Land of Dragons Quest Discussion

Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
This is a thread where the members of the Land of Dragons can come and vote on certain quests. All quest requests MUST be PMed to me and I will post them here (this is to save room) if they are suitable (this doesn't mean I am biased, but if they have certain...aspects to them, they will not be posted here).

When I post these (they will be EDITED in this exact post, or in a single post on a new page), I will request a vote be taken. The creator of the quest request CAN NOT VOTE ON THEIR OWN QUEST. Obviously, you would be in favour of your own quest, so your vote wouldn't count.

Now, PM me, and I will place suitable Quests here.
Current Quests up for vote:

Drachnon has suggested a quest to be made. An in-game RP tournament of sorts. We'll take a vote on it. The exact details as suggested by Drachnon are listed below:

Drachnon said:
Basically everyone is contacted by a mysterious person, for some this is an old man for other this might be a young girl, and told that there's a secret tournament being held in the near future (I haven't decided on a location).

Teams can contain up too 4 people, however single person teams are allowed as well (this might prove a big disadvantage though). Both sides have to agree to either have a team match or survival (one on one battles where the victorious person stays in the ring and get to fight subsequent opponents till one side is completely defeated)

I’ll be making and controlling the NPC teams myself, there will also be a team send by America.

The winner(s) will receive a special crest that allows one to pass into ‘The garden of the Wyrm’ where the 9 eldest and most powerful dragons reside. Those who gain the favour of these dragons will receive powers that could be used either for good or bad.
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Well for now FireFrenzy and I are busy with developing our characters a bit more and letting them meet up so we won't PM request till this "arc" is finsihed.
There is a Quest up for discussion people. Post and vote to your hearts content (so long as it relates to the quest).
I agree. I think it's good. it would be a great decider of the outcome of the war on earth.

BTW XN, you should post soon. I can't carry on my Hera Ledro character without your post. My Jake is against Squall right now, but Hera's coing after you :D

So far it's 3 in favour of Drachnon's quest, and 0 against.
Well i am deffintily in favour of the quest but me and drach need some time to get the perperatory work in order. (and to figure out which of our vast banks of characters we'll be using for the NPC work...)

OOH one more thing, you'll be fighting some very bad-ass characters who actually have some pretty neet skills rather then the "one trick ponies" one sometimes finds in anime at tourneys like this one.
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Also I need to know the amount of player teams that will sign up for the tournament. So far I have 5-7 NPC teams in mind. One of them still requires some work (I have 2 characters for it but I'll need to think up two more).

Frenzy and I will be in the same team with Shizuka so that makes 6 teams so far. I have plenty of room for more teams but I won't be making the teams that won't be fighting against PC's. I'm expecting to see at least 2 more player teams. meaning we'll have 8+ teams at least. However the tournament will probably have 16 teams.
Player teams won't be fighting each other in the 1st round and you may expect to win the first round as long as you have some skill in RPB.

I'll give information on some NPC teams but a few others will be rather secretive. Here's the information that PC's can gather if they take their time to investigate the teams.

Team ninja!
These two kunoichi are masters of the ninja arts. One of them wears wooden armour that seems to be alive while the other has the ability to control her own body to abnormal extends, making every aspect of her body a deadly weapon.
The armoured ninja has as sword and a claw as main (visible) weapons
while the other carries a kusari-gama.

Team ??? (name pending)
This is a team of 4 brothers, who prefer fighting as a single team. There's one big brother over 2.5 meters. 2 who are rather normal sized and the last seems to be the youngest and quite a child.
The two middle brothers carry a katana each while the younger brother is unarmed. The elder brother appears to be unarmed.
Magical abilities are unknown.

Team Nosferatu
This team consists out of 2 vampires going by the names Seth and Fred. Seth seems to carry around various swords while Fred seems to prefer a bow. Their abilities from being a vampire are unknown.

Team The elements
What these 4 exactly are is unknown however each of them claim to be master over a single element. None of them appear to be human.
Most likely each of these fighters uses a single element as weapon however there might be more to them then that.

