My Youtube Channel


Guide of Misery
Mar 27, 2010
Nexus Circle

So let's try this again.

I like YouTube. And I aspire to at least make some sort of hobby by doing videos and recording stuff. Mainly video games, and art. (As you will see.)

I've tried before, but I've never been really motivated to get anything done, or any activity going. Well, that's changed. For the past week or so, I've been motivated and inspired to finally start capturing stuff, and get the ball rolling a little bit.

I've earned .1c so far! And that's progress. Sure it's not a lot, but perseverance and time shall takes their course eventually. I may not be as successful as a lot of YToubers out there, but I will definitely try.

But anyway,

With all that said, I would like the overwhelming support of a forum, to please view my videos, and give me an upstart to this endeavor. I don't ask for much. I will even follow you/subscribe to you back if you ask. Everyone needs to start somewhere, and I'm choosing to start here, and now.

My YT channel

So please, help a guy out!

I don't care if you like, or dislike my videos, at least that will contribute either way. Be honest. My vids suck, tell me, I will be more than willing to read any comments or what have you.

95% of what you will see, will be raw footage. No edits, no nothing.

Here's a few sample videos if you're lazy to click on the link -

[Note - Forum will not let you play in 60FPS, if you care about that at all]
