Mizu La-La


Dec 11, 2006
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
EDITS: Her family stats had to change, due to conflicts with other characters. Name changes and how the kids are born are changed. Battle appearance added, and abilities/spells/etc are to be added soon.

~Based on her world, by me, from lands to people.~

Name: Mizu Bell La-La
Pronouciation: (me-zoo) (bell) (lah-lah)
Theme Song: Come With Me (RMX\MASTERED)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Author: DJ-SkiLLz from newgrounds.com<o:p></o:p>

Gender: Female
DOB: August 13
DOD: Febuary 2
Death Age: 47
Age: 33. Can change if an RP requires a younger character. (Such as in a teenage/high school RP.) I'll just start from where she left off at that age. (Example, she won't have had all the children at that time.)
Origin/Birthplace: Rekoj, Aluthria (Northern Polar continent in her world.)
Current Residence: Kasa Kindu, Kurianak (Forresty area in Middle Continent)
Weight: 92 pounds
Build: Short and thin, very flexible.
Hair color: Dark bluish-silver.
Eye color: Dark blue
Skin color: A slightly creamy tan.
Complexion: Clean, smooth, soft.
Race: Wolven/Ghost. (Wolven is a smaller, leaner version of a wolf. Not as lanky.)

Appearance: Mizu is a very lean person and very slim. Her bluish-dark silver hair has bangs that go down over her cheek just below her chin. The back goes down just below her shoulders blades, and has a slight fluffy look to it. Her eyelashes are medium length, her ears are small, and her mouth is tiny, with four tiny sharp teeth for fangs. Hands are small and gentle looking, like their used to being slow. Her feet are tiny and strong, and she is very much able to stand on her toes or lean on her heels for long times. She keeps her humanoid form to able to talk to humans easier, but she still has dark gray ears that droup from the side of her head and point backwards. A fluffy gray wolf tail floats behind her. She has to concentrate alot harder to make these blend into a human body.

Wolven Form: When standing up straight, the tips of her ears are about 3'5'' tall, and she's 4'1'' long. Silvery-gray fur all over, with rougher fur around her shoulders and shoulder blades. Fur is thick, as are the pads on her feet, made for snowy areas. Note: This is her main, true form. She just uses a humanoid look so people won't think of her as a monster, and to be able to talk to them. When in this form, it heightens her senses, which are muted when she goes into human form. Her hearing and smelling abilities raise, and her eyes become more based on movement and is better near twilight and early morning. Her reflexes also improve.

Clothes: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place>Normal</st1:place> world clothes are a pair of khaki colored cargo pants with two pockets on each side, and thick double loops for her belt. Her first shirt is a long sleeved white shirt with a strange blue language printed down the outside of the sleeve. There are a few yellow swirls around the hems of her sleeves and shirt bottom. Overtop of that is a short sleeve button up plaid shirt. It's colors are red, blue, pink, white and purple. She wears tight socks that go to the middle of her calves. For her feet are soft brown leather snow boots with good grips that go up tightly just above midway of her calves. In colder weather, she wears a blue parka with white rabbit fur lining the hood, sleeves and front pocket. Sometimes soft pants are worn under her cargos, another pair of socks in her boots, and a long gray scarf. Her dressier outfit is very complicated and wrapped and hooked in places.


<st1:City><st1:place>Battle</st1:place></st1:City> Appearance: If she has time to prepare for a battle, she wears a complicated wrapping long sleeved shirt that's made of tough leather. It had a few strands of thin rope around it to hold items she needs quickly. Two rings of silver for heavier items are at her sides, near her waist, as well as two on her calves, and one on her necklace. Her boots are strengthened with a slip of metal that fits over the top of them. For her hands, she wears thicker gloves than normal, that covers her entire hand. Her hair is pulled back in a tight braid so it won't get in her way, and blue cloth headband is tied around her forehead to keep the sweat out of her eyes and mouth.

