MadHatter230's Bio


Sephiroth's servant
Mar 21, 2012
United States
ORPG/URPG/RPB - The kind of role play my character is intended for is mainly Final Fantasy Advent Children (vii)

Name – Kelly Nicole Hinari

Title – The dark abyss

Alignment – Good

Race – Human/Other
The reason I say human/other is because Kelly is human yes, but often she is able to change her appearance and use magic in that form. It is currently unknown how she developed the powers, but it is sometime slowly developing after she was ten.

Gender – Female

Age – 16

Appearance – Kelly is only 4'8" in height and weighs 127 lbs. She has a sort of slim and skinny body, not really much muscle even though she is fighting which is a bit of a work out for her. Currently she has flawless skin, but has a heart shaped tattoo on her lower stomach near the left side that's in the shape of a heart with the letters S + K on it, which she got during the age of ten years old. She has long brown hair that reaches her shoulders a bit. Her right eye is a chocolate brown, while the other is a deep ocean blue.

Attire – The attire she wears from day to day is a red sleeveless shirt that's a bit like a turtle neck but not in a way. She wears black pants, black gloves, and black boots. There are no patterns on her clothing. The only tightness is in her shirt, but it doesn't really make her breasts stand out or her stomach.

Armour – N/A

Personality – She is usually a very happy and bubbly teen, but is also quiet and likes to be by herself a lot. Besides being nice and cheerful she has her dark times where shes a bit angry, rude, and boring. The reason for her dark moods is her child hood and also changes that occur.

First Impression – The first impression i'd get from my character is that we'd probably instantly become friends because of our similar ways, except for the dark moods, since I do not have any dark moods. We'd most likely hang out inside, reading books, drawing, playing music, or drawing.

Strength – My characters strength sometimes ranges but the basics for her would be that in a single punch she wouldn't be able to break a brick wall or a steel door. She'd be able to lift things like tables, chairs, maybe desks, and people depending on their weight.

The damage she can do to enemies depends on their strength, besides her own. The most damage Kelly could do to a easy or medium ranked enemy would be maybe 200 or 300. If it's a hard enemy that shes fighting it would most likely be 80 or 100.

Vitality -- The amount of damage she'd most likely take from an attack, again ranges from the enemies rank of level, like easy, medium, or hard. If its an easy enemy the estimation of damage would be like forty-five to like sixty-seven. Medium enemies would be seventy to around eighty-three. And the hard enemies would from ninety to a hundred.

Speed – Her speed in running would have to be maybe medium because of her weight; And her speed in sidestep would be average, again because of her weight, so it wouldn't be very fast.

Stamina – The longest my character can fight for would be maybe until her health is low and shes nearly wiped, or until shes exhausted. The most she can run for is about twenty minutes to at least forty.

Reflexes – My character's reflex's wouldn't be very good because again, of her weight, and the speed and stamina she can have. But overall i'd say she has slightly fast reflexes.

Fighting Style – The style in which my character fights can range, meaning what kind of battle it is, or if shes prepared for it. Mostly she uses weapon combat, or hand to hand combat. In weapon combat the rank of her ability ranges from okay to good, and with hand to hand it ranges from not so good to good. If needed she will use cowardly tactics.

Weapons – The weapons she carries are a small shotgun and a dagger. There is no real history to them besides the fact that she bought them from a local store in town. The gun and blade doesn't have magical abilities sadly, and is not the type of thing that is inherited by earlier generations. The gun is a silver metal gun with a brown pocket holder embroided with the name, "Kelly" which is her name. The dagger is sharp with a black handle. The weapons she carries are NOT indestructible.

Abilities – Her abilities she has are speed, weapon use, strength, and thinking abilities. There is not real special power she has like magic, or some sort of creature. Her abilities are those similar to human abilities, but a bit stronger in a way.

The energy it costs her to use while running, or strength would be from twenty to thirty energy attack.

Magic – N/A, meaning she doesn't have any magic capabilities quite yet until she figures out how to gain some, so she might gain some magic ability in the future.

Other Skills – Other skills that my character has are cooking, painting, fighting, reading, knowing the skills for the use of a computer, playing music, and writing.

History – Kelly was born in 96' in the town of Midgar. Her mothers name was Crystal, her fathers name was James. She is the only child in her family as well. Most of her life she was a loner, not interacting with other kids as much, and she was picked on a lot. She often stayed indoors, playing on her own. At the age of ten, during the night she was taken by Sephiroth and brought to a strange building after being knocked out. When she awoke she felt a nearly unbearable burning pain on her lower stomach where she was so called 'branded' by him. Later that night she awoke again in her bed, the pain gone and found the mark to still be there with the symbol S+K on it. Forever binding her to Sephiroth. After that is when she began developing the strange things like her dark moods, and the color of her hair changing to a silver color like Sephiroths, or Kadaj's, and her eyes turning a cat like blue.

At the age of fifteen while in the midst of battles and wars against enemies she decided to defend herself a bit easier she bought two weapons, a small silver shot gun, and a black handled sharp blade, which proved to help her in the battles she fought. At the age of sixteen today, her parents are still alive, but older of course, and not dead yet.