Playstation Most wanted PS3 games?


Blue Mage
Oct 29, 2007
So what games are you guys looking forward to getting for the PS3?

I don't own a PS3 yet but I the games I am looking forward to the most are:

The new Ratchet game
God of War 3

I am gonna wait until all these games get released before getting a PS3. These are my reasons why I will get a PS3 eventually.

Hopefully once all those games I have listed have finally come out the PS3 maybe under 300 quid at point in the future and maybe will have finally sorted out all the backwards compatibility probs with the Euro PS3's by then too.
I only want a PS3 for FFXIII so far, but I'm sure there will be othergames that interest me. I like the look of that heavenly sword but idk, I havent rally been paying attention to any knew releases tbh
I am currently looking forward to:

ff13 fabulus novus crystallus
ff versus 13
heavenly sword
ratchet and clank future

that's all for now ;)
MGS4 is the main one. FFXIII looks pretty cool but it's not reason enough for me to get a ps3.
Yeah, MGS4 looks like a great game and I will be out to get it ASAP, that and DMC4 anyway ;)
The only PS3 game I want so far is Heavenly Sword. Right now some games that were suppose to be exlusive on the PS3 are on the XBox 360. So, for some games it depends which game plays better on either system.

As for upcoming PS3 titles...
Final Fantasy XIII
God of War III
Soul Calibur IV (Yeah it's not exclusive but I rather play it on the PS3. I like the PS3 controller better. >_>)
For me, it's only Metal Gear Solid 4 and FFXIII....mainly because other games I'm interested in will be appearing on 360 too. God Of War 3 will be bought because I have the other 2 games and they're great.
Basically only Disgaea 3. MGS4 has lost my interest in recent months especially after recent trailers revealed too much for me, damn me and my stupid curiosity.
The only thing I've seen of MGS4 is the 2 part demo that was on youtube months ago. I haven't seen any trailers for months and months. Do they really give too much away?
I'm talking about the TGS 2007 trailer and for me personally it revealed too much about stuff that were genuine HOLY SHIT moments/events and would have been better to discover them by myself while actually playing the game.
Why would they release Ninja Gaiden Black when Sigma was only just released? I want to get Sigma because I think Ninja Gaiden was one of the best X-Box games I had ever played....very hard but oh so cool.
I have never played ninja gaiden but it does look cool, it is just a shame that not many fighting games have been released for ps3 yet
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction would be on my list if I didn't already buy it. Awesome game.

Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy XIII Versus
God of War III
The only games that will shine in my eyes for the PS3 are both the Final Fantasy XII games and Metal Gear Solid IV, hoping for 360 releases but I seriously doubt it.

Hopefully I will gain more reasons to spend 'x' amounts of dollars on a PS3 than two games.