Reaping souls in the Lifestream
1)Sephiroth: freaking duh
2)Ex-Death: his Ex-mode is the shiznit
3)Laguna: actually kicks ass(despite my original disdain for him)
4)Squall: When you get him above level 25 is one kick ass SOB
5)Tifa: EX mode is also the shiznit
6)Lightning: her attacks just decimate all when leveled up to like 45
Least Favorites:
1)Bartz: seriously, why is he able to use everyone's weapons, and why does he look like he took some freaking estrogen pills??????
2)Cloud of Darkness: whore
3)The Emporor: douchebag of a playable character. His attacks suck and his Ex-mode is freaking lame.
4)Ultimecia: also a whore
5)Kain: really? His attacks suck freaking donkey nuts(who jumps in the air just to missile down and not be able to hit the opponent?)
6)Yuna: again.....whore
1)Sephiroth: freaking duh
2)Ex-Death: his Ex-mode is the shiznit
3)Laguna: actually kicks ass(despite my original disdain for him)
4)Squall: When you get him above level 25 is one kick ass SOB
5)Tifa: EX mode is also the shiznit
6)Lightning: her attacks just decimate all when leveled up to like 45
Least Favorites:
1)Bartz: seriously, why is he able to use everyone's weapons, and why does he look like he took some freaking estrogen pills??????
2)Cloud of Darkness: whore
3)The Emporor: douchebag of a playable character. His attacks suck and his Ex-mode is freaking lame.
4)Ultimecia: also a whore
5)Kain: really? His attacks suck freaking donkey nuts(who jumps in the air just to missile down and not be able to hit the opponent?)
6)Yuna: again.....whore