Nemesis vs. Mishra

Yaoi Master Gavin

Gay Cheshire Catboy
Mar 7, 2010
Between reality and insanity
A five on one battle pitting Squee's ultimate force against my cheshire catboy alchemist Mishra. And where else do we put them but in Mishra's favored setting, a mental asylum. *cues evil laugh*

The Blackthorn Asylum. A large gothic looking four story building that looms over the forest that surrounds it. Spires push up from it reaching for the heaven as wrought iron fixtures adorn the edges of the roofs. Inside are halls of once clean floors that lead between sparsely furnished rooms.

The rooms sometimes hold a rotten mattress and maybe a sheet or two, often thrown askew. All the windows have bars over them to prevent exit...or entrance. The remains of the patients belongs are occasionally found along with expired medication. On each of the three lower floors is a station where the attendents would pass out medication to the patients. In some the remain of a TV and filing cabinets are seen.

The fourth floor is where the treatment rooms are as well as the solitary rooms. The padding is ripped out of the walls in the solitary rooms, hazardous metal springs loaded with tetanus poke out from them. There are several laboratories and 3 electroshock treatment rooms.

The electroshock rooms are broken and the machines do not respond to the touch. The laboratories are in surprising good care seeing as they are still padlocked. Through the small window can be seen chemistry equipment and assorted reagents though they all carry with them a fine layer of dust.

At the end of each hallway is a stairwell. These are in seviceable condition though the one on the back left does sound like its about to fall apart. On the fourth floor is a stairwell between two solitary rooms that leads to the roof. There is no other way to the roof.
The first to be introdueced will be Kyo

Name: Kyo Kamsha

Rank: 5 (weakest)

Weapons: Left hand:

Right hand: sword.jpg

Sheathed on his back:

NOTE: Kyo's weapons are capable of cutting physical objects, but they are not physical existences, they are a manifestation of his soul, therefore are only breakable by magic

Appearance: His deep blue eyes fit his messy and semi-spiky blond hair. He has a Caucasian skin tone and stands at 5'9". He is rather well toned and muscular. Weighing in at about 183 pounds, his body does show much hair. He is a well-shaven man. He bears three scars, one going diagonally down his chest, one across his cheek, and another all along his right arm, starting from the top of his right hand and reaching to his lower shoulder. He wears a small jacket with sleeves only long enough to cover his elbows. The rest of the white jacket reaches that distance as well, so it seems slightly high on him. He leaves it open to reveal his bare, muscular chest and scar. The jacket has black trims. He also wears a pair of extremely loose white pants held up by a black clothe belt. He wears a black pair of military grade boots.


Nemesis White Flame: Nemesis all has the ability to create a white flame that decomposes materials, breaking them down. It is simple, and highly avoidable, just don't touch the flame. It emits no heat.

ESP: He has an extra sense that gives him a burning sensation when something is aimed or pointed at him, or even when someone looks at him. Very basic.

Shatter Blade: sacraficing one blade from his gauntlet he can shatter any one thing, regardless of mass, into dust, ignoring momentum and inertia. This is done by jolting chaotic energies to his blade of choice. Another very simple ability, nothing much to it.

Web of Lies: This ability puts out a web resembling that of a web made by a cow spider, and it glows a eerie green and blue color. It is a web of spirit fibers that line everything within a 9 KM radius. He can choose to make it take less space if he so chooses as well. As long as he has a body part touching the web, he can use it to "teleport" to a different spot that the web is touching. The web can also be suspended into the air. The movement isn't actually teleporting, he transfers his body into the web and moves to wherever he pleases, so it is actually him moving in a flash.

Abomination: With yellow eyes, whenever flame touches him, he gains power, and he can now use the White Flame to empower him. The more fire he takes in, the more empowered he becomes, and it works in stack, not as a building effect.

Premonition: For the next 2 minutes, he can see something happen before it happens. Basic, simple, yet useful.

Space Contortion: Saying a little chant, the more he chants, the more space is altered. At a full chant, he can make buildings work like Crazy Stairs. Floors all around, and in some cases it has been known to make it possible to fly or walk on air. This takes effect on everyone.

Grappling Blast: He sends forth a large blast of a silver wave in one direction that has water like features, when it strikes someone, if Kyo wills it, what it strikes comes flying towards him. Again, simple.

Detonation orb: Bubbles of blue energy surround him. Upon touch, these liquid like bubbles will explode, causing burns, possibly knocking off limbs, and they knock any object hit back a fair distance.

Kyo is very simple, he has the most weaknesses, but he's not that easy to overcome. He's like Kenpachi from Bleach, he's got nothing special, but damn is he tough.
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And here's my lovely fiend for this.

Name: Mishra Ayrie

Age: 25 (appears 18)

Class: Arcane Alchemist

Appearance: Mishra stands at 6' 1" with black-blue hair and pale skin. His constant running between experiments and reagents kept him in top physical shape and he has stayed this way thanks to his personal time being stopped. Given his status as teacher and his talents, Mishra is never seen in anything other than his work clothes. They have been specially treated to not only repel all chemicals but water as well, the only side effect being that the compound turns the fabric it is used on black.

His work clothes consist of a pair of fitted cloth pants, heavy leather boots, a short sleeve trenchcoat and a pair of gloves. Everything is fitted to his size to prevent the pooling of chemicals in the creases. The gloves are specially tailored to fit his claws and are uncomfortable for anyone else to wear. His boots have been treated the most heavily with the chemical repellant so that he can stand in a puddle of the most corrosive acid and the boots will remain unharmed. His trench coat trail is the only part of his clothing that is not fitted, it is meant to hide his tail and to provide additional protection from back splash.

Weapon: Magic, Alchemy

Personality: Mishra is half mad thanks to the alchemical mishap that ruined his reputation for good. He often becomes distracted when talking about alchemy and will go on his own tangents, often a train of thought that leads to an impromptu experiment. Impromptu experiments can happen at any time and any place.

He keeps a nonchalant persona for most of the time but when he begins to talk about anything related to his experiments his voice starts getting faster and more crazed as he gets a wild look in his eye. This leads to him lecturing on his work with no room for interjections. He is known to laugh often, especially in the middle of experiements, as well as talk to himself.

He has no regard for his own safety, being impossible to damage by his own experiments, and also seems willing to take the other students' lives into his own, often giving students his new potions to try in battle. So far nothing bad has happened other than temporary hair and eye color change.

Alchemical Prodigy-Mishra is highly knowledgable about alchemy in every way. He is able to use this knowledge at any time, even in battle. It comes to him easily, almost as if by instinct. Equations are made almost instantaneously and acted on shortly thereafter. His knowledge base covers offensive, defensive and practical alchemy.

Alchemist's Blade: A standard katana style sword. This blade however is not sharpened and is never used for combat. The blade is made of Lunite, a metal that Mishra created and named for its ability to absorb the natural magic powers of the moon. The magic imbued within it combined with Mishra's alchemical skill allow him to create almost any reagent he needs, simply by running his fingers down the three foot blade.

The reagent is collected in a small globe that acts as a container at the end of the blade and floats near the end until used. There can only be six globes at a time. These globes can be combined to mix their ingredients and are completely encapsulated. If an explosion were to occur inside one then the globe would remain intact. The nature of this magic is so powerful that the Lunite must be charged again in the light of the moon one night every two weeks otherwise the spell must be cast again on the blade.

Alchemical Mishaps: Though only a few failures blemish Mishra's record, the results of these errors are malignant enough to have caused severe change him.

1] The first mishap was a change in his gravity resistance. He has a moderate resistance to gravity due to this and would now naturally hover about 4 ft in the air. However thanks to his alchemical brilliance he was able to create an ink that both allows him to manipulate his own gravity resistance and control his own direction while under the influence. This effectively give him the power of flight. The ink has been tattooed onto his back in the shape of a pair of wings, placed perfectly along his spine.

2] Undaunted by this he continued his alchemy resulting in his second mishap. The second mishap effectively transfused feline DNA into his own. The new DNA strand mutated his DNA into a triple helix, bonding it permanently. The new DNA forced a physical change in him. Not only did he gain fangs, pointed ears, and claws but his eyes turned a feral yellow with vertical slits for pupils and he grew a four foot black tail. His senses of smell, sight, and hearing tripled in strength and his reflexes went into lightning overdrive. While he does not consider this a hinderence, others in the scienific community saw it as a major hazard.

