most unlucky final fantasy character


Dec 30, 2008
i would say its zack and aerith however ill go for zack since he took all that crap on the cliff. what do you thinkk??
Quistis, for sure. She deserved way more respect than she got.
I also think Quistis for some reason,but also Aerith and Vincent.I really feel sorry for that guy.Hojo took everything from him.
Hmmm im gonna so and say Laguna. After he finally gets his chance to meet with Julia hes called off to war and ends up getting injured in Esthar and never sees her again. Then he meets another girl Raine, but its shortlived as his 'adopted' daughter Ellone is kidknapped. Raine then dies as hes out searching for Ellone, and his kid gets sent away to an orphanage.
The guy just had such a run of bad luck, it was tragic.
Tidus. Finding out his life was a dream and his current love interest was gunna die at the final summoning must have sucked so bad, scary Sin dhis
dad was ude
and he had no way of ever getting back to his dream world xD

Ohhh Laguna, didn't think of him! Losing 2 women he loved and not getting to see his kids grow up; although he did gain a country out of it, so I think Ima still stick with Tidus.
Poor twat faded away into non existence
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I'm going to be a dork and say everyone who died unfortunately in an FF. I mean, how much worser can you get then...dying? :wacky:

I mean...

Look at these examples:

Vossler - Truly wanted Dalmasca back on his feet, thought he'd done something good for Ashe, died in the end.
Aeris - Prays, and she can't even pray in silence! Someone just HAS to kill her.
Gabranth - Dies because he was mortally wounded, and only just made up with Basch

..I win.
I believe the most unlucky ones are those who bear sins and can't get away from them.Living with them is much more tragic than dying which is a more easy way to get away from your problems.
That's just my opinion and don't want to offend anyone here.

Also I forgot to point out why Aerith is in my opinion one of the more unlucky characters in the FF.1.Because she gets to die really fast,I mean when you thought you could get to know her better she suddenly dies.2.Because no one was expecting it and it was so sudden.3.Because of the way she dies and the music that followed made it even more sad.
But I also think she died happy,she knew she was gonna die but she did it for the planet.So I think she fulfilled her purpose.
agree about Aerith and Zack.. but at least they could reunite and fulfill their love..
Quistis also come to mind, such a strong woman.. I really admire her, she fell so many times yet she had the courage to stand and go on(she also deserved more screentime one fo the most wasted characters in all the FF saga)
Vivi too, so cute and he sure learnt a lot, but he had to suffer so many times and we all know what happened to him in the end =(
I don't know if Vivi was an unlucky character, he was definately a depressing character. But under his circumstances with his 'Father' and everything I thought that was pretty unlucky.

Reks was damn unlucky as well, follow the captain of the Guard around. Feel like you have finally become something and will finally help bring peace and justice only to be stabbed in the back by the one person you trust. That was just harsh.

I'm also going to say Tidus, to be running around trying to save the love of your life and to came to the end of an epic adventure and go 'oh crap
I'm not real
WTF!!! That has to take the cake in terms of bad luck right?!?
I think alot of Final Fantasy characters are unlucky, like was already mentioned I think Laguna is, but then again he becomes a big man in his life, with a huge responsibility to a city etc.

I actually think Cloud is very unlucky. He never really knew his father so he didn't have a good stable male figure in his life, he was alone for his childhood just admiring all the other children around him with no real friends. Then when he decides to join SOLDIER he finally meets someone who becomes his first friend.

Then when he has to go back to Nibelhiem then one of the men he has admired the most goes crazy >___> his mother dies, and someone he cared for was hurt severly...

Then gets trapped in a tube for 5 years >___> finally gets away then loses his best friend o.o Only to meet more friends, be constantly hounded by his past, possesed and then lose the woman who has had probably one of the biggest impacts on his life -__-. Then world almost gets detroyed kind of because of him >__> then when he feels he could find happiness he gets ill and has to leave so he doesn't hurt his new found family with all his friends O_O

I think he's had a very unlucky life lol...

Although Aerith's can be unlucky too, losing both of her parents and being taken in by Shinra and being on the run, although I feel she was very lucky being raised properly by Elmyra
I have to say Yuna.
She fell in love with the most annoying character and then later lost that person, but rejected the truth.
I'm going to say Vossler
I mean he was just realy looking out for the betterment of Dalmasca I mean he knew there was no hope so he decided to make the best of a shitty situation. The fact that he did all he could to help Ashe and the party STILL ended up killing him adds to the hurt just a little bit more.

Another person I would say is unlucky but never died is Mewt.
I mean all he wanted was a dream world to have his mom back. I know that him doing that was kinda bad i mean it was only a dream and its not healthy but i mean SHIT the kid misses his mom March you asshole just thinking about yourself getting back and for what? Ivalice is so much more badass than a snowy town where three assholes throw snowballs filled it rocks at you right? lol
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As others have said, there are A LOT of unlucky characters, I will mention a few that I have not seen posted

Lost the woman he loved tragically when her plane crashed...the man went to where they were suppose to meet and she never showed up

Sees her WHOLE village massacred in front of her as a little kid and this is lost at sea

Very dark past, his whole issue with his thief buddy, and his daughter he never got to see grow up and of course at the end when he he tells his dog to go, I am a sucker for german shepherds and he stays on the floating continent and the whole "im gonna stop running , im going to begin all over" part always gets me

and two dark house candiates for me
Him and ject kick a bunch of ass only to find out that it was a farce, and that sin would keep coming back over and over

Him and his brother lose their dad, neither wants to be king, so Edgar rigged the coin flip that decided who would be king so he would win and his brother would not have to do it. I found that very nobel of him.
Ondore puts on a straight face in FFXII, but I think the reactions caused by Archadia's invasion of Dalmasca would've hit him rather hard, if he's funding the resistance; his friend/brother? Raminas is killed and he's asked to surrender in Raminas' place to the people who did kill Raminas, as well as announcing the suicide of his niece, who's husband is also dead. And he has to declare a trusted knight a traitor hanged.

Pretty much all FF characters are unlucky, as someone mentioned earlier.

edit: D'oh. Basch is a pretty unlikely guy,
evil twin brother
and all that.
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I think Irvine pretty unlucky no matter how much he tries to impress he just can't get the ladies :( feel bad for em.
I thought Irvine and Selphie got together at the end, or is that just my imagination?
Been a long time since I've seen that ending at least 6 years not sure if they did or not I remember him tryin to get some attention at the end party and it not really workin.
Been a long time since I've seen that ending at least 6 years not sure if they did or not I remember him tryin to get some attention at the end party and it not really workin.
Well I rewatched the ending, and still had the feeling, mostly because of the hat she wore and then I pulled this from final fantasy wiki, sure its just an opinion and such, but I'm not the only one
"It is implied here that Selphie and Irvine have begun developing feelings for each other as she wears his cowboy hat and gets jealous when he makes advances on Quistis."
I would have to go with tidus because even though everyone has pain and suffers he suffers more because everything he loved his whole life of adventure was just a dream...