Let's Tour Soul Blazer


ShinRa Guard
Sep 22, 2012
Hey guys! I hope that I'm doing this alright here. Don't want to break any rules. :confused: But, I have a YouTube channel where I do Let's Plays, which I call Let's Tours. It is kind of the theme I have for my channel. I try to have an informative style of commentary, and show off everything I know about the games I play. Playing the role of a tour guide to video games. ;)

This one I went back to an old SNES game I hadn't played for years, Soul Blazer. I plan on playing the entire trilogy (Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma), so I started from the beginning. ;) I'm currently at episode 12, so I won't spam all the videos here. To watch from the beginning, here is a link to the playlist:


And here is the 12th episode. :)

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Hey guys. New episode of Soul Blazer went up today. Today, we released a lot of mermaids into the world. Hooray! ;) Hope you guys enjoy it!

Ep. 13 - Phoenix on Rockbird

Here are the next two episodes! Hope you enjoy. :)

Episode 14- Volcanic Venture

Episode 15- Shock and Surprise!
Nice Let's Tours. Better than most of the ones I've seen and thank god you don't do any stupid voices or character voices.

Soul Blazer is an amazing game, especially for its time. I enjoyed this game much more than Illusions of Gaia, and I haven't played Terranigma much (I think I got to the over world and I stopped), but from what I played, Soul Blazer is my favorite in the series.
I'm glad you like the videos. :) Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I think that Illusion of Gaia is my favorite of the series, but that has more sentimental value to it. Soul Blazer is a really good game, definitely enjoying doing the 'Tour' of it. ;)

While I'm posting here, I'll go ahead about post the next video.

Episode 17 - Metal Monkey Go Boom
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Hey guys. Here is yesterday's Soul Blazer episode. Hope that you like it. :)

Episode 18 - Skull and Crossbones