Nippon: The Eight Canine Warriors *Sign-up's*


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Jun 12, 2006
United Kingdom, Wales

The land of Nippon has been at peace for generations, emperors have come and gone and still no wars have ensured between the eight regions of the land. It’s true; this land is the most peaceful on the earth, mostly forgotten by other lands across the sea because of its natural tendency to be at peace. Because of this fact, Nippon has become a land inhabited by mythical creatures, all live in a natural circle of life with the humans. The species range from small critters such as rabbits, foxes and birds to the more majestic of creatures such as dragon’s, unicorns and sea serpents.

Nippon holds much mystery and magic behind its history and has been home to the most understanding and magnificent of emperors and empresses. It is they’re great leadership that had led to the many years of peace and quiet. But this age of peace was destined to come to an end. The empress of the Kanto region was approached by and old fortune teller by the name of Madame Fawn. Only the god’s knew how she managed to sneak past the guards but Empress Himiko was an understanding soul and so she beckoned the old woman forth and listened to her story.

She told of an evil that would fall from the sky in the shape of a flaming rock. This in tow would cause an earthquake of which the likes the world had never seen before, not because of its natural disastrous effects, but because of the evil that would emerged from its depths. From the cracks would seap an evil that had for generations been waiting to destroy the peaceful land and make way for a throne fit for they’re evil lord who in turn would turn his dark intentions on the rest of the world.

The old fortune teller explained that the gods would fall from grace upon this occurrence and they’re constellations would erupt and fall like dust from the skies. They’re powers would be lost and Nippon would fall into an age of darkness, one unlike the world had ever seen before.

Himiko sat flabbergasted at her throne, unsure of what to think of this prediction. Madame Fawn laughed at the look of shock on the empress’s face and sat down cross legged, taking from her sack a crystal ball. She motioned for Himiko to sit opposite and gaze into the crystal. Hesitantly, Hikiko rested on the floor, legs bend under her and looked into the clear crystal. What she saw was horrific. Her region falling into darkness and attacked by unspeakable beings, a dark figure sat at her throne, laughing. Her people dressed in rags, bowing before him, herself included.

The fortune teller then smiled, reassuring Himiko that there was indeed a way to better this situation. Yes the hour of darkness would come, but there was still time to prepare in order to fight back against the darkness that would surly come. With a flash of light, the image changed and the crystal ball showed eight warriors, bathed in light who were successfully battling the evil beings away.

“I will leave you a warrior, with extraordinary powers. One that will restore the gods to they’re original power and who can harvest immaculate skills. You are to teach it the ways of the warrior and by the time it comes of age, the darkness will already have fallen across your land. The warrior will know what to do when the time comes and will strive to fight off the evil that comes your way, but be warned I can not foretell the future of this warrior, whether it will join the ranks of good or darkness is beyond my vision and whether it will succeed is also unknown to me, they are after all free willed. So be prepared to face the worst.”

It had been told from the beginning of time that there would came an age of darkness, but never was it looked upon as being true, but this fortune tellers prediction matched it perfectly. The legend told of warriors with unique characteristics who would restore the power of the gods and use them to they’re advantage in aiding them against evil, but along the way betrayal, heartbreak and torture would lay in wait. The characteristics were of: Chu (Loyalty), Jin (Justice), Gi (Duty), Tei (Brotherhood), Rei (Honour), Chi (Knowledge), Ko (Wisdom) and Shin (Faith).

Himiko nodded in response and where the fortune teller stood appeared a bundle on the palace floor. A whine emerged from the blankets and Himiko stepped forward to be met by prying eyes. A young canine pup looked up at her from the bundle of sheets.

Surprised by the form the chosen one had taken, Himiko immediately called a meeting of the emperors at her palace. Messengers were sent out across the land of Nippon to the seven more regions requesting a meeting with the leaders at Himiko’s palace. They met under the great cherry blossom tree and to each others surprise, they had all been bestowed with a warrior by the exact same woman. Some were in canine forms, some in partial human forms.

The fortune was confirmed by the leaders and an agreement was settled, these infants would be trained as the first true warriors of Nippon. No one knew of what to expect from them, they’re powers were unknown as were they’re futures, but all were trained by the leaders themselves. Pushed to extreme heights with they’re training, they were loved and cared for, but also trained extremely hard under the iron fists of the emperor’s and empresses. Twenty years passed and the day of darkness soon emerged.

