My viking ship is stuck on land!


Dec 31, 2006
Did this happen to anyone else? I had just finished beating Medusa, and was trying to find Dwarf Island, when suddenly my viking ship went through the land! (The ship is moving around in the land, and stops at the edge of the water) I got it back into the water, but then I thought that I might have found a secret path or some'n so I went back in. Now my ship won't go back into the water, it just moves half-concealed around the land! And my people won't get off, so I can't visit any towns or nuthin'! :angry: Plus, since my ship is on land, whenever I battle all the monster things appear to be standing on the water, which makes me think there might be some glitch or something in the game! Would somebody PLEASE help??
Sounds like a glitch, and unless you get lucky and it fixes itself, I think you're going to have to revert back to an older save data. That really sucks.
To be honest, it's reallly your own fault. If you hadn't tried to take the secret path, you wouldn't really had had a problem. But i'm glad you did. This way, we know that there is a problem there :)
that happened to me today! but yeah you do have to restart, because you cant do
wow thats pretty weird i just killed medusa but that never happened um.....GLITCH!!!!!