Most Embarassing Moments


Blue Mage
Jan 11, 2007
For instance,I was able to cruise through the Necrohol of Nabudis before I realized I could just press Select to view the area map!The whole time I had been going to the party menu,selecting World Map,then selecting whichever area I was in,then looking at the map.Duh!
Lol, I did that too...but then I realized my mistake an hour or two into the game. Hmm, most embarrassing moment for me...uh, I don't really think I have one. I have a guide, so I read that thing thoroughly. =)
Heading in to the "something" wood before I was supposed to. Thinking I could take on a T-Rexaur when I was only level 5. F_ucking with one of those huge balls sh*t, or elementals and died. Went into a desert and just barely got away. Thundaja+Sleepaja= death for your party.
WOW, thanks for the map tip!!! I am *only* about 50 hours into the game.... *sigh*

I think my most embarrassing moment, though, has to be trying and trying to fight the 1st demon wall, going away, leveling up, coming back and STILL trying to kill the first demon wall, leveling up some more, having a fit, and then suddenly realizing I could run PAST the darned thing... *sigh* I took on the 2nd demon wall in a matter of SECONDS after all that leveling up, LOL.
thinking i could take on the second hunt-the thextera-with vaan by himeself at level 1 and burning through all 5 potions and then saving the game after escaping. . .i didnt' have cure, either. . .
oh, and setting gambits on everyone to use mp charge on self. basically, for the stupid people, my party members just started using mp charge. it took me like, half an hour to figure out what was wrong. . .
Saavy,that's hilarious!At least the leveling helped you later on,I'm sure!Sinspawn,those Gambits can be tricky at first,I agree!:)
After I defeated all three bosses at the Necrohol of Nabudis, I thought I was too cool to heal. On the way out, I stepped on an explosion trap that destroyed my whole party. Sadly, I was being chased by Baknamy's and my second party was only level 14. Needless to say, they were killed.
Whoa C0in,that's brutal.If you're like me and that happens,you turn off your PS2 for a couple of days and finally get up the nerve to do it again.I vote that c0in's story has the top billing so far in this forum.:)
My most embarrasing moment was playing for 5 hours on the wrong saved file, and having to redo everything on the right file. Big waste of time.

Chaos Vincent!~ too damn funny!!
My most on this game has to be thinking i'm all bad ass and heading down to the sewers in search of the ghost bounty when just as i get started a lizard slaps me once to death!! Felt like a wimp and hawled but outa there!!
Having my son tell me how to change the party leader during a fight on my second play though. Yeah 125 hours on the first file and I never knew how to chage the party leader without going to the party menu and moving the party leader to inactive and back active after the leader had switched to the next character. (my son is 10 years old btw and was >10 hours into the game on his first play through) lol!!!
Dying to the first Esper you fight because I didn't know he was there and i was UNPREPARED - later I found out he was nothing ..