Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III


Jun 6, 2006
With Kingdom Hearts II now out in America and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ on the way to Japan, the question in the minds of Kingdom Hearts fans throughout the world is, what's up with Kingdom Hearts III? Producer Tetsuya Nomura answered that very question in an interview featured in the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation.

"We've already been approached by the Disney side saying that they want us to make it," said the busy producer regarding the next installment in the series. "What I can say at this time is 'We have various ideas, but we're not at the point where we can say that.' Looking at the development schedule, after KHII FM+, the Kingdom Hearts team has Final Fantasy Versus XIII awaiting, so it's physically impossible at the present. I feel that it's not the right time to talk about the future of Kingdom Hearts."

Nomura is currently busy with a number of projects, including the Kingdom Hearts II update, FF Versus XIII, Subarashiki Kono Sekai (DS), Monotone (mobile), Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode (mobile), Crisis Core (PSP) and the Advent Children Blu-ray.

<span class="smallfont">Source: IGN</span>
Funny thing is that I was told to never refer to the next installment as "Kingdom Hearts III"—it's what I get for staying with folk for so long. :P I agree somewhat with Nomura. Even I think that now isn't the time to build up the hype with announcing their developments on the project.
It will be released someday, It would be cool if it got released on the Wii cuz you can use the Nunchuck as a keyblade:rolleyes:
Kingdom Hearts II is not out in America .... no mention of Europe in your post :P

Meh well ... this might stop some random Kingdom Hearts III threads that pop up.

ummmm yeah kingdom hearts 2 has been out in america for awhile now
AAHHHH!!!!! Kingdom Hearts III? I just beat the first one and havent even played the 2nd one yet...I have some catching up to do.
This news is interesting since I was told that Kingdom Hearts III would have less Disney influence than I & II. However, the content of this version of news proves otherwise.-_-
WooT! i am glad there will be another one, no matter how long it takes to come out... but.. i hope that more Final Fantasy VIII characters will be in it, such as Rinoa, Quistis and Edea... Vincent needs to be in it too... the almost have the whole damn cast of FF7 in there anyway, so why not add in Vincent AND Barret
Because by adding vincent and Barret in there would surly mean they need to add more characters from the other ones, i do however feel that Zidane at least needs to be added as the only FF IX character in there is Vivi

But what bugs me is the apperance of X-2 Yuna and co. Get them out i really hate them, add in Shinra.

Damn it they really have a few changes to make in order to please the more big time Final fatasy fans, but the games are amazing.
I think kingdom Hearts III won't be coming out for many years. Also I think that it will have two stories. One story is the story before the first Kingdom hearts and the 2nd story is the story after Kingdom Hearts II. I also think that the secret video at the end of the game was aclip of the past from Kingdom Hearts.
i think KH3 will just be based on Sora, Kairi and Riku. werent there pics of Sora's face in KH3 in a torn helmet floating the internet somewhere
Im kind of wondering how they will approach Kingdom Hearts 3. Because I like how they braught back alot of old skool disney stuff in KHII. It just made me nostalgic of when I was a little kid (although I only visited Disney World one time :P). But I remember watching Disney Channel and what not.

What would be cool is if they put Duck Tales or Dark Wing Duck in that... Anyone remember a cartoon called Gargoyle's too? I hope to see more old skool disney stuff like that.

Beast in KH2 at level 99 was funny as hell "GET UP" and everyone in the area dies, lol.
If it does it should have old skool characters (im tired of seeing FFVII / FFVII characters, The only character they put from a previous FF game was Setzer, and they made him lame in KH2 =/). Plus Cloud is never going to fucking kill Sephiroth and Sephiroth is never going to kill cloud their just going to keep running away.