Element Usage: Mizu is very good at controlling elements like water, wind and earth. She has control of others, like fire and electric, but her control is greatly weakened. She has a bond with the earth. The land that gives a place for things to grow, the water that sustains it, and the air that gives it breath. She generally creates shields of water/ice, uses wind to slice through opponents, and earth to make platforms.<o:p></o:p>
Alteari Arunia (all-tear-E ah-rune-yah): A flower named after her mother. Mizu crossed breeds of flowers until she came to a unique flower. Alteari Arunia has a long, curving dark green stem that seems to drop with weight and curve in towards itself at the end. There are about seven little bell looking things that, when blossomed, open to show a little pinkish yellow upside down blossom that looks like a tiny, swelled up heart symbol. It's yellow cashew sized seeds (found in the 'hearts') can heal your essence, and give you strength and energy. Not completely, more like taking a good shower or taking a breather. The velvety petals are used as a paralyzed/petrifaction healer. The stiff heart shaped leaves are used to stop the blood flow of smaller wounds and cuts. The pink pollen is used to induce sleep. Good for insomniacs. The roots can be chewed on for moisture. She carries pieces of this in bags attached to her belt and strings on her outfit.<o:p></o:p>
Abilities: (No fancy names, just simple abilities.)<o:p></o:p>
  • Mizu concentrates to thin her body, and pushes oxygen to her legs and lungs, increasing her leg speed. This lets her run quickly. This also allows her to jump to pretty decent heights. She can jump on top of a one story house or a two story if really trying.<o:p></o:p>
  • Ghosting: If Mizu concentrates long enough, and let her emotions take control of her (Or if she's startled really badly), her body looses it's stability and she became a sort of 'ghost' form of herself. This is useful for avoiding things/people, or going around obstancles. Though she can't use physical attacks, and her elemental attacks are greatly weakened. Elemental/Magic attacks still affect her, thought normal physical attacks can't. Usually used to spy or sneak around. She's still see-able, you just have to be actually looking and not glancing around.<o:p></o:p>
  • Mizu can twist her body in a aerodynamic sorta way and contorts the air to push her around quickly. When holding knives, she becomes a kind of 'flurry of blades and sharp wind'.<o:p></o:p>
  • Mizu specializes in plants and living things. She can concentrate on certain parts of a plant and help it grow a lot faster, and pushing it beyond it's natural limits. Such as big, thick thorny plants for protection, food plants obviously for food, twisted shrubby plants for obstacles. It can take some time to grow the bigger plants, and when interrupted, can make them stunted or make them shrivel.<o:p></o:p>

~Found at quizilla.com. I didn’t make it, dunno who did. It just looks a lot like her.~

Distinguishing characteristics: There are five white scars running from her right shoulder down to her left hip, where her husband clawed her in a fight along time ago. She tries to keep these hidden. As well as the scars, at times she can appear ghostly whenever she's in a weakened state, she can't concentrate or she's really hormonal. Her mother was a type of spirit, and mixed her essence with Mizu's father to have a child (Mizu). Due to this, she's can not maintain her physical body 100%, 24/7. Whenever your looking at her, she can appear hazy-like at times.

Political position: No definite position. Leans towards the pacifistic/peaceful parties.

Hobbies and Recreation: Her favorite pastime is taking care of as many types of flowers as she can get her hands on. Anything ordinary, herbal, pretty, mystical, anything. Her favorite flower is the Bleeding Heart. Mizu also studies many different martial arts, trying to keep her body and mind trained to help with the job of protecting her family, and any job she needs to take on. She's hasn't perfected any art yet, as she is still young and hasn't had a chance to travel or train with her family around. Although, she would like to travel once her kids go out on their own.

Personality: Very motherish and caring towards all living things, Mizu likes to help others and get them towards their goal. Her patience is very long, and it can take months to wear it down. The only true thing that can get under her skin is when people mess with her children.

Ambitions: To raise a happy family and be known for her medical knowledge..

