Mastered Abilities


Sep 21, 2009
Ok, so I'm a huge FF fan. I know that when something can be mastered, it should be! That's what I've been doing in Dissidia with my 2 mains. Can someone tell me though, what does mastering an ability actually do for you? Does it make it stronger, increase stats or what? Just wondering, and thanx for any help.
as you have probably noticed when you master an ability the CP cost is halved also certain abilities such as clouds sonic break bravery move branches off with Omnislash version 5 HP attack when you master as well as other moves with certain characters
Well, mastering not necessarily halves, but in any case does reduce the cost. For example, I think Counterattack only costs 5 CP less (but you'll then be able to use null Counterattack) as well as EXP to EX Force (and probably the other two) cost 0 CP when you master it.

As for the boosts, i.e. speed boost once you master them you'll unlock speed boost + and then when you master that you'll unlock speed boost ++. Well, that's it. In any case, you want to master as many as possible.
I think the To exp ones are all 0 CP anyway but I'm not sure. And everyone already said, it makes the ability cost less and on some makes an extansion :D
Yeah, topic answered i guess ;d do you guys think that 450 AP is way too small amount ? ;d
Don't you mean CP? But well, once you master the abilities you need it isn't that small, :P

For example, my Terra has Snooze and Loose, Sneak Attack, Counterattack, First Strike, Ripostle, all available attacks and the original basic abilities, including a few boosts.