Lulu's fury

the most i'v ever filled it up. third time though ffx near the start with a simple fire spell i got to 7 i don't know how Dark Fantasy X even got to nine
i couldn't see me ever filling it up full
8 was the highest I've ever gotten to from my memory. I only ever used it for elemental reasons when I needed to against an elementally weak boss.
my highest was ten with Ultima ^_^

i think to make it go to like 16 with the higher spells would be to use a Turbo controller. or just be able to move the analog stick round really really fast o_0
My favourite was Demi. But only if I couldn't count on my other spells being good enough, so things like Puroboros within the Omega Ruins went down pretty fast after that Overdrive. :p

Otherwise Thundaga or Flare. I couldn't get Ultima to go and higher than around 5 or 6. My wrist just ain't in this Overdrive at all.
I can usually get most spells up to about 7 or 8 but for some reason I can only get Flare and Ultima up to 5 or 6, I think I use Firaga or Thundaga the most
If you complete the entire sphere grid its piss easy to get max even with ultima i manged too get 16 (the max) and its sooooo coool i managed to get over 99999 damage and thats just the first 8
I can get up to 11 with the simple spells
up to 9-10 with the second-level stuff
and around 7 with the third-level spells.

I think I remember from my first playthrough that I was able to get about 4 with Ultima and maybe 5-6 with Flare
I hit ten yesterday with Lulu ad used Ultima which is amusing to see when you have levelled her magic maxxed out! But normally hit 7-8 every time i don't see how it is possible to hit more or fill up the bar maybe turning both anolog sticks haven't tryed yet hard enough with one lol