Playstation Monster Hunter Freedom 1 & 2

Darth Valandil

Big Daddy
Aug 7, 2007
Does anyone have these great games? I have recently bought MHF2 and I'm loving it. It's so much better than MHF1. One thing I especially like is that you can combine in the village now....don't remember if you could do that in MHF1. So far I'm stuck fighting the urgent quest for the 2* where I have to kill the blind monster. I also love the fact that you can download extra quests/bonus stuff too. Will do the next download on Wednesday and see what else it has.

Any other Monster Hunters out there? If so, put your weapons down, sit down and chat.
It took years but I finally found another Monster hunter fan :P
Sadly I dont have a PSP and wont until January, but I still play the first MH for the PS2. I have heard a lot of great things about MHF2 but I haven't seen it in action yet, I'm hoping to get it soon and if I dont I'll probably die ^_^
I find MHF2 to be far better than the original. There's new weapons (of which the longsword and bow are my favourite). New enemies and items. Plus having the ability to download new quests is a great addition....shame it wasn't able to have online play though. Although I'm not very far in either game, once I buy MHF1 for my girlfriend, I'll be playing that more (she's been borrowing my game).

Just out of far have you got in the game? In MHF, I was stuck at killing Rathlos (urgent quest 3* for Elder). On MHF2, I'm now on to the 3* for elder but haven't done much as I'm trying to get more materials for better weapons. I know I'm not very good at it but I'm having fun and that's all that matters. :)
Lol i got stuck on the 8 Star guild quests against 2 Kirins. And they were G-Class
I haven't played MHF1 for a while but when I can, I'll try using the demonlock with some cluster shells against the rathlos. I tried the eternal strife but never quite killed him...though think I got close a few times.

I have to say that I prefer the way samurai swords handle in MHF2 (now classed as longswords rather than great swords). I'm a samurai fan and I think it's much better how it's used now.
I had the first one and sold it because I was just getting bored with it. Nice graphics and designing your own character. But the controls bugged me.
I don't actually mind the controls. What can annoy me at times is the camera. But only a few minor times have I been annoyed at the camera.

Just found out that I was able to kill a rathlos before I let my girlfriend borrow it as I found rathlos items in my inventory. Didn't kill the urgent one though as that's still there so much have been another one. Maybe the first egg quest. Will try the urgent a few more times with the Eternal Strife and if I still don't do it, will try with Demonlock using clusts.
Well, was able to kill the Rathalos urgent quest yesterday so I'm happy now. Killed him with the Eternal Strife so no need to use bowgun yet. Will either do some capture rathalos quests (if any in 4*) or just kill the Rathalos in earlier egg quests. Only died once so should get better and not die at all after a while.
MH thread...awesome...good thinking Val :D

I still need to replay some quests for money..think will do some later on...or maybe do some fishing too...
What you could do is do the gathering quests and take as much fishing bait as possible and afterwards, sell all the fish. For myself, I might just fight Kut Kus and sell the materials....or the vespoid quest (using poison bombs make it SO easy....and profitable). :D

Still want to play 2 player by the way. ;P
I replayed some stuff, got some money..though will replay some more... to get more money :D

I know that....

though we did play some multiplayer...we can do some more over the weekend....:)
I still have to kill that Rathian to complete the egg quest on 3* elder but I'll do it eventually.

I think to make easy money, I'll just do the Kut Ku quest where I have to kill as many as possible. If I can kill 5-7 (or more) in 50 minutes and sell all the materials, that should be quite profitable.:D
I was gonna play last night and get on to the Kut Kut...but then I got stuck with Colossus no13. ...damn bastard got me loose it... for the first time made me loose my nerves...I was swearing, yelling, shouting....oh is the far most horrible fight in the whole game....

hopefully we can do some multiplayer quests today
Well, hopefully you'll get passed that colossus. Let me know when you kill the Kut Ku. I still have to kill the bloody Rathian so I can finish all the 3* elder quests.....I just need to get those two eggs.:(
eggs ?

what eggs ?

the worst thing is that I haven't touched it for few days now, but I know that once I do I'll get glued to it for hours....
There's a quest where I have to collect two eggs on the jungle level....but there's a Rathian waiting in the area the nest is located. What makes it worse is that there are about 6-8 Ioprey (those nasty red ones) there too and it's not exactly a large area to move about.

As I said before, I'm just trying to build stronger hammers and lances and see if they're better. Will need to use the hammer against the rock-like monster.
Well, haven't played this in ages but am getting back into the swing of things. Have finally done that quest for 2 eggs but now I'm stuck on the 4* elder quests for 3 Iodromes and the 3 eggs quest. Should be able to do the egg one soon but the Iodrome one is annoying as there's prey all over the place.
I am a huge MHF fan in fact it is my second most played game of all time after FFVII and it will soon be taking the top spot.

I am playing MHF2 myself I started using Long Sword on my first game and got all the way to HR6 which is the last rank. I decided however to start a new game and go back to my favorite weapon Sword and Shield which I had completed the first MHF with.
I'm up to HR2 now and am going to do all of these level quests to unlock the first Lao Shan Lung and make it's armour.
I have to say that I prefer the long sword than the great sword. Because I'm a samurai nut, I find it horrid playing with a katana in MHF because they're not as slow as they are in the game. At least with MHF2, they made a new class for those type of swords. At the moment, I'l enjoying using my hammer to kill the Kut Kus in Plague of Kut Kus (4* elder quest) but have yet to get any Monster Bone+.

I actually like the bow in MHF2 more than anything else as it's so refreshing to use. That and unlimited ammo. ;P
I'm switching to Duel Blades as overall they inflict the most damage when used right plus all the JP pros use them too.