Kira's Mixed Tape


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Mar 24, 2009
This shall be re-vamped later.

YouTube Username: WillowWildfire

- This will be the updates post. I will just add to the lists of what I've covered here, and post them in new posts of course if people add some C&C, we'll see how this goes. ^^
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Oh wow, good for you.
And now, a short story:
Their once was a man who posted in a thread. This man thought he could just compliment the member who started the thread, than be on his way. But the evils of the inner sanctum which he was a part of were at work, demolishing his hopes of simplicity and tenacity. This man had a choice, be deleted or stay alive. He chose the latter, seeing as survival is necessary, in the dark abyss we call, FFF.:nanaki:
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It's a post count area, might want to contribute. Anyway - Kiraa, you know I love your singing, I can't wait until you cover We Are for mee :3 I don't see a link to your covers on the front page though, unless you didn't mean to. It's gorgeous in the layout btw <33 Especially the header =33
All has been fixed, B. Updated the whole first post. Just keep checking that to keep on track I guess and to see requests. :gasp:

I'ma just put some random videos up, and keep this thread up as I keep updating new covers as of now. :awesome:

This is a small selection of what's on YouTube so far;

-_- More to come...
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Wow you're a really talented girl Kira!

I've listened/watched a few of them so far:

The Letter
The Rumour
Take Off Your Colours
Always Attract Collab

I must say they were all quite brilliant! The Take Off Your Colours and Always Attract Collab are my favourite thus far!

I look forward to watching the rest when I get the chance. =D

Keep up the beautiful work Kira!
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LHA, ah hell Kira,

I gotta say I'm usually a very harsh critic when it comes to musicians in general these days, because they don't have the balls to be original or they always go towards the entertainment side of things (showing off their body rather). Your take on music is very fresh and original. You have a very talented voice, even if my words don't exactly do it justice. You have quite a bit of experience in those eyes of yours, and a voice to back it.

I might actually throw you in some of my daily routine of music. Keep up that beautiful thing you do =).

- Shu
OMG I LOVE the music especially the ones at the end! Didn't have time to go through them all, but certainly your music way surpasses mine, ma'am! Keep up the good work, Kira!
LHA, ah hell Kira,


That's my name in real life, so you better use it! xD :P

That's good though! I wanna C&C, I'm always just doing whatever, so if you're hard to please on musical covers, that's good. :D I get my flaws pointed out then to.
For the record, I guess this is the same for alot of people. I don't like my own voice, but I DO enjoy making covers... xD

Sab, babes, thank you so much. :D I didn't know you made music? :gasp: Linky please? xD I doubt it's better than yours hun, I'm just doing whatever really. ^^;

More vids to come soon! I'ma record a new one before this weekend. =]


New one. *Sprints in triangles*
*REVIVE* I need to keep track of this one. :gasp:

Fresh cover as of today:

Feed back anyone? :D

Nice voice as always Kira :elmo:

Smexeh guitar playing skill as well <3

I only play the piano Kira, so :whistle2:

Keep it up! :tighthug:
Kira you never told me you had such a thread WOMAN!!!!! You are a FOOL for that!! Anyway the bitching aside. I love your voicee like always and you just jeep making better and better covers. I think I can watch them forever :hmmm: They are all so smexy.
Wow, you have an awesome voice :D I really liked "Attitude" by AAF. Do you write your own stuff too?
That 'Always' cover does funny things to my heartstrings. It's seriously good, I love it! =]

And then there's Underdog that I always listen to. It really lifts the spirit when you're down, I love it! Keep this talent going! =]
Request and dedication to Mits. =] 'Cause she loves the song. <3

I already did this the same day I did the Always cover, but I decided to post it up, since I have no new covers yet. xD Coming soon. :ryan:

I just need a day off. -.-

@ Gamingway - Yeah I do, I actually wrote an original song a few days ago. xD!! I shall make a video of it, and post it up, or just put the audio I have recorded on a picture and upload that, if you're interested. =] Thanks!

@ Adri - Thank you, Adri. xD Yeah, you knew I made covers, liar! :P

@ Mits - <3 That is all. :ryan:

@ Kandy - Do it!! Pick it up! They sell really cheap nylon string guitars! You can teach yourself on websites and stuff! Just gotta know a few basic chords. I had no lessons either O.O self taught since November 2006. xD Just do eeeeeeeet!!

@ Sab - Piano is so awesome, I wish I could do it... :sad2: I can play a little keyboard, but that's as far as I get... :sad2:


Legal bump. First cover in ages again. :rage: Fingers are torn.

I'm kinda done for updates I think. People know my channel so if it's watchable, go do that. :lew:
Nice cover Kira. Too bad you wont cover my request I gave you. I just imagined you singing it once and I thought you would do it. But forget it it doesnt matter anymore xD
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