3] The third mishap destroyed the flow of time within him, making it impossible for him to age. Mishra is now permanently stuck at the age of 18.

4] The fourth mishap was the most damning of them all. The fourth altered his makeup so that he is no longer solid but a gaseous energy. He naturally assumes his normal form but can make his body solid or vanish at a whim. This change allows for him to pass through solid matter and to be unhurt by physical weapons unless solid.

The only way to damage him in his natural state is use magic or some similar force. Whatever it is though it must be in the first degree which is to say it must be the power itself; enchanted weapons and the like do not work as these are second degree. Additionally this change also made him immune to any further possible changes.

This experiment also left him half mad, ruining his alchemy career though to him he doesn't say he is mad just 'engrossed in his work.'

Magic: With his reputation as an alchemist ruined, Mishra has moved on to magic, considering it an art like alchemy. Though he does not have the prodigious skill he has in alchemy, he is still very good at it and would more than likely be one of the top mages at the academy if it weren't for his preoccupation with alchemy. To date his spell list is rather small but he makes up for it by combining it with his alchemy skills.

Spell List:
Thunderburst- Lightning magic that radiates outward from a single point in a sphere.

Acid Globe- Creates a large globe of acid that will explode on its own 30 sec after summoning or immediately if someone were to attack it. The acid witin is based completely on what Mishra decides is in there and may not even be acid at all but some other chemical Mishra needs.

Chaotic Flames: Creates a series of five fireballs which make an erratic path to their target. There is no definite time to impact- they may all hit at once or in groups.

Kamaitachi Chaser: Creates a globe shape kamaitaichi that follows a straight line. Anthing caught within is easily cut to ribbons. The closer to the center, the more damage.

Ice Pyramid: Summons a single spear of ice that flies at the target. Every second it splits into three identical spears, the same as the first one in size. It will continue splitting, up to 90 different spears. The spears are in a pyramid shape.

Dark Vortex: Summons globes of dark energy whose entropic nature draws foes in closer. The globes will often contradict each other in pulling which can lead to limbs being ripped off. Anything inside the globe will be compressed to 1/10th its original size for every 20 sec it stays within.

Enjoy the entropy.
Such a poor place to wind up for anyone as Kyo lurked. He was feeling rather vicious today, and was kicking open doors of this insane asylum that had been long forgotten. He knew his odds of finding a living person to kill, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to try. Every now and then he stumbled upon a dead body that had long since rotted. Bones was all that was left of anyone else in here it seemed.

Kyo didn't care if he found anyone or not, actually. As soon as he left here he planned on tearing the place down all in the name of fun. It was falling apart as it was, so it wasn't like it would be hard for anyone. He kicked open one more door that had a skeleton laying in what seemed to be old chains. He must have been strapped down for some reason. Kyo smirked in anger, and in a bit of a fit he punched the skull, making it shatter. It was very brittle because of its age.
The sound of doors opening below went unnoticed at first, animals often got into the asylum where Mishra had been incarcerated for a few days; before he found out he could walk through materials and disappear. Every now and then he came back, reminiscing over old memories.

As he walked along the hallway ont he fourth floor, he came upon a skull that had been blackened by fire. Picking it up, he held it in the air.

"Alas poor Williams, I knew him well. Tis a shame that a doctor so fine as he had to get in my way," he said before throwing the skull behind him where it rolled along until it hit one of the steel plated laboratory doors.

He continued on, a touch of a finger on a door, an examination of a long forgotten ID card. Below the doors continued opening and there was a sort of pop, like something had been shattered. Even Mishra had trouble picking it up despite the highly tuned hearing he had gained from the incident with Markus. Regardless of what got broken it would have to be a pretty big animal to do it.

"I hope its not a bear," he said, sinking down through the floor. "Those bloody things never listen."

As he feet touched down on the first floor, he made his way to where he had heard the sound. Coming upon the room Kyo was in he couldn't help but smile.