A flaming ball fell from the heavens and in its wake shattered the constellations of the gods. They wailed in pain and the remainder fell like stardust to the earth, it became clear to the warriors of what needed to be done. They met at the centre of the land where the statues of the gods were once positioned, where people would pray constantly, but instead there now sat a flaming wasteland as far as the eye could see. Protected by a veil of evil, the flaming furnace was unreachable and they knew that something of terrible power lay within.

The Gods needed to be found and returned to they’re home in the heavens. Without they’re power, the warriors could not break the shield of evil and defeat whatever lay in wait there. The only problems that face them were the locations of the fallen gods. They would have to search if they ever were to find them. But the future of these warriors were unknown, anything could be waiting around the corner for the eight canine warriors.

Sum Up!

You are one of the eight canine warriors who have been sent forth to save the earth from evil. But you cannot break the barrier past the field of flames without the aid of the gods. You have been trained in your own unique way and hold powers unlike any mere man and now set out to return the gods to they’re home in the heavens. Along the way you will battle demons, restore lost territory and answer the prayers of the people of Nippon. Temporarily you are the only hope Nippon has, viewed as gods for the time being.

Set in traditional Japan, an age of wide and vast fields where mythical creatures roam and many secrets are waiting to be revealed. Cities are run by emperors and empresses and people ride horseback.


Kanto – This land is partially city-like, surrounded by fields but home to the biggest city (Tokyo) and home to the Empress Himiko. This is where the holy scroll of the legend of the eight canine warriors resides. (Taken - Shadowfaith)

Hokkaido – A large island surrounded by sea, deserted from the main land and home to some of the quaintest farm’s and secluded life. Emperor Kojo rules this region.

Tohoku – The uppermost part of Nippon, ruled by Emperess Seijin. This land is mostly agricultural and is home to many historical artefacts.

Chubu – The centremost part of Nippon, this was where the statues of the gods rested before they were destroyed by the flaming ball. The most part of this region is wasteland now, but at its edge lays the sacred city where Emperor Waka lives.

Kansai – The southern central region ruled by Emperpor Kurosaki. Since the age of darkness fell, this land has become home to many refugees from Chubu.

Chugoku – The westernmost part of the land. This is home to the Empress Tikal.

Shikoku - An island just of the cost of the main land, the northern part of this region is bathed in ice, ruled by Emperor Shimesh.

Kyushu – An island ruled by the empress Otohime. This land is basically one big coast, mostly shrouded in water.

The Gods
The god’s have been shattered all over the land of Nippon, to find them you will have to use your noses. Each god has its own ability that it will more than willingly pass onto you after you have restored it.
They consist of: The Rat, The Ox, The Tiger, The Rabbit, The Dragon, The Snake, The Horse, The Sheep, The Monkey, The Rooster, The Dog and The Pig.

The Canine Warriors
These warriors have the unique ability to turn into dogs. They’re human selves have canine characteristics, such as ears and a tail and all hold one elemental power each. Each canine warrior was graced with a virtue that ran strongest within them. Your dog form will need to be described in your sign up along with the species. You can make this form of yourself as out there as you like, that means your dog form can be pink with dark pink tattoos for all I care.

The eight virtues of the canine warriors are as follows, make your character compatible with your chosen virtue:

Gi (Duty): A warrior of great confidence and courage that will stand up for anyone who has put they’re faith in it, putting aside its own needs and fighting on and on. (Taken - Shadowfaith)
Chu (Loyalty): A warrior who’s first intention is to stay loyal to its team or any person who has put trust in it.
Jin (Justice): This warrior knows right from wrong and will follow the path that best befits itself.
Tei (Brotherhood): A warrior who would do anything to save those it loves or respects.
Rei (Honour): A warrior so trustworthy that if it were to break its honour would shatter it completely, reliable and trustworthy.
Chi (Knowledge): Knowing the ways of the world and how things work is what this warrior demands from life.
Ko (Wisdom): One would think this warrior to have lived for thousands of years from the understanding of the earth and creatures around it.
Shin (Faith): A true believer, this warrior knows no bounds and will hold its head high even in the stormiest of weather.

Each warrior is graced with an element taught to it by the emperor/empress that raised it. Your elements will start of weak, but will grow with time.

Fire: Level 1-Can control fire to a degree, can make fire move from a source for a short distance.
Level 2- Can control fire but not create it. Can move fire or have it do his/her bidding.
Level 3-Can creates fire in the palm of his/her hand and can use it to do his/her bidding.
Level 4- Can create fire not just in the palm of ones hand, but anywhere.
Level 5- Can control fire completely.

Water: Level 1-Can control water to a degree, can make water move from a source for a short distance
Level 2- Can control water but not create it, can have water do his/her bidding (example, make a small whirlpool or tidal wave).
Level 3- Can make it rain (only outdoors) so that no water source is needed.
Level 4- Can make it rain anywhere and can also create horrific weather.
Level 5 – Can control water completely.

Lightning: Level 1- Can use lightning through his/her weapon.
Level 2 – Can move lightning from ones weapon to use at a distance in battles or to do his/her bidding.
Level 3 – Can control lightning through ones weapon (more powerful than level 2) and thunderstorms.
Level 4 – Can create thunderstorms anywhere and create lightning in ones palm.
Level 5 – Can control lightning completely.

Wind: Level 1- Can create small gusts of wind but not control it, enough for example, to power a windmill.
Level 2 – Can control the wind, therefore change its direction.
Level 3 – Can make bigger gusts of wind, enough to throw bigger creatures off balance.
Level 4 – Can make wind slice through the air, making it dangerous.
Level 5 – Can control wind completely.

Earth: Level 1 – Can break small boulders and control small rocks.
Level 2 – Can break bigger boulders and also throw them
Level 3 – Can pull boulders from the earth and use to ones advantage.
Level 4 – Can control the ground, vines and other plant life.
Level 5 – Can control the element of earth completely.

Ice: Level 1 – Can lower the temperature for a short period of time and freeze small objects.
Level 2 – Can lower the temperature more drastically for a longer period of time and create small icicles/snowballs.
Level 3 – Can lower the temperature drastically for as long as one wishes, turning a hot summer’s day into cold winter tundra, can control ice under this weather.
Level 4 – Can make ice, even in hot weather.
Level 5 – Can control ice completely. (Taken - Shadowfaith)

Psychic: Level 1 – Can read minds of other for a few seconds.
Level 2 – Can control the minds/actions of other for a few minutes
Level 3 – Can read the minds of others deeper and control others actions completely.
Level 4 – Can use ones mind to lift objects and use to ones advantage.
Level 5 – Has complete control over ones psychic powers

Poison: Level 1 – Can use toxins to ones advantage (example being can gather the toxins from flames and such)
Level 2 – One becomes immune to any poisonous toxin and can create balls of poison sludge to throw at enemies.
Level 3- Gains the ability to use poison through ones weapon as well as breathe toxin.
Level 4 – Toxin courses through ones blood, making nails and teeth poisonous.
Level 5 – Has complete control over poison. (For example, can create a poisonous toxin, or even cure illnesses caused by toxins.)

You can use weapons such as knives, axes, bows and arrows, boomerangs, slingshots, spears, swords, nunchaku, staffs and kunai/shuriken. Try to vary your weapons from the other characters so we can have some choice and unique style in the RPG.

Sign up

Age: 20 (Default)
Description: (Traditional Japanese times)
Personality: (Match it with your virtue as much as possible)
Virtue: (Choose from the list above: One each)
Element: (Choose from the list above: One each)
Region: (Choose from the list above: (One each)
Weapon: (Two tops, try not to make your primary weapon the same as someone else's primary weapon)
History: (Yours training ext)

Name: (Your virtue)
Species: (Dog species)
Description: (As wild as you like)

Eight spaces, minus mine: Seven spaces left for you all.

I'' be taking the Virtue of Gi, the region of Kanto and the element of Ice.


Name: Mika Hitachiin

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Description: Mika could most certainly be described as beautiful. She has pure white skin deprived of any make up to make it so and shocking blue eyes. Her hair is a long, icy blue mane with streaks of white running all the way through it and she has a thin frame, but well toned to go with her natural beauty. She wears a light blue hakama and a white kimono robe to cover her upper body, this then is tucked into a royal blue obi. She then wears a pair of traditional sandals on her feet. She’s a little over average height for a twenty year old female and her features do tend to look a little canine even without the extra additions of long, light blue wolfs ears and a long flowing tail. Her eyes are defiantly shaped as that of a wolfs and she bears small canines that can just about be seen over the fold of her lip. A cluster of blue jewelry decorates her neck, her wrists, her ankles and even her hair and ears.

