1) Do not post in an alliance or guild you are not part of. You can join a multitude of alliances and/or guilds, but if you do not wish to be part of the group or post contributory content in the discussion, then do NOT post. The No Advertising rule applies here as well, and you cannot advertise your group outside of the thread of your group. For example, John Doe, as part of the Villains Guild, cannot advertise the Villains Guild in the Alliance of Goody-Goodies, even though he is part of both groups.
2) Post content related to your guild or alliance. General discussion in the group is welcome, but try to keep it as closely related to the thread topic as possible.[/FONT]
2) Post content related to your guild or alliance. General discussion in the group is welcome, but try to keep it as closely related to the thread topic as possible.[/FONT]