My Tonberry


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 19, 2009
After my original post here

I decided to expand my crocheted plushies from just Moogles and the next pattern I have finalised is the Tonberry pattern.

(these pictures are of the trial tonberry so he is slightly wrong in colour and still has some loose ends, but you get the general idea :mark:)

apologies for the mahooossive pictures ! lol

Hope you like him ^_^


Nice job man. Do the Moomba's next ok.
I want a moogle, moomba, and a tonberry.
Awww thats epic :awesome:

I think he's brilliant, if that's a trial one then I can only imagine that the final product will be amaaaaazing. Keep them coming, they are brilliant!
That's pretty awesome really. I hear that plushies of certain creatures/characters from FF games are actually pretty hard to come by if they're good and people will give out good money for them at times.

You said something about the color being off, but I think it's pretty darn good overall.
The hoodie reminds me of an ET doll lol.

Lovin' it. Can't wait to see the final product, and if it'll only get better, then looks like we won't have much to worry about. Keep up the good work.
Thanks !! (I can`t wait to get the yarn so I can make a perfect one !)

Should anyone be wondering, he is about 11inches tall :)
Very good work! =) It doesn't look like you have to change anything, I think the colors are ok. It really looks cute ^^ I look forward to see your other works =)
Oh my gosh! This is positively amazing! I love it! you really captured the likeness of a tonberry even down to how perfectly he stands. XD Looks exactly as it would from a game. I'm really impressed. And it looks adorable. =)

It looks so great, and seems like alot of work was put into it! So damn adorable!!
That's one adorable tonberry! ^O^
so cute! I want one! xD
I know everyone's supposed to fear tonberries... but I can't get over how cute it is. It's perfectly fine how it is :funnyface:I want to hug it... =3
I could have sworn i commented on this. Probably too late now to comment seeing as the person hasn't been online for ages.

Anyway, I love the tonberry! Really nice work on it. It reminds me of my Grandma's knitting (a compliment by the way). I used to love it when she knitted stuff and I have loads of stuff in the loft which we bring down for christmas and stuff.

Keep up the good work!