Team America
Work in progress. I'm taking suggestions for this team I was thinking of using highly advanced cyborgs but I'm now more pulled towards 'super heroes' who are American patriots (spelling?)

Unknown team 1
The only thing known about this team is that it only has a sigle member who appears to be female. However she's wearing a futuristic looking suit hiding all other features, the helmet is said to contain no visor of any sort.

Unknown team 2
This team supposedly has 2 members the rest is unknown.
Team ninja!
We could always add "magneto" and "Onii-san" to finish of this team...

Team ??? (name pending)
How about naming this "team bloodbrother" if you catch my drift?

Team Nosferatu
How about John and "flapoor"?

Team The elements
Sounds like we need to write up 2 more bio's I have a cool idea for air though so if you dont mind? I think fire was taken to begin with...

Team America
I know a group of people who could build those cyborgs for you... We could also "convert" a certain group of superhero's with only minimal effort...

Unknown team 1
I take it this is who i think it is?? Yellow eyed and bad ass hell?

Unknown team 2
This team supposedly has 2 members the rest is unknown.

How about adding "someone"very truthfull and prone to Concequences with her metal friends? i mean that would make a cool fight right?
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Alright, I'm gonna start my own team: The Dragon Riders. Anybody wanna join? Hopefully I'll be on the same team as a couple of you. Remember, you shouldn't be on the same tam as your enemy in the RP unless you really want to (this is just logic talking). Of course, I'll leave that decision up to you now, Drachnon, because by majority vote

Your Quest Has Been


Let's start up the stuff. Drachnon, FireFrenzy, I'll let you 2 decide, since you guys seem to be right on top of things.
Well if RPG wants to I'll make team with her called Hidden Power.

RPG has agreed so we would like to have team called 'Hidden Power"
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Sure people should join Hera's team unless he wants to fight on his own (then again he has 2 characters so he does have a good chance).

Also the more teams the better. I'll be making a list of teams so far when everyone has signed up to a team so I can be sure I have enough of them.

BTW I need a more detailed description of everyone's characters sixth sense if they have one. Many claim their character has one in the RP but most bios don't give any detail on it. If your characters sixth sense works in a certain way I may give more information on opponents when you fight them because you character should be aware of it.
If people don't give details and still claim to have a sixth sense I'm gonna compare it to dragonballz where you basically sense someones Ki(or Chi) energy.
Oooohhh, you wanna bio :D Here's my full Hera Ledro Bio (which will be posted in Hera Ledro's bio momentarily):

Name: Hera Ledro
Gender: Male
Race: Allsie (Currently in a Dragonic Allsie form)
Hair Color: Black (turns gold when transformed into Ledrai Allsie, silver when a mystic Allsie)
Eye Color: Blue (emerald when transformed into Ledrai Allsie, white when a Mystic Allsie)
Alignment: Good


Covered in blue fur when in my original form/seraph/dragonic form (currently dragonic, for full listings of transformations look above). Long tail extending from above the posterior, about 8' in length. Humanoid form, with nails sharpened to the length of claws. Master of all the elements of fire, earth, air, wind, and water.


Commonly appear like my character, with varying heights and elemental abilities. Allsies have a lifespan of 20 million years, and can heal from any attack other than ones that can burn them. Only attacks that generate heat, such as pure chi attacks and attacks that involve the manipulation of fire or friction can truly harm an Allsie. An Allsie's limbs normally grow back immediately unless burned off. Allsies can survive in a vacuum, able to hold thier breath for weeks at a time. Allsies enjoy battles for fun, and do not consent to war easily. They are a peaceful people that fight to train themselves and harness their power.

Race History

Allsies were created by an ancient race more than ten billion years ago. After they were created, their creators put them through monstrous tests. Eventually, they fled, realizing what was happening. They flew accross space for weeks and finally arrived at a planet inhabited by a multitude of species, including the dragons. When they inhabited the planet, the Allsies attempted to take it for their own and started a war with the dominant species: the dragons. After many millenia of war, a peace treaty was signed and the Allsies and Dragons lived in co-existence from then on, that is to say that they found ways to help each other survive. Over time a great friendship was forged between the Allsies and the Dragons. The Allsies taught the Dragons about the art of blacksmith and weapon producing, and the Dragons taught the Allsies how to manipulate the elements to their will.

