Missing, Underwater Materia, Can I Get a Second?


Dec 4, 2006
:O As in the title, I am now missing my underwater materia, is there a chance I can get another?

I did get the materia by exchanging the Guidebook at Kalm. Now it is not showing up on my materia list. I don't know if it was deleted or if this is a glitch.:mad: I made sure that when I deleted materia, I did not delete anything important, though.>_<

But that doesn't matter now either way,:mad: I am missing this materia and wonder if I can find it somewhere else. I went to the Bone Yard and spent some time there, but did not come up with it. I might try spending a couple hours trying this and see if this turns up anything.

I am posting this to see if anyone else has any suggestions.

morph another ghost ship
get another guide book
exhange it again to u.w
Did that, done that, he didn't offer me another. He just asked me for the other two.

I followed advice at another forum, used a program called "Jenova," which is an editor for FF7 pc version save files, and put the underwater materia back into my saved file.

You don't really need underwater materia dude, atleast, I didn't. You get a 20:00min clock to beat Emerald and I think thats plenty as long as you make sure to....

1st. Cast Fury on all your characters.
2nd. Equip cloud with a 4xCut and counter 4xCut (I think that works but if it doesn't then just alot of counter attack materias)
3rd. Bring Barret or Cid and equip them with Mime materia (or master all skills materia)
4th. If you know the trick to use W-Item materia to get infinite items use lots of Hero Drinks on Cloud and Barret so that you can keep miming Omni-Slash and Catastrophe/Highwind and hit for 9999 every time.
5th. just use your other character as a healer and spell caster for barriers and haste.

Thats how I did it and incase you don't know how to use the W-Item trick I'll tell you.

W-Item trick:

Select the item you want duplicated like you were going to use it and on the second time around select the same item only instead of using it cancel it and the select it agan and then cancel it. Everytime you cancel you will get another item.

^_^ Neat trick huh.
You don't really need underwater materia dude, atleast, I didn't. You get a 20:00min clock to beat Emerald and I think thats plenty as long as you make sure to....

1st. Cast Fury on all your characters.
2nd. Equip cloud with a 4xCut and counter 4xCut (I think that works but if it doesn't then just alot of counter attack materias)
3rd. Bring Barret or Cid and equip them with Mime materia (or master all skills materia)
4th. If you know the trick to use W-Item materia to get infinite items use lots of Hero Drinks on Cloud and Barret so that you can keep miming Omni-Slash and Catastrophe/Highwind and hit for 9999 every time.
5th. just use your other character as a healer and spell caster for barriers and haste.

Thats how I did it and incase you don't know how to use the W-Item trick I'll tell you.

W-Item trick:

Select the item you want duplicated like you were going to use it and on the second time around select the same item only instead of using it cancel it and the select it agan and then cancel it. Everytime you cancel you will get another item.

^_^ Neat trick huh.

I personally have never got that trick to work :(
Awww... Maybe your doing it wrong? Are you making sure that your slecting the same item your wanting to duplicate twice or maybe your canceling one too many times?
Correct me if I'm wrong...I'm not sure...but isn't the underwater only good for beating Emerald Weapon??
Yeah, it's only used in the Emerald battle, but having it not show up is kind of weird. Good luck fixing that one. It's not totally necessary, but if you're struggling agaisnt Emerald WEAPON, it will be a big help.