Let's Play Twilight Princess!

Episode 19 - The Sadistic Stallord!


Hey there folks, we're taking on the boss of the Arbiter's Grounds today (and finding the big key and second heart piece of the dungeon while we're at it). Stallord is a bit tricky...there's certainly a reason why he's the lord of the stalfos! Just use your spinner and attack the spine while in phase 1. In phase 2, keep hopping off the walls until the head is right next to you...then jump at 'im! :)

We also take a look at the Mirror of Twilight at the exit, which turns out to be broken into four pieces! We've got one piece now but the other 3 will have to be found next.

Thanks for watching! We'll make our way to the next dungeon next time...and it's my absolute favourite ;).

P.S. I always get kinda sad when I see that one pedestal with a missing sage. I wonder which one from OoT he was meant to be?
Episode 20 - More Like Snowreek!


Hey all, here's everything in between the Arbiter's Grounds and Snowpeak Ruins (our next dungeon!)! There's actually not a lot to it. We find a new, and our last, scent which will take us over Snowpeak to the yeti, who I really love as a character.

Included is the snowboarding minigame that is so much like that from FF7 it's uncanny ;).

Thanks for watching! I don't have much time to add more detail, but it's only a shortish video anyway so...enjoy! :)

P.S. We find another howling stone for a new move. More on that another time :).
Episode 21 - Yeti Soup


Welcome one and all to my favourite ever TP dungeon! The Snowpeak Ruins are huge and very unique. It changes things to the dungeon formula and makes for a huge big key hunt!

We also get to meet a couple of yetis (husband and wife, in fact) who are entranced with the mirror shard we're hunting for. At least the wife seems to like it...even if she is perfectly fine with giving it away.

We grab the compass, map and oocoo while we're here. Finally, we take on the mini-boss, where you have to clawshot over him to take him down. This gets us a very unique inventory item...love it!

Thanks for watching! We'll finish this place off next time and check out the best ever boss intro cinematics in any Zelda game. See you there? :)
Episode 22 - The Betrothed Blizzeta!


Hey folks, are you ready for the boss of the snowpeak ruins? Blizzeta has the best of the boss intro cinematics and has a really nice story to it overall. To beat her: Phase 1 just requires you to smash away with the ball and chain. Phase 2 is all about waiting for her to land in the middle of the enemies and then smashing.

Of course, we do plenty of other stuff in the dungeon before that boss. We grab a piece of heart and finally find the big key (or bedroom key) for a start.

Thanks for watching! We'll head towards the 6th dungeon next time ;).
Episode 23 - Golden Cuccoo


Hey all, just a quick episode taking us from the Snowpeak Ruins to the next dungeon: the Temple of Time.

This involves the sacred grove area again, where Skullkid gives us some more trouble...little shit. We also get to use a golden cuccoo which is damn amazing ha!

Thanks for watching! We'll be making a start on the Temple of Time next time...and boy will it be brainteasing stuff :s.
Episode 24 - Temple Of Time


Hey all, here's the temple of time! This dungeon was supposed to be in Ocarina of Time, from what I've heard, so to see it finally added here is amazing.

It's kinda the most neutral dungeon, in the sense of it having no element. That's not to say that it's boring though. Being inside a temple is never dull :D.

During this part, we find the map and compass but more importantly, we make it to the mini boss (some black knight) and grab ourselves the inventory item of the dungeon. Very interesting item too.

Thanks for watching! The boss is so great and nostalgic...can't wait :D.
Episode 25 - The Antagonistic Armogohma!


Hey all, say hello to Armogohma! Anyone who played Ocarina of Time will instantly recognise this queen of the spiders, though it takes a completely different strategy to beat her. How can the dominion rod be used to kill a giant arachnid?

Of course, there's plenty of temple of time dungeony goodness going on too, including both heart pieces (one of which is kinda just outside the dungeon...weird).

Thanks for watching! It'll be more than just one episode before the next dungeon now, unlike what we've been used to lately. There's something I reeeeeeally like next time though. :)

P.S. If you just want to see the boss, then head straight onto about 23 minutes in ;).

P.P.S. The big key is found too.
Episode 26 - The Gunslinger


Hey there folks, it's time for us to finally get back to sorting Ilyena's memory! There's plenty of back-and-foring, with key items given to different people etc, but the main thing that I love about this part is the secret village! The music is incredible and it's all so spaghetti western. Always has been one of my favourite parts of the game :).

Thanks for watching! We'll be finishing the whole amnesia sub-story and taking on a great bit of hunting around Hyrule Field.

P.S. Telma's jugs in the thumbnail. Woop woop!
Episode 27 - Owl Hunt Montage!


Owl statue hunt montage! Music played:

- Chrono Trigger Medley
- FFX: Thunder Plains Remix
- 3D Dot Game Heroes: Lejac Village

Of course, none of the music was made by me in any way. I just chucked the songs on top of the vid.

Other than the owl statue hunt, we make sure that Ilyena has her memory back again (such a nice scene when she remembers) and we head on over to a certain cannon lover who can fix up our brand new walking cannon! Why does it remind me of Flud so much? :/

Thanks for watching! We had the 300 rupees to get to the last mirror fragment dungeon, so we've made it! See you next time when we'll check out the land of the oocas! :)

P.S. I'm really proud of the montage so I hope it turned out ok. I think the music all fits and the blurring between parts made sense etc. Proud :).
Two episodes this time 'cause yesterday's episode finished processing late into this morning (or early? Bah!).

