New Here


Sep 7, 2008
Indiana, US
Hey all.. ^_^ These looked like nice forums, so I decided to sign up.. I haven't really been active on a Final Fantasy forum since I was about 14, but I'm hoping to change that.

Obviously, I'm a huge Final Fantasy nerd. :P I've beaten Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, 12, and Dirge of Cerberus. I'm close to beating Final Fantasy IV DS right now as well. My favorite Final Fantasy games are VI, IX, and X.

I love doing Final Fantasy graphics and music videos. It's debatable whether I'm actually going to get into Graphics here because the style of signatures that people on these forums make is a lot different than the stuff I'm used to making. As for music videos, It's been about a year since I made a new one, but if anyone would like to check them out, they are on Youtube, on an account named Lenne155. (My profile is looking a bit messy because that hasn't been updated in awhile either :P)

Anyway, it's great to be a part of this forum. ^_^ I'm looking forward to meeting some of the people here.
Hello! And welcome to the forum. I only joined on Friday i think, and everybody is really cool and nice here, unlike most forums i've been on. :D

But Hey! Welcome, please to make your aquaintance...
Welcome to FFF, hope you enjoy your time here and make many good friends. :D

Words of advice: Avoid Ryan at all costs :wacky:
Welcome to Final Fantasy Forums! Check out the GFX Clans La Primavera and The Illuminati. They are groups with people interested in doing graphics. You can also open up a graphics shop here and showcase your work. I'm sure you can either PM Coco or The Sephiroth Gene for more information about La Primavera and The Illuminati, respectively.

Maybe Kilika is a good place to start:
