Mighty Morphin Power Ranger Morphs into an MMA fighter


Unless I fight, I cannot win.
Jul 16, 2006
Greer, SC
Jason David Frank, who was once a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger, is now trying to use his super powers to turn into a mixed martial artist.
The former action star from the hit series "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" has officially made the move to mixed martial arts, and while training with UFC lightweight Melvin Guillard, he hopes to make his real fighting experience as successful as he did on television.
Frank is hoping to fight as soon as possible.
Full Story from Yahoo.com

Article on SI.com

What do you guys think of this? Do you think he has a shot? I think he may seeing as he IS an accomplished fighter, believe it or not, with many awards and honors to his name. How do you think he will fare in the UFC though? I know that I would LOVE to see a Green Ranger/ Chuck Liddell smackdown. Can you say epic? :wacky:
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35 is perhaps a bit too old for him to make a serious run in MMA, but best of luck to him anyway. I could at the very least see him fare pretty well in the minor leagues. He's definitely going about this the right way by adding some submission skills to his game. If he went into the ring as a pure karate fighter, he'd likely get murdered the second he ran into a fighter with decent wrestling or jiujitsu :P
Well you never know about the age thing.... perhaps it is too old for him to start... Chuck Liddell is 39, and he kicks ass, but at the same time, he started back in 1998, when Jason David Frank had just hung up his Power Rangers suit for the first time.... also, I hadn't realized that Chuck Liddell has possibly retired... but i still want to see Ice Man vs the Green Ranger >_>
I simply love big names coming into rings and seeing how real shit gets... :awesome:
Brock Lesnar was a spectacular wrestler in his school days; and nobody would doubt his strength or athleticism. Fake professional wrestling or not, a forward motion backsault is still impressive; as is lifting a 350+ lb, 7' tall man. Regardless; Mir was having none of that shit, haha.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the guy when I was 6; the Green Ranger was the fucking coolest one. I just don't want there to be a bunch of studio hype for his entrance where he gets sucked up into believing he's better than he really is, then he looks like a fucking idiot for his mainstream debut. Granted, like Sir Kenneth said; we've all matured into young adults, as Frank has aged as well...we'll see what he can do, eh?
Well you never know about the age thing.... perhaps it is too old for him to start... Chuck Liddell is 39, and he kicks ass, but at the same time, he started back in 1998, when Jason David Frank had just hung up his Power Rangers suit for the first time.... also, I hadn't realized that Chuck Liddell has possibly retired... but i still want to see Ice Man vs the Green Ranger >_>

Chuck Liddell has lost 4 of his last 5 fights, so unfortunately he hasn't kicked arse in quite a while now. As you get older, it's only ever going to go one way. Unless of course you are Randy Couture :P
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Chuck Liddell has lost 4 of his last 5 fights, so unfortunately he hasn't kicked arse in quite a while now. As you get older, it's only really going to go one way. Unless of course you are Randy Couture :P

I love my boy, Randy; however he, too, is falling to despairs of his age. He may CLAIM his losses are due to bad performances; and he's in the best shape of his life, but I don't know if his body would agree. The Natural's only done 1 better than Iceman within his last 5 fights. Granted, the first of those last 5 was against Liddell, in which Chuck won.
Randy looked great against Lesnar until he was knocked down, and against Nogueira he just lost to a fighter who was always better. He certainly wasn't humiliated the way Chuck was in his last 2 fights. When he lost to Chuck, Chuck was still on top of the 205 division in the UFC.

Randy has always been a "win some, lose some" fighter, and this isn't the first time he's lost 2 fights in a row. He'll be back with a win next time :)
I know that I would LOVE to see a Green Ranger/ Chuck Liddell smackdown. Can you say epic? :wacky:
As in, epic fail?

Taking a green (pun intended for lulz) fighter vs a hasbeen just leaves everybody wondering what we're doing. Something like that would only add to the gimmick that this kind of appears to be.

But hey, at least he didn't go on to do gay porn like Austin St. John... <<
That wasn't Austin St. John. If you look it up on the internet, it actually wasn't him at all. :gasp:
That's what "<<" was for. Perhaps two shifty sets of eyes were needed to emphasize the lie.

Anyway, I'm not one to usually stress the age factor, but he certainly hasn't set himself up for a lot of time has he? This feels like it's more about receiving TV buzz.

I wonder if whatever association he'll sign for will throw him bones for his first few matches to hype him up.
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Looked at a few of his fights on youtube and i have to say he does seem abit sluggish, granted he's the one in the cage and i'm not. He looks like a competent contender so we'll see how long he lasts before he gets put up against some one who'll give him an unholy beatdown and only after that you'll know if he's a worthy mma fighter and not just some ex tv star trying to grab some spotlight. He'll either quit or get back into training for another fight.

Well, I do think he's doing good, but hopefully people don't bash on him for being a former Power Rangers Star :wacky:. He seems to be doing fairly well in it, though. So, I guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out for him.