Let's Play Earthbound! [BLIND]


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Here's a blind LP that I hope everyone loves! Earthbound is a JRPG from back in the SNES days. It'll be played on the Wii U however. Turn-based battles, towns, party members, equipment etc. Who needs the likes of FF13 when you have a proper RPG right here? Ha. (Although enjoy your FF13 too, you weird lot!).

While it will be blind, it'll be edited to prevent boredom ;).

Here's the opening to the series, just for you special bunch :monocle::

There's a border in the making right now by a pal of mine. Bear with me! :)

Of course, this game was not made by me. All that will be mine is the gameplay and commentary! :)
Episode 1 - The Incident


Hi everyone, here's the start of a new series! Earthbound is said to be one of the greatest JRPGs out there, so I'm really excited to give it a try! Because of this, this LP will be blind, but I'll take on board any hints people want to give me...I'm sure I'll need them. Don't worry though, I'll cut any overly long, tedious bits (me running around looking for a key item for 5 hours etc).

Anyways, let's get started shall we? We meet a few characters, including the ever popular Ness from Smash Bros, along with Sparky the dog and Pokey the neighbour. The family too, of course.

Oh oh oh! That meteor is so suspicious! Can't wait to head over there next time! See you there? :)

Thanks for watching!

P.S. The border is on delay at the moment. It'll hopefully be around for ep 2. :)
Episode 2 - Fly Swatting!


Hey all, it's time for us to find Picky (Pokey's brother)! We also explore the hill where the meteor landed, without the police nosing around. Looks like we grab a fly as a party member too lmao.

Pokey may as well not be in the party lmao. Sod off Pokey :/.

This Starman Junior boss seemed really easy. We're invincible all the way through! Thank you BuzzBuzz :).

Finally, there's a really tragic death. RIP mystery death person!

Thanks for watching! We'll head out to search for Giant Step next time!

P.S. This is a temporary border. We'll have the Earthbound one soon :).
Episode 3 - To The Penny Arcade!


Hi everyone, this episode was so hard to make lmao! No one told me this game was so hard...or am I just doing something wrong? lmao.

Anyways, this whole episode involves the whole arcade scenario and finding our way to Giant Step (grabbing the key etc).

The bosses however...

- He does so much damage! He's like a damn moogle with that knife! Damn amazing boss music though lmao.

Frankystein Mark 2 - Easier 'cause you seem to get a chance to heal up. Thank God it runs on steam, eh?

Thanks for watching! We'll head on over to what I assume is our first dungeon next time! :)
Episode 4 - Titanic Ant Step


Hey all, here comes the first dungeon! The Giant Step is pretty tough, considering the enemies are mainly just mice and ants. However, there's something slightly tougher with great music ha.

The Titanic Ant boss is tough! Deals so much damage. However, he seems to like wasting turns reducing your PP when you have none left lmao.

Well, that's one sound stone song thingy found! We also check out the police station and see what child abuse really is...not this fake child abuse we have nowadays with a small slap on the arse.

Thanks for watching! We're gonna finally head out of Onett next time and make our way to Twoson 0_0. Should be interesting to see how the towns vary :).

P.S. This game gets easier, right? :s
Episode 5 - The Problem With Mushrooms


Hello everyone! This episode is probably the most typically "blind" one so far. Checking around Twoson and actually making it there too. Something called an Exit Mouse? I dunno. I'm guessing they act like Pokemon's escape ropes?

Then there's the bike which I can't see myself using 'cause it uses up our very limited inventory space :/. Then there's the teddy bear, which seems amazing in battles. Expensive though :/.

Finally, I heard about a bus journey to Threed, so I check that out. Jeeeesus.

Thanks for watching! We'll make some progress next time, I swear it! I won't be killed by cranky women and eating mushrooms next time!

P.S. I was told that we can just press L to check and talk instead of going through the menu, so that's starting now :).
Episode 6 - Inventing The Rubber


Hi everyone! This episode is pretty packed...mainly with finding a rubber. What??? lmao.

Once we get that sorted though, we take the new path (a pretty tough dungeon actually) over to Happy Happy Village, which has been taken over by an insane cult! Everyone should really love green there. It's common sense.

