New ff14 user needs help multi questions.


Oct 17, 2010
ff 14 help for new user multi questions I have just started playing this game and i have multi questions.

1. i am discipline of war does that mean now i cant craft anything. i tried to learn bs but they turned me away. I read you can easily change your spec by epquipping a different type of weapon but i cant find any of these weapons anywhere.

2. where do i go to find quest. guildleve or factionleve. I started in the place called la no...... and i did the starter quest and he pointed me to an area that had a few more quest but now thats it. i am level 7 and i cant find any more quest to do.

3. Where's the Auction House or whatever they call it in this game.

4. anima is used to transport what do you do when you run out. it doesnt seem like it replenishes very fast

5. Do they have guilds in this game. i havent gotten any offiers and usually in an mmo you get 15 offers by the time you hit level 2.

quick recap
1. question about mining and bs if discipline of war
2. where do you find more quest
3. wheres the ah
4. anima how fast does it replenish
5. Where are all the guilds at
You've already made a thread about this and it was moved to the FFOnline Help Booth. No need to make multiple threads. Thanks. :)

*Thread Closed*