Kingdom Hearts III


Jun 6, 2006
Well will there be a KHIII?

Well personally I think there was a give away that there will be at the end of the credits when it shows the scene at Destiny Islands and they get the letter from Mickey.

Anybody know for sure, if not then give your opinion.
I dont know for sure but i do think they will make a Kingdom Hearts III because of the popularity of the first two and knowing Square they always have plenty of new ideas.
Well....there is a little more to the ending then that Dark Cloud....but i guess some people missed it.
Well, you could see it by:
Easy mode: you can never see it
Standard mode: you can, BUT you have to complete the journal
Proud mode: you can, by just beating the game
and if you do one of these, then you'll really have something to discuss:P
A KH3 might have Vincent in it! That would be cool. But they would have to have Sephiroth kill Cloud.
I want a KH3 LOL, Vicent, why do you hate Cloud? o_O

On topic:
Er, I think they're going... because of the ending, eemm,
there are 3 people there, they could be Sora, Riku and Kairi, because 2 looks like a boy and one like a girl.
hell if they have Vincent then the heartless and nobodys are screwed. lol There will be a KH3 as u can see and I am thinking we are goign to see a whole new side of Kairi! ya ya ya!
I think there'll be a third Kingdom Hearts because of the secret ending to the second one. I hope they show stuff concerning the
Keyblade War
or there being another one.
I've not played it yet, but I know about the true secret ending (KH2 I mean). I want things elaborated on concerning
The Keyblade War
. I don't know much about KH2 yet, but I have some requests for KH3 :)

-Cloud, Squall and Sephiroth are in the game - let's add Seifer, too!
-On that not, more FF characters, Vincent being one of them :)
-A battle between Cloud and Squall VS Sephiroth and Seifer. I would very much like to see a battle between the FF characters and Sephiroth.

If I think of more I'll add them to this post.
Hmmm....About the secret ending, I'm pretty sure it was cleared that
the people weren't Sora/Kairi/Riku.
And I DO beleive that there's going to be a three. Didn't SE say that they were going to postpone it until some other thing was done?
Well, upon watching the secret ending via youtube, I am beginning to think that this next installment of Kingdom Hearts is may contain less Disney. It's just a thought that crossed my mind after I watched it.

I could have sworn that Nomura stated that the three armored ones you see are actually new people. They are not Sora, Riku, Kairi, or anyone whom the last games have introduced. I got my source here:
i read some were, i dont remember were but, they said the dude is working on the next one, and it probably wont be called KH3 but somethin else, and there will be more games inbetween, i read it somewere when i searched up KH3 on google, somethin like that