Let's Play Nemesis!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey there folks, here comes the next in line in the Resi series: Resident Evil 3: Nemesis! This one shows what's going on with Jill while Claire and Leon are escaping the police station etc. You could say Jill has the tougher time out of the 3 of them...what with being hounded pretty much right through the game by such a huge threat. Also, this series shows how Raccoon City comes to an end...

Anyways, this game is once again made by Capcom and licensed by Nintendo (seeing as it's being playing on the Gamecube). For those of you who enjoy the series, or who generally want to play it, it's available for the Gamecube, PS1, PC and Dreamcast. Of course, the PS1 version is playable on PS2 and PS3 consoles, while the Gamecube version is playable on the Wii. Also, it's available over psn in both America and the UK. Have a look see if it's available through your local psn too, if you live elsewhere ;)

Here's a link to some more info if anyone would like to take a look:


And finally, I'd like to present you with the opening to Nemesis. It's only short, but it's still got that Resi feel to it, so enjoy!


The first two episodes will be up and running tomorrow, with one more episode being added per day (I may take a day off for a break somewhere along the lines).

Thanks for your time! :)
Ok, it's time to start the game properly. Because it's the first day, I'm gonna chuck up 2 episodes today. Let the game begin!

Episode 1 - Beginning Of The End


Hello there peoples, welcome to my new series: resi nemesis! In this episode, we see all of the opening cutscene, meet a freak who thinks he's gonna survive by locking himself in some sort of trailer and we find a new weapon! Also, we find some lighter oil for later and head into the Black Jack pub, where there's another survivor. Finally, we find a lighter to go with our oil and use it to burn some rope in order to progress...things are going smoothly so far :D

Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoy my squirming through hard mode! :$

P.S. I tried having the screen back on the kinda size it should be at, but I think it looks a bit small....what do you think?


Episode 2 - Help! Police! 999!


Ok, here's episode 2 for y'all! Seeing Jill try to survive the end of Raccoon City is gonna be fun...especially with the new villain that's shown up to make things twice as hard!
Anyways, this episode has the end of a survivor we previously met, as well as the introduction of Nemesis (as previously mentioned). We also get to have a look around the police station from resi 2, which is incredibly interesting to see. Within the station, we find the blue gem for later, and the S.T.A.R.S. card for now. Finally, we find ourselves a lockpick, which is an amazing find for the master of unlocking!

Thanks for watching! We'll be leaving the station next episode to raid the streets of Raccoon City once again! :D

P.P.S. So, I changed it back to full screen. Everyone I asked prefer it this way anyways :/
Ok, 2 episodes again today, after a bit of a muck-up during the upload yesterday...and then it only took like a minute to upload episode 3 today. It must have all been stored in Youtube's memory or something...who knows.
Anyways, here they are :)


Episode 3 - Car Thief!


Hey there folks, this episode includes a new weapon and complete the rest of the police station. We also find the power cable. Not much going on this episode maybe, but...there we go :p


Episode 4 - What Lies Beyond The Clock Gate?


Hey there folks, lots going on again this episode. We survive an encounter with Nemesis in the restaurant and head to the printing offices. In here, we find the green gem and finally unlock the clock-gem gate and make it to the train. We also get the bronze book and wrench, ready to use in the next episode.

See you then! :)
Ok, 2 episodes per day until the end folks. Got a routine going that'll make it work out...I think.


Episode 5 - We're Gonna Have A Gas!


Hey folks, this episode includes the great gas station scene, which has the "lights out" puzzle. All of this is for the oil, which needs to be mixed elsewhere. We also trade the bronze book for the bronze compass and use it elsewhere. We use the wrench to obtain the hose, and use that to open up a new path (I like to call the new building the offices...but I'm not sure of the official name).

See you for episode 6 :)


Episode 6 - Train Collisions!


Hola peoples, it's time for another new area, which we reach by using the bronze compass and the resulting battery. The new area is the factory, I think, which has a puzzle. It's easy enough and involves a bit of trial and error. We find the oil mixture that we need to combine with the oil, as well as a new weapon. After all this, we make it to the worm boss, which is easy enough...but naturally I have problems ;)
Finally, we use our key items on the train and get it working again. It's time to leave the uptown/downtown of Raccoon City and head to the Clocktower...

See you in the clock tower folks! :)
Episode 7 - A Very Musical Episode


Hello peoples, this episode is all about the clock tower. We find the clock tower key and the bezel key, both of which are used in this episode. We also complete the music box puzzle and find the chronos chain, which is then combined with the clock tower key to make the chronos key! Finally, we solve the clock puzzle, which gives us the gold gear. We combine this with the silver gear we find in this episode to make the chronos gear.
Didn't realise so much went on in this video :/

Anyways, see you in episode 8! :)


Episode 8 - I'm Seeing S.T.A.R.S!


Hey there folks, it's time to finally take on our stalker: Nemesis! He's a damn tough boss, the hardest in the game, but we get 'im! Unfortunately, Jill also gets infected...but this means we get to control Carlos and head to the hospital! Within the hospital, we find and use the tape recorder to open the elevator...where we find a code to use somewhere around the hospital.

Thanks for watching! We'll finish off the hospital in episode 9 :)
Episode 9 - Test Tube Babies


Hey there folks, it's time to finish off the rest of the hospital! Carlos has a tough time on his hands, with tight corridors and many enemies (not just zombies!). He makes the vaccine for Jill, by using the vaccine base and medium base. Also, we solve the vaccine mixing puzzle and check what is in the safe. Finally, we head back to the clock tower and give the vaccine to Jill...it's not completely uneventful to say the least.

Thanks for watching! :)


Episode 10 - The Cabin In The Woods


Hey folks, this episode is all about the park! The enemies are the toughest thing about this place, but there's a fountain puzzle as well as the worm's last chance to take us down! In the end, we make it to the dead factory (the final area) and find a key with a small tag on it...

Enjoy! :D
Episode 11 - Tick Tock...


Hey folks, it's time to have a look around the dead factory! We pretty much finish it all, apart from the last boss. This includes: the steam puzzle, getting the elevator to work, finding the system disk, completing the water sample puzzle (tetris-blocks?), meeting Nicholai for the last time, fighting Nemesis against the clock and collecting the red card key.

See you in the next episode when we wrap everything up! :D


Episode 12 - The End Of An Era


Ok folks, it's time to wrap things up and see how Jill escapes this nightmare. We use the red card key and head for the last boss...which turns out to be Nemesis again (naturally). This time however, we don't need to have a single bullet on us to beat him...it's more about tactical movement around the boss area. Get the batteries/cells inserted and make sure he's in the middle of the explosion area, and you're done!
Finally, we get to see the end of an era, where the Raccoon City games are completely finished. BOOM! ha

Next up is a break from Resi for about a week (a mini-series will be uploaded), and then it's onto Code Veronica X (can't wait!).

Thanks so much for watching! I'll see you there, ja? :D
Bonus Episode - Mercenaries


Hey there folks, I decided to chuck a bonus episode up showing my first attempt at the Mercenaries minigame in Resi 3 Nemesis. I try out 2 different characters (Carlos and Mikhail).
Time to see how well I did, eh?

P.S. I'm pretty sure this will be my last video for this series. Thanks for watching and make sure to keep a look out for the next series! :)