After 3 billiion years, a Ledrai Allsie, the first in existence rose. 7 billion years later Hera Ledro became a Ledrai Allsie in a full-scale battle with his brother, Sukani. In another 4 million years, Sukani used a form of mind control on his brother, and used Hera Ledro to destroy Allsieda. The planet was destroyed and only the Dragons, Hera Ledro, and his brothers that were off-planet at that time survived. There are now only 10 Allsies left, all male. Hera Ledro directed the Dragons that consented to follow him through a wormhole that was created when his planet was destroyed. They arrived on the planet Earth...


Extremely just. Can, at times, be funny and witty, but is quick to take action when the need arises. Very light-hearted when in times of peace, but uses his abilities for the good of the universe when the need arises. Very powerful, but not corrupt.

Fighting Style

Uses all 5 forms of martial arts taught on Allsieda, most prominently moshidaku, a form of martial arts very similar to Tae Kwon Do on earth. Averagely placed in strength, but very fast, beyond average. Very graceful and very prominent with a sword and bow & arrow.

When transformed, his speed abilities are enhanced so far so that he can leave biological holograms, known as afterimages, hanging in the air, bearing the same appearance as him in his previous stance.


Primary weapon: Long sword known as the Dragon Blade

A five foot long blade atop a 1 foot long hilt, the Dragon blade has a silvery blade, with a gold hilt and pommel. The blade was fashioned out of Dragon scales and is nearly indestructible. The blade has a long red line flowing through the middle.

Secondary Weapon: Bow and Arrow known as the Dragon Fang

A longbow made of a very durable and flexible wood. The arrows are fashioned out of the same wood, but covered in a stone layer used to prevent breaking. The arrow head is made of folded steel, sharpened to near-perfection.


Hera Ledro does not use magic per say, but manipulates the elements to his will by way of energy transfer (chi if you will). Averagely mastered the fire and water areas of the elements, but extremely prominent in the areas of lightning, air, and earth.

Hera Ledro's appearance of the elemental manipulation is varied. Earth manipulation most commonly takes form as a large spire protruding from the ground, or causing earthquakes. Strength of manipulation is average.

Fire manipulation can be visible or invisible, depending on the technique. Visible manipulation usually includes fireballs or a fire starting and/or ending a distance away from Hera Ledro. Strength of fire manipulation is below average.

Water manipulation also has no single form, but usually takes form as a sphere or column of water shooting at the enemy . Water manipulation also includes the forming of ice, usually in spikes. Sometimes uses ice to encase an enemy. Strength of manipulation is far below average, but has mastered all forms.

Air manipulation commonly takes form of a tornado or several wind gusts. Strength of manipulation is average.

Lightning elemental manipulation is easily Hera Ledro's strongest elemental attribute. Forms take place as sheets of differing bolts, long bolts extending from the ground, and many other forms. Strength of manipulation is far, far above average.

Also able to mix all forms of energy expended by the elements to form pure energy techniques, such as the Dragon Cannon attack.

Hera Ledro has what can be considered a sixth sense when it comes to sensing people. He can sense their bio signatures, or energy signatures (otherwise known as Ki or Chi).

Personal History

Hera Ledro grew up in the province of Morio in the village of Candu. He lived with his family and friends, and very unfortunately with his older brother Sukani, whom was the first bloodthirsty Allsie to be borne since the Great War. After many millenia of training with his younger brothers and friends, he fought against Sukani to put an end to his destructive ways. During this battle, he acheived the form of Ledrai Allsie, in which he defeated and humiliated Sukani. For the rest of his life on Allsieda he continued to train, eventually teaching his family and friends how to become Ledrai Allsies. He also achieved a Ledrai Allsie 2 during this time.

At approx. 7 million years of age, Hera Ledro's mind was taken over and he was forced to destroy Allsieda. His younger brothers were off-planet at the time and were the only ones in his family to survive (excluding Sukani, who I do not consider one of my family). When Allsieda was destroyed, the Dragons were the only race on-planet that survived, as Hera Ledro was in space above his planet when he destroyed it. Many Dragons did not trust Hera Ledro and did not follow him through the wormhole in which was created after Allsieda's destruction. While the others did, and arrived on the planet Earth, Hera Ledro continued to train. Eventually he found his brothers and brought them to Earth. After this he continued to train with them, each of them increasing in power and speed. Eventually, all of them had reached the Angelic Allsie (Seraph Allsie) stage, and gained the ability to become Ledrai Allsie 3s in these forms. After many battles with Sukani, Hera Ledro finally became a Dragonic Allsie and defeated him again. He then married a human woman and they had a child. After many millenia of generations, the four races of Kariyu-shina, who also inhabited the Earth at one time, Dragon, Human, and Allsie came together in the beings of Jake King and Boromyo King. Both were Dracomagi, having the ability to transfer between a Dragon form and Human for. They were also both able to transform into Kame Kariyu-shina and birth. Hera Ledro vowed to protect them however possible.

Hera Ledro also began training them when they were the age of 13. After time training with them, he became a Mystic Allsie. After this, Boromyo grew jealous of the progress Jake was making and became the Dark Dragon. He then vowed to kill his brother Jake and Hera Ledro. Since then he has been their number one priority, especially since he allied with Sukani...

Transformation/Appearance Details

Dragonic Allsie

Blue fur covering humanoid shaped body. Long tail protruding from above the buttocks (approx. 8' in length, 8" diameter at base) with a scythe shaped blade approx. 2 inches from the tip. Blade approx. 1'5" in length. Nails sharpened and lengthened to the point of claws. Tall black hair extending from the crown. 2 Large (each approx. 5' in length, 3' in diameter/height) Dragon-like wings protruding from back.

Dragonic Ledrai Allsie
Fur turns silver in colour, hair stands on end turning gold in colour, and claws and tail blade turn copper in colour. Abilities enhanced 3x previous abilities.

Dragonic Ledrai Allsie 2
Similar appearance to Dragonic Ledrai Allsie. Features are sharpened, hair increases in length approx. 2 inches. Abilities enhanced 6x a Dragonic Ledrai Allsie's.

Dragonic Ledrai Allsie 3
Similar appearance to a Dragonic Ledrai Allsie 2. Extreme growth of the hair, extending to the knee level. Tail lengthens 4". Abilities enhanced 10x a Dragonic Ledrai Allsie 2's.

Mystic Allsie (also called the Draco-Angelic Allsie)
Similar appearance to a Dragonic Allsie. Hair extends towards the hips and turns a silver colour. Dragon wings rise up on the back and 2 angel wings protrude from the lower back. Claws sharpen even more than before. Tail extends 10" from a Dragonic Ledrai Allsie 3's. Eye colour turns white, with black pupils. Abilities enhanced 15x a Dragonic Ledrai Allsie 3's.
There's a bio for ya
I'll join in with Dracus and RPGirl. That'll make four people total (cuz i control 2 people).
Thats fine. If you do turn me down, I have a back-up plan. It's a surprise ;)
So that makes one player team consisting out of the following:
Dracus -> Xenohort Nobody
Hera Ledro -> Hera Ledro
Jake -> Hera Ledro
Tripod -> RPGirl

The second player team is made by myself and FireFrenzy:
Nova -> FireFrenzy
Ku -> Drachnon
Shizuka -> Drachnon

Squall True Lionheart has no team as of yet. If you read this STL please tell me if you want to be a team by yourself or something else

Serge68 has no team either so perhaps he can join up with STL (just a thought).

If you can't join up with any other player but don't want to fight alone in the tournament I'll look if you can join a group of non-player characters instead.
Sweet. This is gonna be fun :D

Only one problem: Aiden (Squall True Lionheart) and Jake (me) are in a battle, just like Hera Ledro (me) and Dracus (Xehanort Nobody). How are we gonna be notified of the tourney? Jake and Aiden might have their battle stopped by the young girl calling them a little ways from the fight, but Dracus and Hera Ledro are in a grudge battle, almost to the death. It'll be some interesting to see how my characters handle being on the same team :D *hinthint*