Made a song!

Hey, this sounds pretty cool :) I like the rhythm that comes in around 0:23, and some of the sound effects that you use in it. I write/record songs too, but I'm fairly new to digital recording having done analog for most of my life :lew:, so I'm afraid I can't get much more technical than that. My only recommendation might be to add a bit more ambient stuff like you did towards the end, but then it also depends on what kind of sound you're going for :hmmm: But overall it sounds good, also liked the chord change around 2:04 or so.
Hey, this sounds pretty cool :) I like the rhythm that comes in around 0:23, and some of the sound effects that you use in it. I write/record songs too, but I'm fairly new to digital recording having done analog for most of my life :lew:, so I'm afraid I can't get much more technical than that. My only recommendation might be to add a bit more ambient stuff like you did towards the end, but then it also depends on what kind of sound you're going for :hmmm: But overall it sounds good, also liked the chord change around 2:04 or so.

Thanks mate! Yeah i'm pretty new to digital recording aswell, but been practicing like hell :mandi: these kind of reviews will improve my skills most surely, havta read these through and make necessary changes to my projects :) thank you once more :)
I will update my music projects to Jamendo aswell, my account name in there is Janitsi and my artist name is Yanitzi :D Not much difference ay :) but hey stay tuned! :D