Sorceress Naminé
heres my first one...
Name: Koutsu "Leila" Hayami
Nickname: Leila
Class: Ninja
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 17
-Hair: * Color~ Black
* Length~ Long
* Usual Style~ pony like style
-Eyes: *Color(s)~ Black
-Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
-Complexion: *Color~ very little tan
*Texture~ smooth skin
-Build: Slender
-Noteworthy features: She is always wearing the same hair piece that holds up her hair, it was given to her long ago by her mother...
-Attire: Black ninja uniform
Personality: *Around friends~ More outspoken, more like a chatterbox

*Around others~ takes on shy phase, and usually doesnt speak to them unless spoken to first.
First impression: Since she's a ninja, people think she's dangerous and normally want to stay away from her, but the friends she has made know that is not true. She is always willing to help others in need, and even though a ninja, she doesn't like to fight unless she has to.
Weapons: * Large Weapon ~ Katana
*Mid-sized weapons~ Daggers, Axes
*Small weapons~ Shuriken, Kunai
Armor: no armor
Magic: All basic magic spells like fire, blizzard, thunder, water, and cure. Since she's just starting out with RPG's that's all i gave her, she'll get better magic as time moves on
Abilities/Skills: Sharingan, ability to walk/run/stand on water (from naruto), ability to run up trees, buildings, etc. (also from naruto), quick speed, stealth
Quick History: Much of her is unknown, even she does not know much of her history. But what is known is that both her father and mother were killed, and that she was separated from her sisters and brothers when she was very young.
P.S. i am now finished with this bio, now waiting for confirmation...
Name: Koutsu "Leila" Hayami
Nickname: Leila
Class: Ninja
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 17
-Hair: * Color~ Black
* Length~ Long
* Usual Style~ pony like style
-Eyes: *Color(s)~ Black
-Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
-Complexion: *Color~ very little tan
*Texture~ smooth skin
-Build: Slender
-Noteworthy features: She is always wearing the same hair piece that holds up her hair, it was given to her long ago by her mother...
-Attire: Black ninja uniform

Personality: *Around friends~ More outspoken, more like a chatterbox

*Around others~ takes on shy phase, and usually doesnt speak to them unless spoken to first.
First impression: Since she's a ninja, people think she's dangerous and normally want to stay away from her, but the friends she has made know that is not true. She is always willing to help others in need, and even though a ninja, she doesn't like to fight unless she has to.
Weapons: * Large Weapon ~ Katana
*Mid-sized weapons~ Daggers, Axes
*Small weapons~ Shuriken, Kunai
Armor: no armor
Magic: All basic magic spells like fire, blizzard, thunder, water, and cure. Since she's just starting out with RPG's that's all i gave her, she'll get better magic as time moves on
Abilities/Skills: Sharingan, ability to walk/run/stand on water (from naruto), ability to run up trees, buildings, etc. (also from naruto), quick speed, stealth
Quick History: Much of her is unknown, even she does not know much of her history. But what is known is that both her father and mother were killed, and that she was separated from her sisters and brothers when she was very young.
P.S. i am now finished with this bio, now waiting for confirmation...
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