since final fantasy survivor is so successful i thought i would try out one as well and this is kingdom hearts survivor and in this survivor you can be anyone in kingdom hearts 1 and 2 including disney characters but you cannot be the same character from both games such as sora kh1 and sora kh2 you have to decide which one to be but in the case of mickey you can be steamboat willy mickey as well
in here i will be Xemnas and will lead the role-play
just pick a person and when i am on next i will validate it providing no-one else has chosen it i will pm everyone who has been validated when i am starting the roleplay
no extreme swearing or crude insults
be friendly to other people
have fun
if you are voted off dont keep posting on the survivor
in here i will be Xemnas and will lead the role-play
just pick a person and when i am on next i will validate it providing no-one else has chosen it i will pm everyone who has been validated when i am starting the roleplay
no extreme swearing or crude insults
be friendly to other people
have fun
if you are voted off dont keep posting on the survivor
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