"So it seems we have a lab rat this time," he smirked, seemingly leaning against the threshold. "So what would you like for me to do to you?"
His first reaction was to instantly look at this madman and say, “Not so much a rat as you, cat boy.” Sizing up this person, there was clearly something odd about him. But that didn’t matter to Kyo. “But I’m glad you showed up, I needed some entertaining. Now I’m not one to under-estimate, Let’s see how much fun you are!” Kyo said as he very quickly drew his weapons. His fingertips began to glow. A safety precaution if he needed to use his web of lies. He always had it like this in battle.

Drawing his sword forward, he pointed it at Mishra. He was posed defensively, yet had an obvious offensive look in his eyes that he wasn’t hiding in the slightest way. This look was accompanied by a psychotic grin.
Mishra yawned. He had been hoping that this intruder would have made the first move but it seemed it would be up to him. He disappeared before Kyo's eyes. Away from this reality, he drifted behind Kyo. Still out of sight but never out of mind, he laughed.

"I thought you were going to do something serious. Turns out that... you just don't have anything do you?"

Drifting in front of Kyo, a single vial dropped to the floor and rolled towards Kyo, clearly unbroken. In front of Kyo, Mishra's yellow eyes and grinning mouth appeared, taunting him with a laugh before disappearing again.
“Invisibility?” Kyo said, still grinning as the madman vanished. “Well that’s not very amusing.” Kyo closed his eyes with disappointment. But he heard something drop. Glancing at it, it was a small yellow vile. “Tch. Is this how the kids play these days?” Letting the glow on his fingertips fade, Kyo began to walk out the door, being sure not to touch the vile. Anything could have been in it. “I’ve got better things to waste my time on than catwomans dream boy.” Despite walking away, he did not lower his guard or put away his weapons. Instead, he began to manifest more of his soul in both the sword and gauntlet.
"Clearly not human..." came the voice from nowhere. "A human would have picked it up, maybe opened it. Then you might've been safe. Might have been."

An energy field appeared, enclosing both Kyo and the jar.

"Oh, who the hell am I kidding. There's nothing safe about a thunderburst."

With that final word, lightning struck down from the energy field at both Kyo and the vial. As soon as it was struck the vial exploded in a burst of flames.

"Did I get him?"
Looks like this madman did have something useful after all. Kyo was pleased to see this. As a result, as soon as he saw any bit of light, his reflex allowed Abomination to kick in. If only Kyo could control this ability. But no matter, flames soon began to burst. As the hit Kyo's body, it was warming and very soothing. At first, flames would not power him much, just give him a high of the sorts.

Grinning as the flames died, Kyo wasn't about to touch the energy field based on what he had just seen. Instead, his mouth moved as foreign words spewed out. "Thnaton swrutaena jewria taemr Nachae tin jewria, Aindahaj ribanewr! Naschtok brutah'k goh sha turh Trahol Sorvahr kop da furh!" This was the minimal chant for Space Distortion, making the walls seem to wave, the air had a slight visibility to it, and the floor was no longer level. The door that was once there was no bound in place by roots. The chains on the nearby skeleton seemed to melt and stop mid fall. Curious to see how this would effect the barrier around him, Kyo readied his sword.

Once again, making his fingertips glow, he used his sword to cut the air, sending an energy wave towards the direction Mishra was in. Although he could not see this person, he was being watched, so is ESP kicked in. He couldn't pinpoint the location, but he knew the direction, and this beam would go in that direction until it struck something. If he hit a wall? So be it, he can send another. Of course, this was followed up with the creation of blue orbs that seemed to be water appearing around him with no blind spots to make him available for attack.

If his attack landed, Mishra would be pulled in Kyo's direction only to be blown back by the water like orbs.
OOC: Those words have an anti-semetic ring to them...

As soon as the lightning bursts were over, the field disappeared. Seeing Kyo seemingly unharmed by the combination attack, Mishra had to smile.

"Immune? How delightful," he said clapping his hands together. "You're far more resilient than the others were. We are going to have sooo much fun."

He had only just finished when the walls around began to distort.

"Child's play," he laughed.

Then the energy wave came soaring through the air towards him. Reflexes allowed him to pullout his katana and block the attack, or so it seemed. The wave passed right through him. As he lowered his blade, it was obvious that he was grinning even moreso.

"You thought you had me didn't you? And those orbs I see floating around you like a shield- what do they do? Do you fire them off and they home in? Or do they sit there and prevent an attack? They look like water- do they explode into icy spheres?"

