Hey folks, here's the opening to a brand new series! This time around we're going to be playing through the Spyro remaster for PS4! If you haven't heard about our Spyro, he's a dragon who likes to take part in 3D platformers, most notably from back in the PS1 days.
Oh! I forgot to mention that this will be a 120% run! That's as high as the percents go for this game!
The companies involved in creating and distributing this game are surprisingly nothing to with me; I'm just playing and adding my commentary to this series. The companies are actually: Activision and Toys For Bob and it's running on the Unreal Engine.
Here's the opening:
Thanks for watching! We'll hopefully be kicking this series off tomorrow and I'll try and make sure it stays as a daily series as often as possible.
See you in a bit!