Let's Play Lost Odyssey!

Episode 38b - The Ranking Of Lives


Is it right to treat a deadly disease in order of how highly ranked the people are? Especially when a lot of the ranking is due to how lucky you are to have good genes/where you were born?


Episode 38c - The Village Closest To Heaven


I love the twist in this one! I just see no reason why Kaim doesn't tell the villagers.
Episode 39 - Ruins Of Greatness


Hey folks, let's get back to the main plot, shall we? ;)

The Great Ruins are huge and the last mandatory dungeon before the final one, so let's get cracking! There are plenty of gimmicks here, but the main one is the fact that you have to split your party in two to make your way through. I love it when RPGs split them up! Done best in FF8 in Ultimecia's Castle imo.

Oh! By the way, don't miss the accessory that teaches level 3 composite magic. The chest is in this ep :).

Thanks for watching! We'll finish the dungeon off next time...after a couple of dreams :).

P.S. Quite a bit of picture stuttering. No idea why...but I think it's my lappy that isn't powerful enough. Back to the main comp I think, even if it confines me to my room to edit etc.
Episode 39b - Stones Of Heaven


Would you take the test? Is it brave or too much risk for no physical reward?


Episode 39c - Signpost


This is a topic I've thought about quite a bit growing up (though not because it has any significance to my life really). Should euthanasia be legal in the UK? Or is there always that chance that the person's life will get better (whether it's down to illness or just low quality of life)?
Episode 40 - That Fiend Is Ooooold!


Hey all, here's the rest of the Great Ruins dungeon! Plenty more splitting up, plenty more platforms, plenty more pillars (obelisks)! The main thing to look out for is the boss, however.


Ancient Fiend Boss:

- Take down Keystones first with Combo+Powerus.
- Same strategy works for the big guy himself.
- Chuck up all-generata, all-shield etc. It always helps.
- Nothing much else to say! Heal, I guess? :D


And there we have it! The end of one of the longer dungeons of the game! You can head back through if you fancy taking on the Trooky mini-boss. It's very similar to the one in Ice Canyon...it's up to you. It nets you a decent accessory that will up your health or MP...I forget which.

Thanks for watching! See you next time when we see what's going on over at Numara, now that the Nautilus is all new and shiny! :)
Episode 41 - Arthrosaurus Assault!


Hey all, let's move onto Numara shall we? Well...not until we've beaten the threat that's attacking the place! Gongora really is a git :s.

Anyways, you need to beat the 5 Anthrosaurus as quickly as possible! Cast sleep in the way shown in the vid and kill them off one at a time. Remember though: you can hurt one a bit and then move onto another; the damage still applies when you go back to that boss.

We also find the royal seal in the Crimson Forest, since it isn't blocked off anymore. Finally we grab the last of the optional dreams. Yay!

Thanks for watching! There'll be more dreams next, and then onto Numara stuff to finally see the last of Kakanas! :)
Episode 41b - Return Of The Native


So, let's have a quick look at how heartless/heart-filled Kaim was at this point in time, shall we? ;)


Episode 41c - Lottery Of Life


How strict should a prison system be? Should people who commit crimes be dismissed as a complete loss for their entire lives?

P.S. Everything is now all recorded up, so we'll be shooting through to the end of the series now! Tomorrow will be ep 42 and the last dream, and then either one or two episodes per day until ep 49 (the end) :).
Episode 42 - In The Midnight Hour


Hey all, it looks like the arthrosaurus weren't the only threat to Numara! Kakanas is plotting again :eek:. To take him down, just use powerus/combo along with a few of your best black magic spells ;). Luckily, this is the last we'll see of this git, so silver lining and all that lmao.

We also get to witness the love blossoming between a couple of our party members. Sweet! :)

Thanks for watching! With our new ship coming for the ride, we can now hunt out a few more sidequests! Next time, that is :).
Episode 42b - The Queen's Loneliness


Hey all, here's the last dream! Queen Ming has her own story here and it shows her trials throughout her reign. It's an interesting one to see how a Queen can really have some pretty big issues and how a Queen has to watch all the people around her...for many reasons.


Episode 43 - Grab The Evokers!


Wooo, it's time for us to take on my personal favourite boss, and she's optional! We head back to the Sorcerer's Mansion and take on Persona! Just use the strategy in the vid and you really can't go wrong, even if you're under-leveled.

Oh! Important! If she doesn't show up, then you don't have the four poems from around the mansion and garden. Head for them first, or you won't be getting the skill that allows you to absorb fire. It may not be completely needed, but it's a nice skill ;).

Thanks for watching! More sidequests incoming :).
Episode 44 - The Kelolon Tournament!


Welcome to another sidequest: the Kelolon tournament! In the hidden village are a proud nation of people who would do anything for you to be happy. One of them will even marry you! This has to be on par with the Vivi and Quina marriage lmao.

The tourny is pretty simple so long as you've kept Cooke's levels up. Just heal when you need to and switch rings accordingly when using regular attacks with her. As for the boss...


King Kelolon Boss:

- Chuck anit-kelolon on everyone
- Go for broke with powerus/combo (anyone seeing a pattern here?)
- Grounda will hit his weakness


I looove that boss! The design of him is so funny :D. With him beat, there's no need for a white wedding, but we do get the most powerful white magic spell in the game: Divide. Not that we'll ever use it...

Thanks for watching! Optional dungeon incoming! ;)


Episode 45 - Amnesia Huh?


And hello again! I said we'd be steaming through, didn't I? :D

The Forgotten Cave is a bland place filled with poison, but it does have one nice gimmick: no items allowed! That's fine so long as you have relax on your mages. Anyways, boss time!


Cave Worm Strategy:

- Use Break Hit to hit through his defences. This is learnt from Tolten
- Magic will do well to hit through his armour too
- Gaze at that monster design. Please.


With the boss out of the way, we can grab one of the best accessories: the angel guard! This is the ribbon of Lost Oddysey; it blocks all status ailments and the skill can be learnt by everyone pretty quickly! Bloody amazing stuff.

Thanks for watching! The last of the sidequests are coming next episode and then we'll be kicking the final dungeon off! :D

Oh, nearly forgot to mention that we finished up the royal seals for Tolten. Got his best skill and weapon now! :)
Episode 46 - Holy Snow


Hey all, here's the last of the sidequests! We have the Snowfields, which end in the blue dragon boss (don't use elements and when it gets weak, use complete defence quick!). This gives us the absorb water skill and the ultimate black magic! I mean...it's pretty pointless to get, but it's there.

Otherwise, we head back to Numara Atoll and take on the holy beast optional boss. If nothing shows up, then head to the white boa and go to the guest area; go to the queen's chamber for the harp. To beat this boss, stay away from physical attacks and go for the powerus/break hit combo. Also, avoid using water spells. This boss nets us skill +10, which will be amazingly useful throughout ;).

Thanks for watching! Onto the final dungeon! :)


Episode 47 - Salvaged Lower Grand Staff Footage


Hey all, there were so many technical issues with this episode it's not funny :/. Anyways, what we have here is the first section of the final dungeon (or the amount that I could salvage). We grab groundus and then it kind of cuts off, which is so gutting! The last two episodes are perfectly fine...I'm not sure if it was the capture software or any hardware. Either way, it's the only time this has happened for me.

Grand Staff is my least favourite dungeon probably...but at least this part is all done now huh?

Oh yeah, the boss of this section was cut out by the software 9or whatever did it). It's the mages that Gongora killed to go against us. Just use the right element against each mage (flare against red, aqua against blue etc). Gutted I couldn't show this one off.

The end cinematic for this part too: The staff splits in half and flies away a bit. We'll be going for the upper section of Grand Staff.

Thanks for watching! See you next time for the rest of the dungeon! :)
Episode 48 - The Puzzle Dungeon


Hey all, here's the last of the final dungeon! We still have the final bosses and stuff to take care of, but this is all of the navigation and all that done and dusted ;).

Thanks for watching! See you tomorrow for the grand finale! Get ready...it's a corker of an ending :).
Episode 49 - Thanks For Watching! ~FIN~


Hey all, thanks so much for watching this series! This final episode has the last of Grand Staff, along with the last bosses (check out that last boss music!), the credits, my usual mini-review and some other bits and pieces going on.

Again, thanks for watching! Any feedback etc is always welcome and I can't wait to show you what I have in store next. I bet no one will guess it ha.