Lent, It's a lie and you know it!


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 28, 2006
Ok this is about lent, the 40 days in which jesus traveled through the desert without food, and also the 40 days in which the israleis traveled through the desert for 40 days, why is everything in the bible lasting for 40 days?

But my real question is about lent, it lasts for 40 days and yet sundays are an exception, so say you give up Chocolate for lent you can eat it on a sunday. Why don't Christians just give up church (They can still go on a Sunday) but why are sundays an exception? surly it defeats the object of lent right?
Ok this is about lent, the 40 days in which jesus traveled through the desert without food, and also the 40 days in which the israleis traveled through the desert for 40 days, why is everything in the bible lasting for 40 days?

First of all, if you actually bothered to read the Bible, you would know that not everything in it takes place in 40 days- it's symbolic for long periods of suffering, such as the fasting of Elijah and Jesus and the amount of time Noah had to endure the flood. 40 days was often used as a standard measurement of time, as it worked well with a 365 calender- much like how we compare 30 days to a month now. This has nothing to do with your statement about Lent, so I don't even know why you brought it up.

But my real question is about lent, it lasts for 40 days and yet sundays are an exception, so say you give up Chocolate for lent you can eat it on a sunday.

Because unless you are trained in fasting and have an iron will (like Jesus clearly had), trying to get through 40 days without eating is stupid and dangerous. The point of Lent is to get a taste of what Jesus went through, not to attempt to imitate him.

Why don't Christians just give up church (They can still go on a Sunday) but why are sundays an exception? surly it defeats the object of lent right?

Because Christians follow a little thing called Christianity, and in it, you follow a little commandment called "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy". That means attending church. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about prophets "fasting from church", so I don't know why you brought this up, either.

Lent isn't even part of my religion, and I still know the arguments are pointless.
I see that you are completely oblivious Adamant. Sabbath is a jewish day, and is usually, if I'm not mistaken, either friday or saturday(forget which.). Christianity is just Judism, but replacing Moses with Jesus kinda. that's why the 'old testament' is the Jewish Bible, The Torah, and Jesus, was jewish, which is why christianity and judism are practically the same.

Lent, however, I did not know had sundays off. My friend would be relived if he knew. He gave up masturbation and could hardly last. I still don't see hwo this makes it a lie.
I don't like Christianity because of the split between the two kinds, both believe in the same god and Jesus. So what the fuck is the problem.

Me, I prefer my ancestorial roots and stick with Viking Gods.
Sabbath is a jewish day

www.wikipedia.com said:
the term "sabbath" can now mean one of several things, depending on the context and the speaker:
  • Saturday, as originally, in reference to Jewish or historical observance;
  • Saturday, the day that Jesus and his disciples observed;
  • Saturday, as above, as a day of observance for some Christian groups;
  • Sunday, as the day of observance for Roman Catholics and other Christian groups;

As you can see, the Sabbath is NOT just a Jewish tradition. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about- try learning the basics of Christianity before calling me "oblivious".

and is usually, if I'm not mistaken, either friday or saturday(forget which.

Saturday for most Jews, Sunday for Christians.

Christianity is just Judism, but replacing Moses with Jesus kinda.

This once again proves that you don't even know the basics of these religions. Christianity is a completely separate religion from Judaism- the main difference being that Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah and the Jews believe that the Messiah is yet to come. Jews follow the older, more traditional beliefs of the prophets, while Christians believe in the more liberal ideas brought about by Jesus. There is some similarities between the two, but there are also a huge amount of differences. I don't know how you can even compare Moses with Jesus, they represent completely different things...

that's why the 'old testament' is the Jewish Bible, The Torah, and Jesus, was jewish, which is why christianity and judism are practically the same.

Except Christians use a book known as the New Testament, which Jews do not acknowledge in their religion. This is a HUGE difference between the two- not to mention that the holidays, rites and secondary pieces of literature are completely different. Your argument makes as much sense as saying that Islam and Christianity are the same, because they both believe in God, right?

Lent, however, I did not know had sundays off. My friend would be relived if he knew. He gave up masturbation and could hardly last. I still don't see hwo this makes it a lie.

So... you disagree with me, and then you say it's not a lie. Pick one.
The quote feature is too much of a pain in the ass for me to use right now. But Adamant, the Sabbath is considered the seventh day of the week. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. Sunday is the first. At least according to the calender I use.

I do not observe Sabbath as the day of rest because to me every day should be considered holy in their own way. People should always try to pray and worship every day if you consider yourself spiritual.

As for ths subject of this thread. Lent is the time to observe Jesus' 40 day fast. Adament, you can correct me if I am wrong. In the Orthodox faith, it is still observed by going meatless and not touching dairy products. Roman Catholics only go without meat on Fridays. As for it being a lie, I am not going to say.
The Sabbath is the day that is considered most holy and the one that is used to go to church, etc, IIRC. I have a Seventh Day Adventist friend and she worships on Saturday. I have a Roman Catholic friend and his family worships on Sunday. I know some people who worship on Wednesday.

As for Lent, I'm not sure what other religions do but I know the Roman Catholics give up something for 40 days. It could something like not drinking alcohol or not gambling or perhaps something simpler like not going movies. To be honest, I've never understood the concept of depriving onself but each's own.