New High Quality Final Fantasy XIII Screens in English!

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
Square Enix have just revealed new high quality English screenshots of Final Fantasy XIII!








Awesome! Its finally coming, localization is at least starting. It's on its way...eventually. The line on the fourth image down doesn't sound quite right. Unless SE is continuing with the pseudo old English of Final Fantasy XII.

Even for real gameplay, the graphics look very impressive. And of course the CG is phenomenal. A couple new faces I haven't seen before too, including apparently a new playable character. I purposely don't keep up with new information though. When I get it I want to be surprised. As I've been saying for at least a year, can't wait. Thanks for the post Oerba.
Is it just me or can you break the HP limit in this game too? I noticed Sahz's hp in one scan at 01123 and this 'Brynhildr' (is that his summon? Can't remember) with 24289

Hope this is better balanced for it than FF10 was :gonk: (where once you break 9999 you can survive everything but the most powerful blows, story wise)
Awesome looking pics! I like the way the battles look great and the characters even better. In what The Emperor was saying I think it would cool if the characters HP could break 9999, I like not having a set HP. It makes the game feel really set in its ways, I like to be able to customize the characters in that way.
Ummmmm Yun fang: You want to keep breathing then come quitely? o_O Omg wow xD anyways yeah she is real sexy and Bahamut looks really cool in high quality. What happened to Ifrit in the first trailer then? Brunhild is really cool too
I know this might be shooting in the dark with this question but has Square-Enix said anything about a difficulty setting or maybe a game plus feature? This games graphics are insanely beautiful.
There's nothing very archaic about the lexis being used in this game, unlike Final Fantasy XII. I don't particularly mind anyway, but I quite liked FFXII's old English style. The graphics are stunning- I don't care if the myth about it being toned down for the Xbox 360 is true or not- I am astonished by the graphics. As expected from Square-Enix, it is utterly phenomenal.

@Ashadelo- As of now, we haven't heard anything about difficulty settings or game plus features, but we'll find out soon.

If what was said about the lack of installation required on the Playstation3 version of the game is correct, a lot of faith has been restored back in Square-Enix.
I know this might be shooting in the dark with this question but has Square-Enix said anything about a difficulty setting or maybe a game plus feature? This games graphics are insanely beautiful.
Nothing has been said in terms of difficulty options or new game+, however, from people that have played have the demos, I've been told that it is quite a bit harder than FFXII, which in all honestly, I prefer.
I feel like I'm just repeating what everyone else says, but the graphics are really phenomenal. The detail in the landscape behind Bahamut is amazing.
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