Final Fantasy Lover
Hello Fans !
You have already discovered my covers of Final Fantasy, but this is not my main activity in music since my real goal is to compose for video games and movies. I released an album in November 2019 and I'm currently working on an independent video game called "Intemporel" by the "Flying Butter" Studio (It means Timeless, in French). I let you discover the Rise & Fall album to dive into my world!
You have already discovered my covers of Final Fantasy, but this is not my main activity in music since my real goal is to compose for video games and movies. I released an album in November 2019 and I'm currently working on an independent video game called "Intemporel" by the "Flying Butter" Studio (It means Timeless, in French). I let you discover the Rise & Fall album to dive into my world!

Rise & Fall
RISE & FALL : CINEMATIC ALBUM BY JASON DE ROECK Rise & Fall est mon premier album de compositions originales dans le style d'une bande son de film ou de jeu ...

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