Original Need help with Chaos

Well, what do you need help with? Can you beat him and just need to unlock something? :<

If it is battling him that is the problem, I'd need to know your level and equipment. That would be the first step. :)
You have to kill Chaos 3 times, so heads up. :P

First off, you don't want to be below level 70, you can manage if you're below 70, but it will be much harder. I was level 75 and I killed him on my first go, he's not so difficult as long as you're prepared. Equip the BEST equipment your character can have. If you don't have enough gil to buy something, that's no excuse, arcade mode or quick battle until you get enough equipment. Equipment and Accessories that increase BRV base value are also great. Quick and fast BRV attacks are also a big help, but I was Firion and he's a little slow, so I guess it's not that big of an advantage.

1st fight - When you start off, I'm pretty sure he attacks first, but I think you can nail him before that if you use a fast character like Onion Knight or Tidus who can hit quickly and from a distance. Ultimately, you just want to dodge his attack and stay in the air and against the wall. Whenever he comes at you, be sure to guard at the right time so that he staggers and hit him with bravery attacks (the supporting ability "Risposte" can help you get some critical hits as you do this). During this round, Chaos isn't SO hard, you just need to hit him with strong HP attacks. Oh, but DON'T use your summon or your EX Burst or you will DIE. SERIOUSLY (learned that the hard way) :gonk:

2nd fight - STILL DO NOT USE YOUR SUMMON/EX BURST. Use the same strategy as the first round. BUT DO NOT HP ATTACK RIGHT AWAY. If you do early in the battle, most likely, he'll break you with an attack that chains into an HP attack. Chaos uses more bravery attacks in this one, so keep nailing him with BRV moves and dodge all his attacks. You want Build up your bravery, like by a WHOLE LOT. When I did this, I hit him so that his HP was lower than my BRV's base value, so that when it regenerated, I hit him and he died.

3rd fight - Now you gotta watch your back. He's a killing machine in this. You have a limited time of fighting him because he uses three special moves in this, the last one is called Brink of Delusion (I think??) and you'll die. In this fight, all his attacks are dodge-able, I don't know if you can guard/block them... but I never tried, and I wouldn't try if I were you, because his attacks are mostly chains. If you use Firion, I'm pretty sure that you CAN block if you use his Shield Bash move, and I think it's Tidus who also has all the blocking-then-attacking HP attacks. For this fight, you just have to go all out without getting broken. I had Ifrit equipped, and he's really useful here. You want to hail Chaos with BRV attacks and HP attacks. Make sure BOTH his HP and BRV are pretty low, and make sure your EX Gauge is full, use Ifrit and then EX Burst. If you break him, this battle should be a shoe-in. Not only that, but an EX Burst is a great way to end a battle, no? :D Then you win and enjoy the ending movie.

Hope I helped. ^_^
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