Beneath the hakama and kimono is more loose fitted attire, made for battle and fast movement. She wears a loose fitted white top with blue thread, decorated with light, blue jewels embroided into the folds and a pair of baggy, loose fitting dark blue trousers that come to a stop just above the ankle, so that she does not trip. A loose light blue thread for a belt holds the trousers in place.

Personality: Mika is normally quite calm and relaxed even when in stressful situations, but this could also be seen as an air of sarcasm or mockery to her foe. She takes her training and her duty seriously and has braved many trials set to her by the empress in order to prove herself. She is a perfectionist and will try and try until she gets every detail correct, in her world, there is no room for fault or even room for the slightest mistake, Mika was trained to observe anything and everything, not to trust or take anything for granted, she aims for perfection and will not let her mistakes put herself or others in danger. She is a harsh, but fair leader who will push her team to they're highest limit, but she down not mean to harm them in any way, only to watch them grown and blosom into the greatset warriors the world has ever seen, she wants to do her family and the gods proud of her and she believes that this is the only way she will ever accomplish such perfection as to be honored in such a way.

Virtue: Gi (Duty)

Element: Ice

Region: Kanto

Weapon: Mika has been trained in both the art of close combat and long range. Though she is more commonly seen using the twin blades she keeps in sheaths at her side, she can also use the bow and arrows she carries on her back, though they are not her primary weapon. The blades are a pure white silver, with the handle’s both made out of darker silver in the shape of a wolfs head holding a ice blue sapphire. The bow is made of oak wood, carved so that it looks like a cluster of icicles and embedded with the same sapphire stones, the arrows are of a similar design and bare white silver tips. The quiver is of the same wood as the bow with a similar design.

History: Will edit

Other: Mika has never before been in contact with fire, she has seen it but never been close as warned by the empress herself, so something of the sort could be trouble for her. Though she has been trained to stay clear, she has not been trained to deal with it, she is as of yet unable to freeze any form of fire or overwhelming heat.


Name: Gi

Species: Tundra Wolf

Description: Kali’s fur turns an icy blue with white streaks running through it. Her stomach is completely white and her front paws are colored the same. She has a proud demeanor as her chest always seems to be puffed out, but this is only the doing of her species. Her eyes are typical wolf eyes, only her iris is a shocking blue color and her tail is the same icy blue with white specks. Apart from her coloring, another unusual trait is the dark blue markings that cover her body, they tend to make some sort of tribal pattern, and this is even evident on her face and her tail. Her ears are longer than average and the tuffs of fur atop her head and back are a little thicker than what should be average. She has long, flowing whiskers that pull together into one flowing strand, like that of a chinese dragon and white feathers sprout from a dark blue headdress on top of her head and her ankles, neck and tail are home to bangles, necklaces and trinkets, even her fur is mattered with jewels and valuables. White, ribbon like stands, that appear to be apart of her fur, whirl around in the wind and the fur at her ankles, elbows and shoulder blades are oddly curled so that they resemble some sort of wisp.

Other: N/A
This looks like so much fun!

Name: Takashiro Chien-Po (Po-po or just Po)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Description: Chien-Po couldn't quite shake his canine form and as a result appears more dog than man. His jaw jutts out further than a normal man, and his pointed nose ends in a flat pillowy mass thats usually cold to the touch. His eyes are a dark brown and his reddish hair sticks up in a mohawk like a hyena. His incisors are long and sharp and his ears are pointed and floppy. Red and black lines streak across his skin matching the fur pattern of his dog form. Built muscular and husky, he looks more like a walking tank than a man. Long, firm legs easily support his mass and years of training has left him quick on his feet. His most physically distinguishing feature is the half inch hairlip he has exposing his front and left two teeth.

He often wears ...(Need to edit I don't know much about traditional Japanese times)

Personality: Introspective and kind. He all too often has wears his heart on his sleeve and easily has his feelings hurt by others. Too proud to show physically how he feels however makes it hard for others to read him. When he's able to loosen up he becomes light-hearted and jovial often making bold speculation about situations and stating obvious facts to keep the mood light. His most recent brush with loss and the hearing of his father's last words has given him a second skin that keeps his true feelings of self-pride and courage well hidden even from himself. Reliable and helpful he always sticks to his word.

