Mobile effing phones


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
I cant live without my phone AT ALL. I rely on it was too much, I have to carry my charger around with me just in case :wacky:

Today tho, it's started spazzing out, cutting off, having no coverage and saying I have an inactive sim

It makes me angry. I feel like Im cut off from the world without it and I think it's on it's last legs....I havent even had it a year yet -_-

Don't get a Sony Ericcsson W880i, they are crap >_<
God, I hardly ever use my mobile. I can put £5 on it and it will last me months (pressuming I don't waste it all on one phone call). I also go for months having no money on it.... meh, I just don't use it much. If I only have room for one more object in my bag I would take my iPod before my phone....
Bah, I had a bill of 76quid after xmas, stupid stupid phone

It's normally 35, but I kinda overdid it over the festive season. It was actually cheaper for me to stay on pay & go becasue I got 1000 txts a month for putting 30 quid on, but my phone broke and I couldn't afford a new one so I went contract >_<

Once it expires Im gunna demand a better rate or Im going elsewhere!

Oh yes, I am a slave to my phone :wacky:
Since my mobile died on me recently, I've realised just how much I need/use it D:

It's quite traumatic really, having a non working phone. Apparently I'll have a load of texts waiting for me if the bloody thing ever turns back on D:
I have a cell phone, but I haven't used it in 2 years. I dunno why, but I just don't like phones. I'd rather talk to people face-to-face if I can, and if I can't, I'd rather just talk to them online.

And yeah, the fact that people are slaves to their cells puts me off. :P
Meh, I hardly use my cell phone nowadays. There's really no one to call, and I have like...over 2,000 minutes to spare. =/

I wish I had those minutes back in high school...
Don't get a Sony Ericcsson W880i, they are crap >_<
They're gash as fuck anyway. Get a Nokia; those things are indestructible.

Bah, I had a bill of 76quid after xmas, stupid stupid phone
Between 25th December - 12th January, I spent £150 on my phone. :wacky:

Yeah, I feel totally lost if I don't have my phone on me. I actually don't use it that much, but I just have to have it. And it has to be in my right pocket, or within sight.
Same here, I can't put it in my handbag because I think Iv lost it, either that or if it rings and I cant get to it in time :wacky:

Im such a whore for my phone

And I think I may have to go back to Nokia tbh or maybe motoolla I quite liked thatphone it got dropped repeatedly and was fine....well, it lasted a year til it conked altogether and I got this one

I dropped it once and now it randomly switches off >_<

Its so bleeding flimsy
I feel quite lost without my phone, and it's annoying having to borrow my mothers each time I go anywhere ><

I miss texting D: It's the only way I can contact certain friends outside of school.
My mom pretty much forced a cell phone on me. She said she'd feel better if I had means of reaching someone should I get into an accident of some sort.

I text every now and then, but I seldom use the thing.
My mom pretty much forced a cell phone on me. She said she'd feel better if I had means of reaching someone should I get into an accident of some sort.

I text every now and then, but I seldom use the thing.

She forced you to have a cell phone? :huh: Lucky damn. I had to force my dad to buy me one...when he wouldn't, I went to my aunt and she finally bought me one for Christmas.

I must admit, I find texting more fun than talking on the cell. >.>
Oh I am such a text fiend, I hardly touch my minutes but always go over my tezt allowance every month :monster:
Mitsuki said:
I must admit, I find texting more fun than talking on the cell. >.>

Helllllllll yes. A trip to the dentist sounds more fun than talking on the cell phone. haha
I have a friend that doesn't text and he rings me and Im like WHHHHY I hate talking on the phone so much -_-
I don't like talking on a mobile since it' so small, so it looks like I'm just talking into my hand, I've gotten some funny looks for it...

That's when my phone decided to work though :monster:
I get funny looks when I have my hands free in, people always seem to ring me when Im out and about pushingthe pram with my head phones in so it looks like Im just laughing away at myself :wacky:
God yeah, it's weird to see people with hands-free, especially if they're behind you and you think they're talking to you D:

I'd rather have a teeny phone than a brick / older phone though, those things are horrible to use.
I hate cells. They ring during lectures, or at other inapproriate times, I don't like being called by random strangers and other annoying telemarketers, and it does nothing to make me feel either more or less isolated, so I'm not really bothered by that.
Telemarketers are the worst, one time my friend got into a massive argument with one of them, and ended up with a huge phone bill.

I think my mobile blocks them though, which is just a lifesaver.