Mums & Tots!


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
This is the club for all the parents on the forum!

A place to have E-coffee and discuss our little monsters!

Rules: You must have at least one child to join, pets don't count
thats about it on rules really!


Lady Aerith
Miss Valentine
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How about little monsters? Do they count? lol Count me in on this! I have a four year old little boy and he is...ALL little boy O_O he's just recently turned into a little daredevil and half the time he's climbing onto the table and then jumping across it to land on the couch. He likes to climb up on one of our heater vents that sticks out a bit and he is now pushing the kitchen chairs up to the counter and getting into the cabinets >.< He likes to get all the cans and boxes of food out and line them up and then take his trucks and run them into the food to see what he can knock down. I swear I need to take the boy bowling! xD
My little girl is 3 in a fortnight and she has mastered getting into the cuboards and fridge by pushing things up against them that she can climb on.
I need eyes in the back of my head
Oh I know the feeling. You can't turn your back for a minute before your kid starts doing something naughty >.< I caught him drawing smiley faces with his crayons on my bathroom door the other day...thank goodness for Magic Eraser is all I can say lol
Aww, good idea! Mom's Club, whoo! Count me in.

I have a three-year-old daughter and she's quite the little one. She can be spoiled a bit, but when she goes to the daycare, everyone tells me that she's extremely shy and quiet (like me) and doesn't get into fights. Lol one teacher told me that she's a "teacher's pet" because whenever they say, "No, Jacob, don't do that!"...she'll repeat the teacher. xD

So yeah, her personality's quite different and changes depending on location. Actually...sad to say that she received her first bite mark (above her knee) from one kid the other day. >.>
Oooh mine has come home with bite marks more than once.....crazy children.

She is in the same class as my friends little boy and apparently they act like a married couple, they do everything together and also squabble about everything. I think it's hilarious
Aaaaah, she has the pink eye! >.> It started last night...I noticed it when we were at Hometown Buffet. Both eyes are crusty. >.> I hope she gets better by tomorrow because if not...well, I may have to call off from work just to stay with her since I have no babysitter for her...

Grrr, daycare's more trouble for what it's worth, what with all that illness going around.
Ugh tell me about it, I had so much time off work from all the bugs and stuff that went round

Then Id get pulled over my attendance and Id be like hello? Priorities? What am I meant to do? Go to work because that's so much more important and leave her with WHO exactly? >=[
I tell you, winter is always the worst time. I hate it because we all get so sick. Logan ended up really really sick with a sinus infection which got worse and he was sick for a good two weeks. I was sick at the same time as him and Dave was just getting over being sick. It was an absolute nightmare >.< I can't wait until it starts warming up and illnesses aren't going around everywhere you go.
Ooooh can I join!!!

My little one's just been sick with tonsilitis, but hopefully he's back to his old self again. I'm having him examined by the health visitor soon because of some of his behaviours, it's quite scary >_<
Cool, four moms so far. xD We gotta pull Sever Off's butt in here.

Hmm, what sort of behavior, Miss Valentine?
It's really strange, most of the time he can be really placid and sweet. But I've noticed that sometimes his behaviour is quite repetitive- he will read the same sentence in a book several times, and demand that I repeat it too. He gets frustrated out of the blue and starts banging his head against a wall or punching himself, which I find really upsetting because it's rare that I even smack him, only if he's done something to put himself in danger, and I certainly don't punch him.

He'll sit somewhere and count from one to 100 by himself, and recite the alphabet backwards :O

He doesn't have full-on tantrums often, but they are pretty explosive when he does. And then for long periods of time he will stare into space and just not move, which frightens me too.

I'm not sure what is acceptable behaviour at that age and what is not, but we have to get him checked out anyway because my brother started having problems at the same age, and now he's 9 and has a diagnosis of Autism. It's hard on everyone when Brendan acts up so I wanna make sure if Jonny does have a problem we can catch it early.

It's upsetting because he's my baby and I want him to be happy:unsure:
Ah, I see. Hmm, so how old is your little one again? It's not healthy that he's punching himself...that definitely needs to be checked out. =/ And I understand that you want him to be happy. That's good. Continue to support him, despite his behavior. I applaud you for that. =)