Love at First Sight

I think love at first sight does exist. There are many couples in the world who have fallen in love with one another the moment they laid eyes on each other. They say that when you find 'The One', you just 'know'; know that that person is right for you and the person you should spend the rest of your life with.

However, one could argue that it's...vain? I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for, maybe superficial would be more significant. Love at first sight - your basically already in love with someone just by looking at them. You do not know of their personality, nor do you know anything else about them. Can you really say you're in love with someone just by laying your eyes on them?

I think an indescribeable feeling between two people must be felt, like an unexplainable bond, for love at first sight to exist.
Who can honestly say if it does or if it doesn't.

I guess only those who've experienced it can actually say.
I'm in a bit of a cynical mood now, so I'll have to say no, but everyones opinion changes whatever the situation I guess.

But who am I to say antying about "love" and all that Jazz, I'm no expert, far from it.
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Can't say I've ever believed in love at first sight. It seems too romantic a notion to hold any realism to it. I believe this "love at first sight" is actually more like "attraction at first sight" because yes people can feel an attraction upon meeting (this has happened to myself more than once). But love? Love is too enduring and complex an emotion to pop in so easily. As crappy as this metaphor is love is like a flower--with care it will grow into something beautiful but it's only a seed at first.
I am in total agreement with you DragonSoul, Feelings as complexed as love grow and form, it isn't a click of the fingers. I'm sure most would agree that when they find themselves interested in someone it is in fact a mental or physical attraction to begin with. The forming of an emotional attraction and deeper connection between two people forms almost subconciously, over time.

Although I do wish it was as simple as Love at First Sight, but I believe it just isn't that easy sadly.
Squall True Lionheart said:
Another love thread. You know my answer, I am negative with these kinds of stuff. So I say no, Love at First Sight does not exist.

Why so cynical? I'm not having a go or anything, I'm just curious to know why you feel the way you do. Did something happen? [Forgive me for prying >.<]

Dragonsoul said:
I believe this "love at first sight" is actually more like "attraction at first sight" because yes people can feel an attraction upon meeting (this has happened to myself more than once). But love? Love is too enduring and complex an emotion to pop in so easily.

Heh, once again I'm agreeing. xD It's easy for two people to be physically attracted to one another. You lay eyes on that person and within yourself you feel an attraction to that person.

I guess some people feel that kind of attraction towards someone within themselves, like an emotional connection and not just physical, and that's why they say it was 'love at first sight.' I struggle to comprehend how that works. Love is all kinds of things; brutal at times, and it can take you to the highest of highs and lowest of lows. A feeling like that -does- take time to develop.

But, I think there must be something that happens, for people to say 'it was love at first sight.' I myself have never experienced that; yes I've been attracted to someone the moment I've seen them but never loved them.
"Love at first sight" is a naive conclusion. As already somewhat explored, the meaning of 'love' is questioned in its depth and value. But remember, this is a phrase made by society. Think simplistic.

One can fall in love with appearance, therefore "love at first sight" is a valid phrase. Whether or not you're behind the matter is in fact another story. I myself am appalled at the idea, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Love at first sight, How can it be possible you cannot love uppon looks only. Maybe Infatuation at first sight because its based on looks only. Love will come later if you like what you have
love at first site must excist it happens all the time! have u ever heard of the the song "dont stop believin"?
It happened to me, so yes, it can happen. And note that I'm not some prepubescent (or pubescent, whatever) moron who thinks hormones = love. ;)
I believe in "attraction or infatuation at first sight". But love at fist sight is F_cking Bullsh_t. I was hurt....
Love at first sight exists but it almost never last one might think that one is smitten but soon one grows apart from one love.
I don't think I really do. I think you really need to get to know the person before you really can love them. I believe in lust at first sight. I think that's all it really is. Just urges, not love. Love takes time.
Love, what is that? really what is it?

The concept of love is not amenable to one authoritative definition. It is the subject of considerable debate, enduring speculation, and thoughtful introspection. As an approximation, different aspects of love can be illustrated by comparing its corollaries and opposites. As a general expression of positive sentiment (a stronger form of like), love is commonly contrasted with hate (or neutral apathy); as a less self-centered and more "mutual" sign of intense desire, love is commonly contrasted with lust; and as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is commonly contrasted with friendship, although other connotations of love may be applied to close friendships as well.
Clearly that definition from Wikipedia does not help me at all :moron: But I'll tell you what I think,

-Love is not something so simple that you can experience it by only looking a person once
-Is not something you can complete unless the other person loves you back
-Is a feeling that is constansly changing, either increasing or decreasing depending on how the other person behavies.
-It cannot die, not completely at least, even when it can change, there will be always something left, always.

So, Love at first sight? Not possible in real life, only hear of it in literature and soup operas
If you're talking about romantic love, then no I don't think so. That's just hormones acting up. Maybe if a beautiful woman fell in love with a VERY unnattractive man at the very first glance at him or vise versa, then I would be willing to believe in it. But I think it's just attraction or infatuation. There have been some very cute guys who I see and I get all stupid and feel as though I'm in love. But then sometimes when I get to know them they turn out to be real jerks or I just find out that they're just not my type.

It takes time to fall in love with someone. If you can have a really big fight and still remain together with that person with no hard feelings, then you probably love them. The concept of love at first sight makes love sound like it's supposed to be flowers and roses. But really it's not. In fact the person you love will probably hurt you many times because no one is perfect and can't always live up to our expectations.
I'm far from being an expert at it, but in my experience it's lust at first sight, or at least simple attraction...or a spark of instant chemistry. I don't see how one could fall in love with someone at the first glance.