New to the forum


May 2, 2008
Nashville, TN
Joined because I recently purchased Crisis Core

Got into the Final Fantasy series back when Final Fantasy 7 first came out. I won it on a Pepsi twist cap. I had never played a RPG before that other than Secret of Mana.


I beat FF7 back then
Purchased but never finished FF8
Purchased but never finished Xenogears
Purchased and am currently playing Crisis Core.

Any other RPGs that are similar to the games listed above are more than welcomed as suggestions when I finish CC.
Hello, welcome the Forum, im new aswell. Kingdom Hearts is a good one for when you've finished CC.
Welcome to the forums...hmmm, Other great Rpgs i have played are other FF games, Suikoden, and Suikoden II (These are becomeing kinda rare), and the early Breath of Fire Series.
Joined because I recently purchased Crisis Core

Got into the Final Fantasy series back when Final Fantasy 7 first came out. I won it on a Pepsi twist cap. I had never played a RPG before that other than Secret of Mana.


I beat FF7 back then
Purchased but never finished FF8
Purchased but never finished Xenogears
Purchased and am currently playing Crisis Core.

Any other RPGs that are similar to the games listed above are more than welcomed as suggestions when I finish CC.

the kingdom hearts series (I'd suggest playing KHI FIRST.), Tales of the Abyss, and Tales of Symphonia might do you some good justice. I highly recommend the last two.

Anywho, welcome to the boards an' shit :neomon: