FFF Choice Magazine Content: Favourite Location


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Jun 26, 2008
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We are currently planning issue 3 of FFF's free digital magazine, Timber Maniacs!

If you are new or you have been hibernating you can see our previous issues here:
Issue 1
Issue 2

For a new FFF Choice article we are researching the most popular FF locations on the forum. FFF Choice is where we really get to show off what FFF members think about Final Fantasy, and it gives a variety of members the chance to have their thoughts published in our digital magazine.

So what is your favourite location in Final Fantasy?
You can pick any location from any game, but please explain what it is about the location that really attracts you. Perhaps it might be the theming of the area, or it could be that you wouldn't mind actually living there if it were a real place. We'll leave that up to you!

We will not include a poll this time since there are too many locations to list for.

So if you fancy saying your piece, post below! We'll contact you in due course if we think we should include your comment in the magazine and offer you the chance to expand or edit your comments.
Lindblum, both because I think it'd be super rad to live there, but also because it's one of the most cohesive areas in the series considering its size. There's something really 'tangible' and 'lived in' about it, and the fact that you can travel freely between the districts rather than moving between them linearly gives a sense of freedom that other similarly large areas like Midgar don't really offer. Other than maybe Balamb Garden, it's probably the most 'real' place the series had created up to that point.
Winhill in FFVIII - I always have a soft spot for the quiet places in Final Fantasy games (which is funny as I live in London and would go nuts living anywhere peaceful!), and I always liked the melancholy atmosphere in Winhill. It's a place where the ghosts of the past hang heavy (a bit like Icicle Inn in FFVII and Madain Sari in FFIX)
There are so many great places in the Final Fantasy universe, that's very hard to pick only one.
If I have to choose, I'll say Cosmo Canyon.

It has that warm friendly central place at the camp fire and also this opened eye to the beauty and mystery of the universe with Bugenhagen observatory

I also have a little word for Delling City from VIII, it looks very inspired from Paris, that round place with the monument that looks like Arc de Triomphe, these big streets having a Champs Elysées look.
A tough one since I have a few favorite locations such as Balamb Garden, Dali Village, Winhill and Besaid Island among a few...but I think if I can really picture myself at peace with the living situation, hands down, Black Mage Village from FFIX. The fact that it’s actually secluded concealed by an illusion is something I would gravitate to when I’ve had enough of the world around me. That sounds depressing, haha, but it would be my go-to location if shit hits the fan! Not only that, but it does remind me of home. I used to take naps in the afternoon in huts similar to that (except my great-aunt’s hut had small stairs) when I was little, and it’s one of the best memories I have.
This was really tough for me too, since environments are 100% my jam. I've narrowed it down, but I don't think I match up well with everyone else's answers, though. I'm more interested in locations that show age. Conde Petie and Fossil Roo in FFIX. The Salt Flats and Tomb of the Unknown King in VIII. Bone City in FFVII. All these locations have one thing in common that sets them apart from everything else: They show their age visually. The walls and air screams that there's a history behind it all, but none of it is explored or elaborated on in their respective games. It gives a sense of extra depth within the setting that gets the brain juices flowing, gets you theorizing and gawking and trying to pick apart every little feature. It makes you want to extend the image beyond the confines of the screen.

That is, if you're me.

Like I said, I don't think these locations are very popular with most people, because while it can be universally agreed that a lived-in environment with added depth can really sell the setting, the history of said settings-- history unrelated to the main plot-- doesn't generally spring to mind. But it does for me, and that's why I'm actually gonna choooose.... Fossil Roo.
I'd have to go for Dali Village (FF9). It's quiet, it's rural, it's stress-free. Without the puppet factory going on but...I imagine that's all passed by now.
Cosmo Canyon - Final Fantasy VII.

Let me start by saying the Cosmo Canyon theme that comes in when you enter the village is amazing, it really sets the mood. Aside from that it just seems like such a "strong" place. I actually shed a tear with the Seto scene as well. Bugenhagen's 'little' observatory, galaxies, the Cosmo flame... yeah... Amazing place.
I’ll go with Conde Petie from IX because they are my people 😂
We have ten locations now, including ones mentioned in social media platforms. We will now take these locations to narrow things down, then a voting poll will commence.

Thank you guys for your comments and feedback!