Need help with Scarmiglione Zombie.


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 17, 2008
So I heard that using potions ind curing spells causes heavy damage. Is this true? As soon as I start the battle, Tellah is knocked out in one go. Same with Palom and Pa... the other one. Cecil doesn't do much damage. What's the best strategy for defeating this boss?
ur characters should'nt be that weak...just use potions and healing spells on him. i'm pretty sure thats what i did, but i also haven't played the game for about 6 years lol
Cecil is Lv22, and Tellah, Palom and Porom are Lv15. Should I level up some more? I would use potions, but everyone gets knocked out in one blow!
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And yes, Cure will surely do some damage. Do not use Ice as it will heal him - instead, use Fire. To avoid counterattacks, use Flame Rods and have Cecil use items or have him defend. Cast Protect on everyone and the fight should be pretty easy.