Nabudis and the Nabreus Deadlands. There are hunts in both of these places, an esper in the Necrohol and the Zodiac Spear is in the Necrohol.

That's what it was! Esper and Zodiac spear. Hmm, isn't the zodiac spear hard to get? Like in order to get it you have to not open certain tresures? Or is that just another way to get it?

But thank you for your help in the first place :-)
Well to get it the easy way you must not open certain treasure chests. After that, it's located in a small room with 16 or so other chests.

If you 'accidentally' opened one of the forbbiden chests, you can also get it from the Henne mines secret area. This area contain many high-level monsters. If you equip a diamond amulet you can get it from one of the chests in there, but it will be a 1/1000 chance of getting it.
Just to add, the Esper in the Necrohol is Chaos. You should be in at least the 50s to fight it, I think. It's been a while. >_>
Well to get it the easy way you must not open certain treasure chests. After that, it's located in a small room with 16 or so other chests.

If you 'accidentally' opened one of the forbbiden chests, you can also get it from the Henne mines secret area. This area contain many high-level monsters. If you equip a diamond amulet you can get it from one of the chests in there, but it will be a 1/1000 chance of getting it.

So in the end, just go get it the hard way without the chest and struggle thru? : p
You do not have ta struggle through it is only certain chests not to open. I know one of the chests is the one opposite the old guys house in rabanastre underground. Also do not open any on the beach near the empire. Phan coast or summit. And there is one or two more chests to be left thats all.