Virtue: Rei (Honour)
Element: Fire
Region: Chuba

Main Weapon - Chien-Po originally refused all weaponry but on the day he descovered himself to be a monster he choose to weild a massive Golden Shield. The front of which has the symbol for Peace and Prosperity engraved in large bold letters. The shield is very heavy and works well as a bludgeoning device, it can be retrofitted with spikes later, but Po opted not to do that at this time.

Back-up Weapon - A broken sword. He claims that it is a complete sword that can cut anything, but he refuses to use it except defensively. The hilt and guard are intact but the blade itself was cracked in half, it is difficult to tell what kind of sword it was.

History: The honorable Emporor Waka always dignified himself as a visage in reflection of his people, often taking time to put his ear to the ground and listen. In good times the city walls remained open and the emporor gladly conversed with his people, they hailed him in song and stooped in reverance as he passed. When the will of the multitudes would gather at the temple gates, clashing steel to flesh with the temple guards, demanding wildly to have the 'freak-messiah' burned in sacrifice to the stars. He listened patiently, smiled discreetly and politely closed the doors. Though it was through love that young Chien-Po was protected, true patience in the eye of the enemy was the hardest lesson to learn.

Life within the temple was awe-inspiring, Po was able to hear the story of his ancestors and the great deeds that they had accomplished, and speculation at the great tasks they would help him perform. But he was rigorously trained in combat, coerced into pushing his physical limitations and sought to use none of it. Guided to the philosophy that all things stem from the mind, he arrived at the conclusion that thought was power, and rebuked his interest in fighting with a weapon opting instead to continue his training unarmed.

His father had advised against this by explaining that the time for bloodshed in the name of good was at their doorstep. But the fearful look of his coddled childs face eased his insistance and challenged Waka to remain faithful that his son would choose to fight when the time came.

The light and arid Chuba was immaculate. Blessed with a booming agriculture and colorful seasons that dazzled and sparkled in the midst of the upcoming doom. The sacred city perched in the highest point oversaw most of the flowing countryside. And it was here Po would take advantage of the abundant leisure time he was allowed by resting his head under a cypress tree and watch the wind dance along the terraced rice fields.

Po always grew faster than the other children and though he physically appeared very different from them, they came to regard him as their big brother. But step foot from the temple and the citizens all but spat their poisionous thoughts as he walked. It was one such outing that Po first learned of his deformity, a wobbly street urchin callously peered into his dark black eyes and shrieked 'its the monster da talks about, the Emperor's diseased son'. He had approached Waka in tears then and angrily beseeched his father to be removed from his father's house. The patient emperor merely chuckled and said :

"It is not the evil toil of man that marks you 'monster' in the eyes of the enemy, instead it is the compassion in your heart to protect that man that makes you a 'hero'."

It was on that day that Po manifested his passion to protect others and choose for his final weapon against the amassing darkness in the form of a massive golden shield.

On the fabled day when the statues of the Gods were shattered, Takashiro Chien-Po greeted the people of his country at the doorstep to his fathers quarters, he begged them to remain calm and not claim innocent blood to their hands. The enraged mob crashed against the dog-man's mighty shield, but he held firm. As the mob prepared a battering ram to bust down the gate Po felt the graceful hand of his father firmly squeeze his shoulder. The crowd grew hushed.

"Chien-Po, my son," he had said drying the tears of his only real relation on his robes, "it is only one man that these people want. Let me go, and rid the evil that took the hearts of these fine people!"

The emperor was lost in the throng of citizens who believed themselves wronged in their faith in Waka, sought vengence of blood for the crime of killing many of their loved ones. When the mob dispersed he found Waka horribly defiled with a large broken sword jutting from his chest, Po had witnessed the death of his father and swore vengence in his name to accomplish the goal set before him, no matter what the cost. As a symbol of his passion he removed the broken sword from his father's chest and kept it pledging to keep the weighted steel until the day he could plunge it into the heart of the darkness. He left to meet his brothers and sisters who would work with him towards this goal...

Other: N/A ?

Name: Rei
Species: Mutt, half bull-dog the rest is a mix
Description: Po looks identical in his human form as he does in dog form. His light tan skin turns to fur and the stripes become more prominent, his jaw juts out farther and his eyes grow narrower. His ears move higher up and his hind quarters tuck in towards his middle.
Other: N/A ?

I took a whole lot of liberties with the back story, but I was feeling like I needed to put some effort into my characters so I hope its ok. If not I'll change anything you don't like. Hope I get in!
Nah it's all good, just remember to finish your description, I can understand your need to look up on the clothing lol.
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