Let's Play X Files!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Episode 1 - Missing Agents


Hey all, here's a brand new let's play from the likes of Hyperbole Studios and Fox Interactive! I would have shown their logos and everything but they blocked my opening video so...

X Files is a point and click, mystery game largely based around FMVs. Real actors (some from the TV show), the original writer and I've heard that it was supposed to be its own episode around about season 4?

This episode is all about introducing the FBI Office in Seattle, along with the characters inside! The main character may not be who you think it is ;). Introducing Agent Wilmore!

Next up, we head off to Comity Inn to look for some info...I wonder if we'll find those missing agents?

Thanks for watching! The next episode will have us delve a little deeper into this whole incident as well as introduce us properly to this charming lady at reception :).

P.S. Be on the lookout for the many bugs when this PS1 game is played via PS2 and PS3 (PS3 in this case). The glitched icons to the laggy, mis-matched voices lmao! Actually, I'm not sure if the laggy voices are my fault or not. I'll check when I record next.

Of course, none of this game will be made by me. The characters, story, music...nada! All that's mine is the gameplay and commentary :).

The borders were made by @Big Casino . Also, @Paddy McGee still smells of eau de Ireland.

Yep, the voices don't match their mouths even when playing without recording. Not my fault this time! :lew:.
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Yeah pretty sure it was meant to be set during season 4 sometime. ITs good to see Skinner. He was always a favourite charracter of mine in the show. :D
I think that's the main pull of the game; the fact that it seems to be so close to the show. It's like a bonus episode that you can play through :lew:. Hmmm, I don't mind Skinner. I'm hoping we see more sarcasm from him :britt:.
Episode 2 - Gumballs


Hey all, it's time to carry on with our little investigation; we need to find Mulder and Scully!

This episode is all about meeting new and interesting characters: the receptionist, the little girl, the mother and the crime lab worker.

We also grab a load of new items that we should have really grabbed sooner. A gun, torch, lockpick...plenty of other stuff.

The main thing that we receive however is a phone number that we'll be making use of next time.

Thanks for watching! See you next time when we head to the dock...things are gonna start speeding up a bit soon! :)
Episode 3 - "I Eat A Lotta Fish" - Wong, 1999


Hey all, a new area is incoming! Once we've beaten the phone number/computer mini-puzzle thing, I mean.

The Dock/Warehouse area is full of evidence to collect in order to help us find Mulder and Scully. Bullets, blood, a weird black powder...things are starting to get interesting!

Then there's Mr Wong. He only docks at the warehouse...nothing suspicious there at all!

Anyone else eat a lotta fish? Wong does.

Thanks for watching! We'll be going for a tense moment next time. It's all gonna start coming together soon...:)
Episode 4 - Death At The Docks


Hey all, here's a shorter episode showing off the crime lab, a few cutscenes involving Skinner and Cook (bloody Cook!) and some mysterious goings on at the dock warehouse!

We also finish up our first day! What a tense way to end things...

Thanks for watching! We'll start day 2 next time, which is where things start to build more and everything :s.
Episode 5 - Who Will Die?


Hello peoples, here's an episode with a chunk of goings on. Disc 2 is where things stop being quite so slow. It's also where we're introduced to our female sidekick (well...our slave driver?).

It seems like everyone is close to death this episode! But who is the mystery death? Have a quick look see ;).

Oh yeah, areas explored during this area: A new part of the dock warehouse (cabin) along with a new area opening up at another ship. Don't ask me to spell it though...please :D.

Thanks for watching! See you next time when we check out the new ship :).
Episode 6 - Aboard The Tarakan


Hey all, this episode is all about exploring a giant ship called the Tarakan! I'm not sure what else to say, other than how I'd never stay on board a burnt ship like that. Oh! We find a lead sphere and handprints. More too.


Episode 7 - Causing Cancer


Hey again! This time around, we're gonna head into the morgue and see what we can find out from the corpse. We also head to the crime lab to find out some more...and head to our Apartment where some stuff involving Cook (booo) and Asta (yaaaay) happens!

Thanks for watching! We'll make a proper start on disc 3 next time! :)
Episode 8 - An Explosive First Date


Hey all, this is by far the most action-packed episode so it's well worth a look! We spend most of our time at a certain house out in the middle of nowhere; there's no end to the kabooms! Keep a look out for the extra special death scene!

We also spend a bit of time at the morgue and check out that video tape of Mulder.


Episode 9 - The Russian Santa


Why hello again! This here video shows our time with Cook over at the Russian man's hideout. More action then, I guess! Get your guns at the ready and prepare for some hellishly difficult (and buggy!) fast draws!

Although this is where we spend most of our time this episode, we also head to the crime lab and head back to our apartment to find that hell has no fury like a woman scorned...

Thanks for watching! See you next time :).
The last 3 episodes are incoming. Feels like the right time to wrap the series up :).

Episode 10 - New Party Member!


Hey all, it's time for us to finally meet Scully! I love the scenes with her in it, if only because she's such an interesting actress :/.

As well as that time at the hospital, we head to a hangar and meet a mysterious man who gives us a stiletto. That'll be ever so important later on.

Finally we head to rural route 1121, where we see just what a homeless man thinks of the explosion there. We grab the video tape :D.


Episode 11 - Man In The Attic


Hey all, are you ready for some Mulder hunting? After a video tape and a video conference (come back Skype, come baaaack!), we head on over to Rauch's House, which happens to be where some suspicious stuff is going on. In the attic especially...a nice find.

Look out when you're leaving though. That gun sure likes to bug things up (check out the death scene lmao).


Episode 12 - Thanks For Watching! ~FIN~


Hey all, welcome to the last ever episode! I don't want to spoil anything for this one, because a lot happens in this last area, so I'm actually going to leave this here.

Thanks for watching this series! It isn't quite as amazing as I remember from mini-greeny times, but it was still a great little nostalgia trip. Hope you enjoyed!

If you fancy it, check out Silent Hill, Mario Kart 8 and Earthbound that are currently still on the go. Thank you! :)