Taking his katana, he put a finger on each side and slid them down slowly. As they followed the length of the blade, two orbs began to collect at the tip, like dew from a leaf.

"Nitroglycerin. A potent explosive on its own. Very volatile. But that won't work I see. So we'll have to do something a bit different."

As soon as his fingers had reached the end of the blade, he caught the two orbs and began to spin them in his fingers. They merged into one that Mishra threw at Kyo, aiming for the orbs. The velocity gained in Mishra's space carried through as it was thrown, the orb hurtling liek a fastball at Kyo.

Like its main component, nitroglycerin, it would explode on contact but not in an actual explosion. Instead the extra chemical he had added was a synthesis of several others that turned it into a frozen star generator. As soon as it came into contact with something, it would burst into several dozen small shards of ice that would rapidly expand into a frozen orbs covered in sharp spikes. And these couldn't be melted normally. A product of chemicals, they had to have a synthesized liquid to melt them, makign them a permanent obstacle.
Kyo ignored the mans speech and focused on his movements. How did Kyo's attack go right through him? Of course, Kyo smiled about this. A challenge? For once? What a pleasure. An attack was being prepared, and this person, admittedly, knew what they were doing. His fingertips began to glow a bit brighter as an instinct of self protection began to kick in. If only Kyo had a heart, it would be racing from the thrill. "Magna culpa nostra. Poena danda nobis. Usque ad finem erit dierum" He whispered as quickly as he could, and boy could he talk fast. Now the walls began to twist, and all the windows of the building began to shift locations, not choosing a spot to stand.

As soon as he saw the attack come, Kyo released his green and blue web of lies. It lined everything visible, even went through walls. He used it to ride out of the way of the frozen shards. But he also kept in mind his own orbs actions, for when the launced shards hit the orbs, they would be shot at random depending on where they were struck. Therefore, Kyo would stay right where he was. Safe inside his web. he admitted, it was slightly cowardly, but he knew the momentum would seriously damage him.

By this time, the walls had finished twisting. Now gravity was slightly off, so Kyo could stand on both the ceiling and the floor. Popping down, he stood on the very ceiling he had messed with. "hmhm..." Kyo began to chuckle. The chuckle quickly changed into a loud burst of laughter as a white flame engulfed his hands. His web of lies had vanished at this point. "Boy, I'll thank you in advance. Never have I found someone who had potential against me." He truly was joyed. "I agree with what you said...we ARE going to have some fun!" Kyo grinned oh so insanely. The longer his foe stayed hidden from sight, the longer the flame would be here, in turn the more power he would gain. This flame wasn't normal either, as it was not effected by neither temperature, nor air contents.
Mishra remined where he was, safe inside his own space as the walls began to twist even more. Again he yawned. This guy was doing things that Mishra could do naturally. Well, unnatural but it was natural now.

Watching the space contort and the white flame in Kyo's hands, Mishra began wondering. He apparently had a way to teleport. Now how does one stop such a thing? Working on a vibe, he conjured up his Dark Vortex magic.

All around Kyo his entropic orbs appeared, crackling with a lightning-like effect. But not just around Kyp but elsewhere to with ripping sound effects. Despite the random appearance they were placed that their pull on Kyo was all the same so they would be equally impressive on him, until he moved that was.

Mishra reappeared ghostlike, barely visible though the background made it more so. He had a serious face and was pointing at the vortexs.

"You idiot! Do you have any idea what you've done? I've done enough around here to alter space to the point where too much will rip it out entirely. You have to shut it down or this entire place will be swallowed into the void, and you with it! Stop the magic now or we're both dead!"

This last bit was a lie. Mishra existed elsewhere for now so he would end up completely safe.
Kyo smirked. "Come on, even I can see it, neither of us care what happens to the place, and both of us will survive if the worst comes. You're an insane man bluffing with another one of similar mind states." Not trusting the small objects sparking around Kyo, he almost moved when thousands of golden 7 inch needles flooded the room. They clustered around all the objects in the air. "Oh come on, Nakarasha, I was having fun..." Kyo spoke.

OOC: Nakarasha has entered the battle, a Bio will be put up shortly.