Original New book idea NEED HELP


ShinRa Guard
Mar 1, 2008
Im starting a new book, as of now it is un titled. before i get too caught up in it id like to get some feed back on what i have to see if i should continue.
feel free to PM me what you think. enjoy.

London England

Bodies littered the floor, as they laid there dying I could still smell the blood pulsate through their veins. A bloody ceiling and the cries of their brothers would be the last thing they see and hear…I take the lives of others to guarantee that mine lives on.
This life I live is the only one I am accustomed to. Some believe that taking a life dooms yours to hell; I find that is only true if you have a soul for Satan to take. Some call me undead, others vampire, but most refer to me as monster, although this hurts because I didn’t choose to live on forever, and I certainly didn’t request a hunger for people I used to call my kin. The quest I’m on is the one for knowledge, not a cliché quest for knowledge like the meaning of life, or how I got this way. I know the second answer but that is for a different subject. The answer I seek is to the question…how to die.

Chapter I
Transylvania Romanian

The night was dark, the sky was blue, but the roads were paved in blood. Screams could be heard in the night for fear was present. The day was July 13 1478 and I was just a boy. Earlier that day our small village celebrated the newly wed couple of Felix and Clara Wayword. Two families became one that day, twenty-two families became zero that night…
As a boy my favorite way to pass the time was to walk out into the wood by myself to a remote opening I called my fort. In reality it was a clearing where two large trees fell to create a sort of club house for my friends and I. I would walk five miles from my small farm house just to fake a war with imaginary armies. Scenes of blood and gore would work their way into my boyish imagination as I sat on my perch above the madness. I would not join the fray until the majority of my army fell to the blades of my enemy. I could have saved their lives, I could of saved their families from the sadness and emptiness they were to face but seeing their hope leave their eyes as they stood on the door step to fake oblivion was what I craved.
I would gallantly jump from the log above the merciless fiends and slay them all with my crude stick that was in my mind a hand and a half sword with the edge that made razors look dull. Swinging in vicious arcs, and swirling as if I were trained in dance I slay the many foe that stand in my way. They would strike me but I was too tough, their blades broke as they hit me. Fear rose to their eyes for they new I would end them all. There was always that moment in my battles where they would scatter towards my home and I would chase them and kill them one by one with my supernatural abilities and strength. I won every fight, but the day of Clara’s wedding I lost the war.

On the way back to the place that haunts my dreams to this very day, I made a mistake; because of the rush of killing I ruined life as I knew it. I ran to chase down those deserters, I ran and dashed through trees to get them, I heard their fake screams, and their heavy breathing. Then I ran right into a low branch. This isn’t right! I thought, I’ve made this run many times over there was never a branch here? I franticly took in my surroundings, it was too dark here, the trees were too close together, there was a faint smell of blood and death in the air…and no not blood from my fake battle this was far too real, far too scary. As I pushed my way through the trees and bramble I could hear my heart beat deeply in my chest, I could feel the perspiration running down my spine. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t the only one.
As I stumbled through the thick roots of a large elm tree I tripped and fell, my head barely brushed a branch but I could feel my forehead get wet with blood. As I moved my hand to wipe the blood off of my brow I noticed it to was covered in blood. How could this be? My hand had yet to touch my head and it was the only thing that got hit. Then I noticed the smell, the smell of rust dirt, and life seeping through the ground. I was surrounded in it, I was kneeling in it. I stood up fast and ran. As I got deeper and deeper in the trees the smell grew. I wanted to turn around and go back but I didn’t know which way that was.
After what seemed like hours of running I finally made it out of the woods into a clearing too similar like the one I was accustomed to, the only difference was this clearing was filled with death. Carcasses were scattered throughout the clearing, some of animals a few of men and in the middle lay a man covered in rustic armor. I screamed to myself to turn and run buy a hint of lust and curiosity aroused in my gut. Did he kill all of these beast and the men scattered throughout them? I walked closer my blood crawled to a stop, my shoulders eased and my breathing swallowed…I knew this was right. I leaned on one knee next to this fighter that I wanted so much to be like. It wasn’t till I removed his helmet that two things hit me.
First was that this man was actually a girl, and her beauty stole the breath as it reached my throat. As I got accustomed to her appearance I noticed the second unusual thing about her, all the blood around her seemed to miss her armor and went directly to her mouth and neck as if she was feeding. Was she alive? I bent close to see if she was breathing. As my ear brushed her open lips my heart dropped, not one breath. I felt as if I lost a lover that I never got to embrace. I stood up and turned my back to her, a single tear rolled down my cheek. Finding a way through all the bodies wasn’t the hard part, the hard part was not looking back on the fallen goddess that lay amongst them.
I didn’t make it too far, a small breeze brushed my cheek and the smell of crushed roses rushed my nostril, before I could turn to look I felt something lung onto my shoulder blades. Not one scream left my lips, in an instant I felt a sharp pain on my neck. Was I dying? No this felt too good to be dying. I felt strength course through my veins…and life leave my body.