Lightning - Does she look like Ashe from FFXII

zidane's cloud

Chocobo Breeder
Mar 28, 2007
man this chick looks like ashe from final fantasy 12. im woundering if she is even the main character now beacuse they say some other uy might nd up being the main character. they are basically reincarnating the passed characters of final fantasy.
This is too confusing for me :blink: are you trying to say that there was someone in FFXII that died and we didn't know about them and they will be brought back to life in FFXIII? that's what it sounds like to me :P
Ok smarty pants :P I think I see what he's trying to say now, is it that the woman from the FFXIII pics looks like Ashe from FFXII and that she may not even be the main character of FFXIII?
then why didnt you just come out and say it O_O

And Ashe is far from being an "unkown broad" but yeah Lightening does kinda look like Ashe o_O but then again all the characters share characteristics sometimes - Beatrix is basically a super-remade version of Celes
All I know is that Lightning is suppose to be a female version of Cloud so she probably won't be as feminine as Ashe. Lightning also has longer hair and looks more kick ass than Ashe.
I don't think they have any physical similarities at all. Ashe is the girl you'd only tap if she was your last chance after a hardy kegger. That lightning bitch is a girl you'd spread wide any time you had the chance!! YOOO!
lol... aeris i didnt say that ashe is an unknown broad....i was talking about that dam girl with the gunblade...and i dont think her nameis lightning...that might be a magical attack..
then why would it cover her name and be everywhere when no lightnig is appearing?
and i agree w/ the cloud thing althoug im dissapointed ffsw/i isnt a game i thought it to be xiii BUT NO!!!!
lol... aeris i didnt say that ashe is an unknown broad....i was talking about that dam girl with the gunblade...and i dont think her nameis lightning...that might be a magical attack..

Lightning is the character's "code name". She will have a different name in the game but for now refer to her as such. Also, I'm moving this thread to the FFXIII section in hopes that it'll branch out into a discussion about who Lightning does or does not look like.
The general shape of her face is relatively similar - and to a mild extend - so is her facial features.

Note "similar." I can't say I'd like FXIII to be connected with XII in this way. One game with Ashe in it was more than enough for me.



they all look the same to me but with diffrint names
Lightning and Yuna have similar eyebrows but the facial shape, hairstyle, mouth, nose, and everything else are all different. And Miss Piggie there doesn't look like anyone except... uh... Miss Piggie.
I think all 3 look nothing alike and yeah, Lightning is her name, but only for the time being, SE will change it upon release or possibly sometime before