Kingdom Hearts 3DS Will Have All New Disney Worlds [11/17]

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When Famitsu talked to Tetsuya Nomura about Kingdom Hearts 3DS the magazine asked if players will see the same worlds. "No," Nomura replied, "except for original worlds and Traverse Town. We plan to make all new Disney worlds." The development team is currently in the processes of selecting worlds.

One thing for sure is Kingdom Hearts 3DS will have Sora and Riku as the main characters. Nomura is working on a way to differentiate the two keyblade users. An early screenshot released at E3 depicts both leads as children. When Famitsu asked why, Nomura answered "That’s still a secret." There is a reason for the change and Nomura explains having them as children is essential for the game’s story.

Kingdom Hearts 3DS will tie-in to Kingdom Hearts III’s story somehow. "Perhaps, the ending of Kingdom Hearts 3DS will continue in Kingdom Hearts III," Nomura teased.

Nomura closed the Kingdom Hearts 3D discussion by promising more information about Kingdom Hearts 3DS in the near future.

Source: Siliconera
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Pocahontas would be a brilliant world to add. And I wouldn't mind seeing the Sword and The Stone. Elliot the Dragon would be pushing it, maybe but screw it, I loved that film as a kid. xD

I really am glad they're introducing new worlds in this KH. I felt the lack of new worlds was one of 358/2 days' biggest flaws.
Frickin' awesome! Makes the game a little more interesting now :rage:
"Maye be related to KH3", I didn't know Nomura could be such a tease xD

Then again, all the KH games connect anyways, so why would this one be different? :hmmm:

But seriously, looking forward to the game. Just trying to figure out when this is suppose to be in the story has me fidgeting in curiosity. Maybe in the end, the whole story is just Sora and/or Riku having a really trippy dream that foreshadows KH3 that hopefully follows after :lew:

I can't wait to see what worlds they have in store. :x3:

And KH3D will tie into KH3? Piping my curiosity all over again, I outta kill Nomura. :hmph:

I am very interested to see which direction the story intends to go. I want to know how it ties into the other games as well, and why Sora and Riku are little again. I hope the story is integrated into the series smoothly and that there aren't any holes in the plot. I can't wait!! :awesome:
A hint of Kingdom Hearts 3??? No way. I mean, all I need to hear now is that they're making a remake of Final Fantasy 7, and I'll know it is a lie...

The only thing i am really annoyed about is all these system changes... Sersly, how are all the fans supposed to keep up?
Oh man,they MUST add Treasure planet or Hunchback of Notre Dame. They would probably add an FFIV or VI,or even XII character's with these as backgrounds,too.
Since the game won't be around until 2012, there's a chance some of the already released games' characters by that time will already be present. *hopes for Vanille, Noct and Lightning* I wonder if they'll be pitching in Stitch's and Phineas and Ferb's worlds. Man, that would be epic!
What interests me here is that it might be related to a possible Kingom Hearts III. Like Nomura said about the ending of Kingdom Hearts 3DS being the start of Kingdom Hearts III that is interesting. Then again SE tend to lie alot so this might not be true. The storyline of KH is confusing me tbh. Which one is the prequel to III :gasp: if he says this might be the ending that will lead to III? It is annoying :hmph:
. . .I'm already saving for a PS3. I can't afford a Nintendo 3DS, even by 2012. I need a job. But I'm wondering if this really will lead to III. I can make out all of the other KH games' storylines and where they're put in the entire game series storyline, but if they keep putting out all of the side games, chances aren't too low that it may confuse me. But I think its cool that they're putting new worlds in it. Wouldn't it be cool if Pandora [Avatar] was put in it ?
To me, KH games have already used all of the best Disney movies in their stories. But I welcome new worlds to explore, some of the areas are getting pretty repetitive. Don't know if I'll be getting a 3DS though.
sora and riku as children, both having keyblades. if they both have keyblades before they reach the KH1 age, wouldn't that create a plothole? you know, sora having first gotten his keyblade in KH1 and all, and being surprised by it as opposed to 'oh, i recognize this' or 'this seems familiar'.

SE loves to milk kingdom hearts, don't they. BBS was nice and all, but still unnecessary. at this point, i only care about KHIII. the announcement of a KH 3DS title didn't phase me. yearly releases of KH side games are almost expected now.
I wouldnt say BBS was unnecessary. I think it really fleshed things out more.
I wouldnt say BBS was unnecessary. I think it really fleshed things out more.

Yeah, I'm going to agree with you. I think that it patched up some plot holes, as well as giving us some insight as to how the keyblade is given to it's wielders.
I can not wait of KH on the 3DS. Since my first games was KH and then KH2 for the ps2. if it ties the ending of KH 3DS and the start of KH3, that would be cool.
Hunchback and Pocahontas better be in it.

Children? Why are they children? This doesn't seem so good to me so far :(
sora and riku as children, both having keyblades. if they both have keyblades before they reach the KH1 age, wouldn't that create a plothole?

lol, I'm pretty sure Riku and Sora aren't gonna be the kiddy children like they are in Birth by Sleep. Going by the few images released, they appear to be the KH1/CoM age :wacky:

I wouldnt say BBS was unnecessary. I think it really fleshed things out more.

Oh hell yeah, 100% agreement here. People can argue that CoM , 358/2 Days and Coded were nothing but un-needed additions to the story, but BbS really gave the series a proper set of roots. There's just so much "oh, now I get it" moments when I was playing BbS. There's some freaky innocuous connections in each game :lew:
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