Concerns/Setbacks: Mizu can be very withdrawn and shy when it comes to love. Her first husband cheated on her and left her to raise their children. The second husband, whom she loved more deeply than she had ever loved anyone else, died not long after they were married and had a child, whom she adores. That is her youngest female, Leki.

Likes: Deep, philosophical conversations with others; dance and rock music; books; kids; sportsman-like, training fights.

Dislikes: Bullies; bloody battles; war.

Intelligence: Very knowledgeable in healing and caretaking of living things. Made averagely good grades in school, and has a determination to learn her best. Knows about a lot of things, mostly practical/common sense, but hasn't master many. She seems to have a very good sense about whether people are lying, and how their feeling. She's used to raising children and caring for others and can see through peoples facades.

Physical Abilities: Martial arts, dancing, hand to hand combat. Her speed, evasion, dexterity and magic capabilities are highest, while her strength and defense skills are lower than normal fighters.

Magic/Abilities: Martial Arts, dancing. She uses graceful moves to evade her opponents and can create vortexes, platforms, etc of water or wind depending on how she uses her body, will and soul. She has the basic ability to control natural elements, such as fire, water, earth, electricity, etc. The better connection she has with the element, the more control over it she has. She mainly uses water, wind and earth type moves. She can control fire and electricity, but their much, much weaker than her other attacks.

Sense of Humor: A very fine sense of humor. Only humor that she doesn't like is when it comes at the expense of others.

Mother: Alteari (Died when Mizu was 2 months. She was a spirit/ghost.)
Father: Skraw La-La (Wolven)
Siblings: Ava (Elder sister), Evanna/Eve (Younger sister)
EDIT: Names of husbands have to change. I didn't realize it, but their names are really similar to comebody else's character's names. EDIT<o:p></o:p>
First Husband: Kell (kah-L) (Wolf)
Second Husband: Tavin (tay-vin) (Large Fox)
Children: Link (Wolven), <st1:State><st1:place>Cal</st1:place></st1:State>* (Wolf), Ashe (Wolven), Fleck (Wolf), Maggie* (Wolven), Nina (Misscarriage) (Wolf), Leki (Fox)<o:p></o:p>
Other Charges: Ari (Wolven), Semi (Wolven). They are her elder sister's children, and are put in her care after she and her husband die.
*Not know if they are alive, since they were lost in wars or battles. All the children can take a humanoid appearance, like their mother. Link was the firstborn son, then came <st1:State><st1:place>Cal</st1:place></st1:State>, Ashe, Fleck, and Maggie as quadruplets, then Nina and Leki. All of them die, or are lost in war before she dies, except Leki, whom she dotes on. She leaves her other charges, Ari and Semi, once she goes to travel with her daughter.*
~In her culture it is a custom to marry young, so she married Kell at age 17. Through the years she had her children, until she found Kell cheating on her when she was 27. They soon separated. Tavin and her married when she was 31, only for him to die when she was 34. She died at 47.~<o:p></o:p>
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Alrighty, cool.

For the the age, she's usually 19 just in RPs. I guess I should have put about age 36 or something for this profile. I'll edit that. She married at age 17, and her age is now 40. I also put a bit more information about her family, and what they are.

I'll edit it to exclude the SeeDs. (I was referencing to the clan here, by the way.)

As for the name, it's not actually the person from Inuyasha, but I will think of a new name, and also a name for her second husband.

I also added a few details about her battle apperance, and her abilities.

~Thank you for taking time to read my profile and comment Rhea.
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Whoops. I just thought about this, and Mizu's husband's name conflicts with another fan character's name, whom I know. As does her story.

So I had to change her family stats around abit.

Her abilities/spells/etc for battle are going to be added soon so she can be approved for battles.
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Hmmm...just give her a few unique battle moves.
You can have normal spells like lightning, fire, etc...but nothing too obviously derived from FF, like supernova. o_O

Take a look at my character's profile. My first character has a good example of unique abilities...and some of the other characters around her as well...
Don't give her too many moves though, or it'll be hard to keep up with them all in RPBs. =x