Thanks for watching! We'll save Paula next time! We'll take down those green haters too...gits! ;)
Episode 7 - Ness Gets The Girl


Hello everyone! This is the last episode of Earthbound until a few weeks time. I've had a few problems related to stress so I'm gonna do the let's plays one at a time now. Earthbound will return in about 2 weeks time. Check out my twitter to keep updated :):

www.twitter.com/greenyxii (Note the extra i)

Anyways, as for this episode, it's time for us to sort out Happy Happy Village and remove the whole cult problem! This involves Carpainter's house, which is ever so sheque.

Check out the boss too! Carpainter just requires you to have the franklin badge off Paula (shown in vid). Otherwise, it just seems like to be a matter of healing and attacking (Gift seems like a good option?).

Oh yeah, we also get Paula! Just thought I'd throw that in there ;). She looks like the mage of the party, which I can't wait to level up a wee bit. In fact, I'll do that before the next episode starts, I think.

Finally, we outfit Paula with lots of new equipment (doesn't she look pretty in pink???). She'll need it considering she has joined us at level 1 :s.

Thanks for watching! Remember, there won't be another episode of this for around 2 weeks and to check out my twitter for updates if you like :).
And we're back! It'll be mostly daily now, though I'll have the odd day off if I need to record/get really stuck etc.

Episode 8 - The Runaway Five


Hey all! Let's head on through to the 2nd guardian, shall we? The dungeon seemed alright really (probably a good thing I leveled Paula so much). The bears took some killing though.

Mondo Mole (our boss) is much tougher than the first guardian! Good job we have that shield spell with Paula. PSI Gift B seems like a waste right now though...way too much PP used.

Oh oh oh! We finally get to enter the theater! A nice little performance is within ha! We've also found a way to go through that haunted tunnel too, so that's what we'll do next time, I think.

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 9 - Isaac The Genius


Hey all, are you ready to check out Threed???

The ghosts, zombies and graveyard make this place stand out so much from the other towns we've visited to date. Speaking of zombies, I'll be remembering those 2 at the top of the graveyard. They'll be important, I'm certain.

Have you ever had that time where you chase a prostitute into a hotel and end up being trapped? Just me? :(

Isaac to the rescue! Looks like we have a new character joining us, though we've only got him right now. Isaac's great escape from the...orphanage, right?

Thanks for watching! We'll see what this cute little monkey is all about next time. I'm getting heavy Link To The Past vibes ha. Bye!



Thanks for reading- make sure to subscribe to Greenyxi on youtube: He'll have ye singin' and dancin' like you're Rick Rolling!
Ok, since I was in Survivor, the whole series of Earthbound has now finished! So, it's time to put all of the videos and summaries here.
First though, here's a link to another finished mini-series (really short point and click adventure): Machinarium.


Let the embedding begin!

Episode 10 - Tessie The Loch Ness Monster


Hi everyone, are you ready for a TONNE of progress today? I've been a good boy.

We actually get Isaac to join up with the main party! Along the way, there are a few interesting things:

- Some Tessie hunters
- Tessie itself (I really like this part. Charming.)
- A dungeon made by the great dungeon maker himself.
- Stonehenge (oh dear...)
- Meeting Isaac's father (interesting chap)

And after all that, the merry band is back together, although Isaac is a wee bit weak at the moment. I think we'll need to sort that soon.

P.S. I love that monkey! I'm so glad he had his happy moment there. Also, beware of cavemen. They're evil.

Thanks for watching! We'll try to figure out the mystery around Threed next time...I think.


Episode 11 - Sticky Zombie Paper


Hello fellow alien hunters! This episode took a shocking amount of time to record and edit lmao. Around Threed mostly.

We take on two bosses in this episode: Boogey Tent and Mini Barf. I'm not sure either could be considered real bosses considering how simple they are, but maybe they are?

We also trap a whole load of zombies and sort out the mess that is Threed! With that done, we head on over to Saturn Valley via the underground crypt and waterfall area.

