Kingdom Hearts fans


Your friend.
Mar 4, 2007
Not meaning to offend anyone on the forums, but I'm annoyed by the majority of Kingdom Hearts fans. All of the Kingdom Hearts fans (and I mean all of them) I have ever met in real life, are only attracted to the Disney side of the game and originally had no idea about the Final Fantasy and Square Enix end of the whole project. I was asked once:

Person: "Is Sora in any Final Fantasy games?" :O

Me: "Nope, never." :doze:

Person: "What about Roxas?" :sad2:

Me: "None of 'em. Ever." :argh:

Person: "What about Kairi and Rikuuuu?" :updown:


Then for the rest of the day they were having Kingdom Hearts conversations with their fellow Kingdom Hearts fans (who also had no idea about Final Fantasy, and were notably all girls.) saying stuff like this:

Person 1: "Oh my goodness! Riku is soooo hot! I just wish he'd have a romance with a character! I'd be all over that fanart!" :blah:

Person 2: "Who's the guy who shows up in the arena in Kingdom Hearts 1? You know the spikey dude with the big sworrdddd? He's hot." :spaz:

Person 3: "The heartless are so CUTE! I want a HAT!" :ohoho:

I find the majority of Kingdom Hearts fans are an insult to the Final Fantasy series... Sorry, guys...:oy:

Discuss further, please. What have you experienced with these annoying fans who feel :suki: about Kingdom Hearts?
I'm a KH fan, though I like FF more, but I agree a lot of those "fans" are annoying. I was reading reviews for Birth by Sleep on a while back and someone gave it 1 star. A lot of KH fans got mad and replied to his review, angry that he lowered the overall rating of the game that previously had a perfect 5 star average. Labeled the reviewer as a troll, and he seems to have deleted his review since then.

Also this (<-link) is one of the stupidest reviews I've ever read. Attacks the guy who deleted his review, gives it 5 stars without even playing it...
eh just sounds like regular fandom bickering to me.

Kingdom Hearts kind of shit on Final Fantasy characters, but I'd have to say Final Fantasy's poor development team(s) are actually the ones who ruined the series. :gmonster:
If you look at anything which has a large enough fan base there will always be someone who will snap when they hear the tiniest bit of criticism directed towards said thing.

These people aren't just Kingdom Hearts fans, some FF fans are batshit insane, there's also the whole PS3/Xbox fanboy thing. You could even say that some religious fundamentalists follow a similar mentality. Some people are just convinced that the thing that they like is the best thing in the world and they get defensive when people suggest otherwise.

Gabe said:
I have ever met in real life, are only attracted to the Disney side of the game and originally had no idea about the Final Fantasy and Square Enix end of the whole project.
People don't have to care about FF to enjoy Kingdom Hearts. You can't blame someone for never playing FF.

Gabe said:
Then for the rest of the day they were having Kingdom Hearts conversations with their fellow Kingdom Hearts fans
To be fair, you are now on a Final Fantasy forum having Final Fantasy conversations with fellow Final Fantasy fans. :monster:
Personally, I like Kingdom Hearts more than Final Fantasy. Can't quite put my finger on why. I guess they're just more charming. But back to the point, I've found a lot of people who the first game in the FF series they played was XIII. Some people don't catch on to something 'till it's much older. It's not exactly fair for you to get upset with someone for their ignorance. It's been asserted that I'm a MGS nerd to no end, yet I've met a few people who said they're fans yet they had no idea that Big Boss's first appearance was way before MGS3. Some people just don't know as much as you and I wouldn't exactly consider ANY video game trivia to be "common knowledge". There are "Mario fans" who've never actually played any of the games. And while it is irritating, it's hardly worth getting upset over. You just gotta be patient, man.
I agree with what SaShman said about not blaming people not never playing Final Fantasy, but I feel Square Enix should get a little more credit for it. I asked that same irritating fan who was talking about the characters what company made Kingdom Hearts, guess what they said? "Disney." Never mentioned Square. Like I wouldn't mind it if there was NO Final Fantasy characters in it, they were just kind of thrown in there, and it was pretty much a waste. Kingdom Hearts can still be okay, though. SOME of the fans that go along with it, aren't.

And yes, we do go on here and talk about Final Fantasy, but we're not unfamiliar with WHY Final Fantasy exists, right?
I can see what the Kingdom Hearts fans are getting at. Look at it from there point of view a game they really like has characters from a different game so they could think that maybe the game is like a spin off focusing on the on minor character's that would have been in the Final Fantasy games something like FF VII and Dirge of Cerberus Vincent a optional Character which has his own game but in the main story you don't need Vincent to beat the game.

I wouldn't really call them true KH fan's cause they don't even know who made the game. Would they not have figured out from the character profile's in the game that Sora and the rest where never part of the FF series because it say's what the character's appeared in.
Well, they can get annoying. I'm a kingdom hearts fan, as well as final fantasy. I think the problem might be that they only play kingdom hearts for the "bishies". Not for plot or anything. Yaoi potential is a big thing, my friend.

No pun intended.
Those types of fans can get annoying, but the majority of them may not have played a Final Fantasy game in the first place, only having played Kingdom Hearts due to it having disney characters. They can go and research the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series themselves to find out themselves, but they aren't totally at fault.
Honestly, I've only encountered a person like that once . One of my best friends actually - she knows what Final Fantasy is, but she only knows like, 10% about it; so she can get confused whenever she sees an FF characters unrelated to the actual storyline of KH . I can see how that can get annoying though; KH is a wonderful game but it makes FF look so tedious. But luckily, the majority of my friends that play KH have played FF games as well, so fans like that aren't normally on my mind .
Well, they can get annoying. I'm a kingdom hearts fan, as well as final fantasy. I think the problem might be that they only play kingdom hearts for the "bishies". Not for plot or anything. Yaoi potential is a big thing, my friend.

No pun intended.

Kingdom Hearts = Major Yaoi Target

Go to any convention, or any GROUP of KH fans, you'll hear them discussing Kingdom Hearts yaoi at least once. I had to spend a week with some of them... =_=

"RoxasxAxel that, SoraxRiku, this..."
Yes, and that can be really annoying. I swear, if I hear one more fan girl ask me about AkuRoku... *shakes fist*
I love Kingdom Hearts, but of course I love Final Fantasy way more!!!
If I met someone that was like that though... I'd have to kill them!
If one person ever does not know who Cloud/Leon is while playing Kingdom Hearts, it off with their head, as it were!
I love KH and I love FF and i love RikuxSora but I don't go overboard with it.
I just think the creator of KH didn't really tell us who the love interest was and left hints that it could be any of them in love with any of them (or none of them) so I just picked Sora and Riku because I like their chemistry more.

anyway, I've never actually met anyone in real life that had played KH without knowing what FF was, but i have met a couple online who are so blindly obsessed with Love triangles and what not in the game that they totally ignore the rest of the characters D: I dont' think all kh fans are psychos but there are definitely some out there!!
well, the general kingdom hearts fan is usually clueless like you said.
I meet very few of them
I live in a small town.

on the occasion that I did meet one it went like this

them- "oh I like your shirt" (wearing heartless emblem shirt)
me- "oh thank you, you like kingdom hearts?"
them "yeah, but im really sad, because I dont have a playstation3 so I cant play KH3 when it comes out"
me "well, were not getting for quite awhile KH3 so you definitely have time to save up"
them "huh?"
me "we're not getting it until they finish Versus XIII in 2012. then they are going to start development. we will probably get KH3 around 2016. Versus XIII has been in development for 10 years, so everyone's pretty pissed. thats why they're giving us all those side games"
them "I dont think I can wait that long"
me "........."

then I just stopped talking to her. because I dont think she knew what I was saying:neomon:

lol maybe the reason you haven't met any hard core KH fans IRL is because we are all at home bitching on the KHI forums.

I as a kingdom hearts fan know what im talking about, ive been flowing the series since I was 10. I know about Final Fantasy and Square, and the directors and I play other games and im not at all interested in the Disney aspect of the game.
As I started to play the original Kingdom Hearts, I quickly noticed Disney was the prime focus, and that those Final Fantasy characters I knew and loved were now butchered and robbed of their terrific back stories. Tidus and Wakka became children, whereas Tidus’ love interest became a small Yuna fairy featured only in KH2. Selphie is somehow Kairi’s best friend and for whatever reason, Squall insists on being called Leon.
This was not the Kingdom Hearts I was anticipating. Nor was it the Kingdom Hearts I wanted. Nowadays it appears that Final Fantasy characters have been given an even lesser role in the series as the only new Final Fantasy character to be added to Birth By Sleep was Zack.

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