Episode 28 - They All Float


Hey all, welcome to the land of the ooccoo! Our last mirror fragment dungeon is called the City In The Sky and is by far the biggest and longest dungeon in the game. Really interesting too...a changed formula to the wind dungeons that we all know from other Zelda games.

All we do in this episode is check out the in-dungeon shop (odd?), grab a map and see that the ooccoo can be used just like a chicken lmao. Flap away!

Thanks for watching! Plenty more of this place to come next time. See you then ;).

P.S. This dungeon will be a tiny bit longer episode-wise, because of its length. Good job it's a good'un huh? :)


Episode 29 - Double The Fun


Hey all, welcome back to the city in the heavens! This time around, we finish off the rest of the dungeon, other than the boss. This includes finding the big key, both heart pieces and seeing how turning the fans on affects the place overall. It changes things up a wee bit ;).

Oh! We also find make great use of the inventory item here. It's such a simple addition but it works really well.

Thanks for watching! We'll take on the boss next time and tie up a few loose ends sidequest-wise. Thank you! :)
Episode 30 - The Almighty Argorok!


Hey all, it's time to see just what those double clawshots are really capable of! It looks like they can take down dragons :eek:. Argorok is the toughest boss in the game, with tricky timings involved and a tonne of patience needed.

As well as finishing off the city in the sky, we also head on over to a few sidequests. The harder version of the STAR minigame is now available, giving the best quiver in the game. We also grab our last poe and take a reward from the gold man in the castle town. A new bottle you say? Now we have three! :). Finally, we learn the last sword skill so our spin attack is much improved :D. This is the last of the sidequests we'll be doing in the series.

Thanks for watching! We'll be heading off to the mirror stand next time and seeing what the next dungeon is like. It's a unique one, to say the least ;).

P.S. I thought I'd check out this whole 60fps fad that's going on lately. Let me know if it makes a blind bit of difference :).
Episode 31 - Luna And Sol


Hey there folks, this time around we head on back to the mirror and see gain access to the Palace of Twilight! This dungeon has a gimmick or two to keep it interesting...and it can be pretty damn creepy.

We grab the map, compass and upgrade the master sword this time around, which gains us access to the central path of the dungeon. More on that next time!

Thanks for watching! You'll be glad to know we're done with those evil hands and sol balls now...sehr nice. :)

P.S. We find a heart piece too. Nearly forgot about that.


I also have a mini-series starting today but it's gonna be so short that it'd be a bit weird making a new thread for it. I'll just put the playlist link by here if anyone's interesting in A Bird Story:


Thank you :).
Episode 32 - The Zealous Zant!


Hey all, it's time to finally take on Zant! The palace of twilight has a great, climatic boss that's really worth watching. Zant is a little bit of a weirdo, y'know?

This marks the end of the palace too (including the big key, naturally).

Thanks for watching! Sorry about the short description. I can't really think of much else to say this time around. We have a new villain coming though...kinda.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of commentary towards the middle too. I'm too considerate for my own good sometimes :s.
Episode 33 - Ganondorf's Castle


Hey all, welcome to the very last dungeon of the entire game! Keep an eye out for what power Midna's mask holds too at the start. Seriously good cinematic.

Hyrule Castle is huuuuge but not tough at all. The hardest part is finding that painting with the crystal really.

Thanks for watching! We only have 2 more episodes left after this one...it's gone so quick! See you next time for the last bosses and a whole load of plot :).
I must confess I don't like any of the 3D Zeldas... don't know why, I loved the old one/ isometric ones but not TP for example.

But: nice LP! :) :)
I must confess I don't like any of the 3D Zeldas... don't know why, I loved the old one/ isometric ones but not TP for example.

But: nice LP! :) :)

I know a few people who like one type of Zelda but not another (2D and 3D). They're like completely different game series almost :lew:.

I've LP'd two of the 2D Zeldas too...they're around this section somewheres if you fancy them. Much shorter than this one.

Thank you :).
Episode 34 - The Puppet


Welcome to the final bosses! We take on the first two bosses during this episode, along with the rest of the actual Hyrule Castle dungeon (big key etc).

Puppet Zelda is such an interesting boss. Just look out for that ball of light. Ganon is also very different this time around...wolf time!

Thanks for watching! We'll be wrapping this series up next time with the last two bosses, plot and credits etc :)
Episode 35 - End Of Twilight ~FIN~


Hey all, here's the last ever episode of Twilight Princess! We take care of Ganondorf once again with an epic sword fight! I prefer the Wind Waker final fight, but this is also good :).

The credits are also here along with the last of the plot. Hey, we get to see what Midna really looks like when she isn't cursed by Zant to look like an imp! :)

Thanks for watching this video and series! We'll be kicking the next series off on Sunday. There won't be a new opening for that one because...it may have already been put up on youtube a good while ago ;).

I really hope you've enjoyed this one. It's one of my favourite ever games so I hope I could show you why. Thank you! :)