Never Ending Rp ~Sign up~


But, all the cool kids are doing it...
Jul 4, 2007
This is an idea I have had for sometime.
Since a lot of people have a character, that they cant use, since they might not be approved.
Or that you haven't completed the character, and wonder how certain types of weapons, and you want to test it out.
As well as for future balance. As in, 'Is this too powerful? and is this enough drawback?"

this is the place to test this out.
It will be a normal RP, anything goes.
You may RP here for several reasons.

-If you are unexperienced, and wish to train your skills. You may RP here.
-If you want a 'test realm' for a new character, to see how it works. You may RP here
-If you just want to RP. You may RP here.
-Keep the romance to low levels. The "worst" you can post, is kisses, and hugs.

Since this is a test realm, of sorts, I will allow characters, even if they are NOT approved.
This goes as well, for characters that DONT have completed bios. Perhaps you wish to make a history here, or gain ideas for magic/skills.

ANYONE can RP here, be they experienced, or a Newbie.
If you wish to get advice or not as you go, STATE so.
If nothing is stated, some advice may be given as you go. Or not

This RP has NO story. it is just as the normal world.
You go, and do your business as it happens.

Think of it as a never ending RP.
where any character, set in the Medieval time period, can join.
RP thread
I will use one of my own characters later om.
you HAVE to sign up, to join, and give me the char sheet, eighter bu URL, PM or post.

Player list
-Red Fox - Zotok Radaz
-Dominus - Heroc
-youngmastervivi - Rey Loys
-Sylar - Eric Reinas
-Nami - Nimble and Jack
-MasterCould - Crane valentine
-augie8787 - Lufes
-SephCountShadow - Solber Antilienious

NOT in the RP any more:
-Kellzie - Kelis
-Fusionist - Cali Drist
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Sounds kinda fun, Fox.

I kind of do need some more experience RP ing.

I'll create a bio for you. - I'm not really guessing but magic is allowed ....?

If ye (as in yes) < well that was random>

I shall create a charatcter call Vivicious McLane, alsp known as Young Master Vivi. A young master of the art, Black magic.


Anyway I was just wondering If I were to jion would I posibly be able to write in first person. Tis' okay if you say no.
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I thought I had explained that.

Since this is a test realm, of sorts, I will allow characters, even if they are NOT approved.
This goes as well, for characters that DONT have completed bios. Perhaps you wish to make a history here, or gain ideas for magic/skills.

so. yes, magics go.
and since this is a test place, of sorts, Guns may be allowed as well.
make your dude, and Ill add you after ^^
I didn't expect to get Shenny on this.
nor any other of the experienced ones.

You're WELCOME to enter ^^
and yes, I'll allow Pairs.

and yes. I know that no goals. can rob the meaning of the RP.
but this is where the players come in.
As you start RP'ing. Just make up something.
say, you heard of an exceptionally large gem.
And is hunting for it.

this alone, can start a 'storyline'

EDIT, I have now chosen a character.
Ill be using my Zotok.

Vivi. I did not get this before.
but Id like if you keep it in 3rd person.
it makes it just a tad easier to read.
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bah, it is ok.
Just post as you deem fit.
since no one can force you to do otherwise.
you have to have the time as well
If you called me experienced above I will lol - nor any other of the experienced ones. - if that was regarding me. I doubt it though. ... cos I know forks with more experience Rping than me.

Tis' fine that you said no to the first person idea - I was kindof regretting I actually wrote that.
yeah, I have to confirm that.
the experienced ones, are Shenny, Julius, Vextra, and members like those.
don't worry, they are beyond me as well. so you're not alone ^^

Also, the next post you do, I hope contains a character ^^
Hey Red Fox, I have a character I am in the middle of making I would like to use here. Since he is not ready yet I wanted to ask a few questions on restrictions, such as: Summoned creatures, is this allowed? If so, is there a limit to quality or quantity of the summoned creature(s)?

Magic, should I make a powerful arcane character should there be any limit to magical power or quantity?

Weapon limit: Is there a limit to quantity (My character lives in a castle so an armory can be used?)of weapons or the type?

As well as the usual rp fields are there any additional ones that would be necessary for such a rp?

If I have any more questions I will post them up, and my character shall be posted in soon as well.
Well, since this is not as strict as normal RP's. I still want basic limiting.

if you don't know if it is too much, it probably already is.

The basic limits, of carried weapons, and power management.
is the same as any RP.
this is just looser around the edges. since this can be a place to find out, if ti is too much, or if you can add more. Directly answer you
- YES, summons are ok.
however, if it is excessively strong, you have to balance this out win summoning time. and make yourself weaker. remember, a summoner is reliant on his/hers summons to damage/fight.

for info, read my character Teos (2nd last) he is a summoner, and I added some limiters to the summing/acquiring ideas.

-Magic, yes, you make make a powerful mage. HOWEVER, again, balance this. and do not make it ultima strong.

-Weapon limit. again, think of it, in real life, how much will your character be able to carry?
2 great swords is too much, 4 normal swords is too much.

if ANY other thins in question, firstly, think.

"Does this seem real?"
and if still in doubt, don't hesitate to ask.

Also, if you want someones opinion on a character.
without waiting for approval.
there is this topic:

That I now am a part of.
you can also PM it to any that have time (like me)
and a reply should be done
I want to join the RP to, so do I post my character bio here?
sure thing, I can nag at if if ya like, at least enough so you have the basics.
Hey, Red Fox, you think I can join? Here's by Bio:

well. there are several reason that I will NOT let you join.

your character, I feel that if one is a summoner, S/he should NOT have much other magic, or even skills.

Also, I cant say that I like your RP'in style, you often Power game (make yourself too powerful (or can take one too much damage)) Also, you G-mod some times (you decide what other characters do)

so. until I can see in other RPs that you can "balance" yourself, and play normally.
I will not let you in my RP's


Arthvader is NOT Accepted
Ok, Well, I guess I'll still see you at Balamb Garden Then. I'll try to balance out my character there, ok? And hey, I'll even balance my Bio.
Look. I'm going to warn everybody in this RP right now.

If you allow Arthvader in, you WILL HAVE TO set up SUPER-STRICT GUIDELINES! And you will have to reinforce these guidelines to a T, with no exceptions.

I'm sorry, Arth, but your lack of improvement has brought this on you. You brought it on yourself.

I STRONGLY CAUTION against allowing Arthvader into this RP. If you do, either set your standards super-high, or set them super-low. The former will force him to improve and weed him out, while the latter will just allow him to play.
@Hera. note the fact that he is NOT approved as of now.
also, Im talking to him, trying to help him getting better.
I know, this was just a warning for any members in this RP.

I can't caution against approving him and rules for those RPs that he's already signed up in. He's already in them.
well. I know im not the best RP'er. but I'm experienced enough to know that.

remember I have already RP'ed with him