Thanks for watching! I can't wait to see more of Saturn Valley...love those little guys in Smash Bros ha. I didn't even realise they were from this game :/.


Episode 12 - Via Smash Bros


Hi everyone! Saturn Valley is only small really, but that factory we come across underground is another story. This is where we meet Master Belch, the most disgusting boss to date lmao. I actually got stuck fighting him but with clever editing magics and a mate a hand, we figure out the fly honey strategy. I think that's necessary?

Finally, we check out a very interesting bit of coffee/drug-induced story. It's really nice to see how much progress we've made over a cup of coffeh ha.

Thanks for watching! We'll head through that cave next time by the spring. It's so hard to tell which way is right, but it seems to be going fine so far :/.


Episode 13 - A Deserty Montage


Hey all, here comes an episode that took a million years to make, but only about 18 minutes to view!

We take on the 3rd guardian boss: a mound of shit, also known as the Trillionage Sprout.

- Fire/Freeze, Gift and bottle rockets will take care of this guy.

After this, we head back through Threed, which is a much nicer place now by the way, and get stuck in a traffic jam.

This means that we have to go explore the Dusty Dunes Desert right by us! I made a little montage of some stuff that I thought was more interesting around here. Pretty proud of that.

Thanks for watching! The traffic jam seems to have vanished now so...next time!


Episode 14 - Hunting For Gold


Hey all, here comes Fourside! It's bloody huge lmao! We start off by checking out the theater and seeing that the Runaway Five are in trouble again. Looks like we'll need to find a million dollars for them 0_0.

Soooo, we find a roundabout way of doing that via a new dungeon back in the desert: the goldmines. There are 5 moles down there, each acting as a mini-boss. They're all the 3rd strongest mole, did you know?

Check out Venus as she performs with the Runaway Five too! 2 new performances at the theater.

Thanks for watching! We'll see what else is going on around Fourside next time. I'll make sure to upgrade in the department store by then.

P.S. This turned out to be a damn long episode, didn't it? 0_0


Episode 15 - The City That Glows


Hey everyone, here's Moonside! I was pretty damn creeped out during this part, but at least it's over now. Reaaaally weird :/. It's also really tricky because there are a fair few teleporting men hanging around. As for that sailor...we'll not speak of him lmao.

As for the Evil Mani-Mani boss:

- I found it simple enough. Bottle rockets and PSI Gift.

Thanks for watching! It looks like we need to go back to the desert next time (enough hints, huh?), so we'll do just that! Thank you!

P.S. We're now minus a mage and a frying pan.


Episode 16 - Monkey Madness


Hey everyone! This episode has an item trading dungeon that reminds me of Majora's Mask! Give something to monkey A to Monkey B etc.

We also head to the Monotolli Building in Fourside to rescue Paula. What's with the trout?


Episode 17 - Eating The Fake Cake


Hey all, here comes episode 17! This time around we get to take on the 4th guardian boss!


Shrooom Strategy:

- Freeze with Paula.
- Use Heal and Life with Ness. Remove that poison!
- Bottle rockets and stuff with Isaac.


And with him gone, we head on over to our next town: Summers! Beaches and loads of other stuff here! This town is pretty different from the others, that's for sure.

Finally, we get to see our 4th party member for like 2 seconds. Lad is gonna be where the next episode is at folks!

Thanks for watching! Much much appreciated.


Episode 18 - He's Such A Lad!


Hey all, it's time to meet our 4th party member! Lad is a monk who likes to train up on a cliff...so we do just that! He'd give up all of his senses and body parts in order to complete his training...weirdo! Apparently he's a huge heartthrob *sigh*.

We check out what needs to be done in a couple of museums and actually beat the fifth guardian boss down in the sewers: Plague Rat Of Doom. He's not too bad; just has a lot of health.

Finally, we check out another performance, but this time it's Venus singing on her own. Such a slag...

Thanks for watching! See you next time.


Episode 19 - Thunderous Carrots


Hey all, here comes a cram-packed episode, full of loads of progression! We take on the 6th Guardian boss (Thunder & Storm) who is shockingly easy!

We then take a ship away from Summers but get interrupted by the Kraken boss! Best spells and bottles etc. Doesn't a kraken attack a ship you're on in every RPG ever? :/

We push our luck in the pyramid in the desert. A tough dungeon with a little puzzle at the entrance.

Fiiinally, we lose Lad and enter the Dungeon Man. This place is gonna be amazing. I can feel it in me waters.

Thanks for watching! We'll check out our new dungeon next time.


Episode 20 - Dangan Ronpa Man


Hey all, are you ready to enter the dungeon man? He loves to be entered.

AAAAnyways, we complete the dungeon, find a submarine, take on the Deep Darkness (which isn't quite as bad as I thought it would be at the start), fight Master Belch, retrieve our Lad and find a new village. Speaking of ol' Belchy:


- Freeze
- Life
- Save your bottle rockets. The boss is too easy.
- Keep fighting until Lad appears and ends the battle.


Thanks for watching! We'll check out this new village next time and see why they're so shy :/.

P.S. I'm sure I heard the words "Dangan Ronpa" in that dungeon man music?


Episode 21 - Shy Guy Village


Hi everyone, are you ready to cure your shyness??? We get a whole lot done this episode again. From returning to Winters to check out the stonehenge dungeon (definitely the toughest and longest dungeon so far, but the stress is really fun), to returning to Onett for the first time in forever. That book will be found!

Oh, that Starman Deluxe boss...I can't believe how that turned out. STRESS!

Thanks for watching! We'll check out what's under that rock next time.

P.S. Having to backtrack through the whole of that dungeon was stoopid! The enemies weren't even there (though that was actually a relief).


Episode 22 - Electro Specter


'ello chucks! Let's move that rock and check our the 7th guardian dungeon and boss, shall we? Speaking of, Electro Specter has an amazing design and music :eek:. I loved this boss ha. Also, that your sanctuary stuff that goes on afterwards, with the writing on the wall. Happy greeny!

What happens next is so strange.

Thanks for watching! We'll check out dinoland next time :eek:.

P.S. That ATM man...doesn't quite know how loans and stuff work does he? He's not getting that money back, even if I have to slap him in the crotch :p.


Episode 23 - Your Final Sanctuary


'ello! Are you ready for the last sanctuary dungeon and boss? Actually, the volcano has two bosses in a row.


Carbon Dog:

- Freeze
- Save your rockets for now. This is the easy part.
- Heal whenever necessary.

Diamond Dog:

- This one is a lot tougher!
- Don't use physical attacks. Only magic and items.
- Freeze
- Rockets


And after those tough bosses, we end up in Magicant, or Ness' Mind. Can't wait to check out more of that place. Oh! We also see some of Ness' past and how he even had powers as a baby 0_0.

Thanks for watching!


Episode 24 - Ness' Nightmare


Hey all, it looks like we're going solo through Magicant! Ness' Mind is actually pretty tough and really gives me some problems. I actually die a tonne, but make sure to cut a bit of it out so you don't see me following the same path repeatedly. Oh, and don't get me started on that Mani Mani Statue (or Ness' Nightmare) boss! 1 hit KO my arse! Thankfully we have the flying man with us for this part...not that he survives all that long.

That's all sorted by the end though and we make it back to Saturn Valley. Theeeen we go over to Onett for a meteorite piece. Theeeen we head on back to Saturn Valley and teleport on over to a new area.

Thanks for watching! We'll be heading into the past next time!


Episode 25 - Returning To Mother [FIN]


Hi all, here's the last episode! It's a wee bit long, but I wanted to get it all finished up on a nice round number :/. Apologies for the start, Vegas buggered things up and cut off the beginning. All you miss is a little bit of walking along a straight boring path.

After the last dungeon (much running away from annoying enemies), we find ourselves up against the final boss! It's actually not too bad...I'll leave it to you to see how it goes though. I don't wanna spoil anything.

Similarly, I'll just say that the rest involves the end plot and credits. I also give my overall thoughts on the game during this so give it a check if you're interested.

Thanks so much for watching! Hope you enjoyed this series. Pretty happy with how it turned out. Byes! :monocle:
